
世界地理研究 ›› 2018, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (06): 158-167.

• 文化与社会 • 上一篇    下一篇

基于“ 簇—群” 联结的传统村镇风貌解析与修复——以荆紫关镇为例


  1. 河南省郑州市东风路5号郑州轻工业学院
  • 收稿日期:2016-11-28 修回日期:2017-05-15 出版日期:2018-12-15 发布日期:2018-12-10
  • 通讯作者: 刘磊
  • 基金资助:

Analysis and Restoration of Traditional Villages and Towns Based on “Cluster—Group” Connection—— Take Jingzi Guan Town As An Example

Lei LIU   

  • Received:2016-11-28 Revised:2017-05-15 Online:2018-12-15 Published:2018-12-10
  • Contact: Lei LIU
  • Supported by:

摘要: “簇—群”联结,是广泛存在于传统村落发展过程中的基本空间模式关系,是人类在认识、改造自然 过程中文化觉醒之于聚居实践的直接投射。以“簇—群”联结视角展开的传统村镇研究,不仅利于理解地域聚居的风貌演化规律,更有利于把握地域聚居演变的深层动因机制。同样,基于“簇—群”联结逻辑所还原出的空间发展轨迹图式,能够与现行的保护和开发工作相印证,甄别其失准症结。尤其在面对中原这样物质基底残破严重、文化底蕴积淀深厚的典型地域时,有助于克服资料取证、文化梳理的障碍,完成对地域聚居原真文化特质的提炼,并及时将准适程度反馈、应用于相关部门的开发决策中。研究从构思背景、架构解读、实践应用三重层面系统阐述了“簇—群”联结的理念推导及应用过程,并对此专题研究的后续延伸和完善方向做出了体悟思考。


Abstract: “Cluster - Group” connection is a kind of basic mode relationship which exists widely in the development process of the traditional villages and towns, is the direct reflection of culture project on the settlement practice in the process of understanding and reforming nature of human beings. The research of traditional villages and towns from the view of “Cluster - Group” connection, not only help to understand the evolution regulation, but also help to grasp the deep motivation mechanism of the features of regional communities. The schema of space development track which is reduced based on the "Cluster - Group" connection logic, can confirming the current protection and development work, find out the crux of the problem. Especially when facing with the typical cases which is have the seriously broken material basement but have the profoundly cultural heritage, such as Central Plains Area, this method is conducive to extract the characteristics of the inhabited culture while contributing to overcome the obstacles of data forensics and cultural carding, conducive to feedback and apply to the decision making of relevant departments timely. Paper systematically expounds the derivation process and the application examples of the concept of "Cluster—Group" connection from the three aspects: conception background, framework interpretation and practical application, pointed out the direction of extension and perfection of this theory.
