
世界地理研究 ›› 2016, Vol. ›› Issue (3): 12-20.

• 世界政治与经济 • 上一篇    下一篇


周尚意1,李银河Youngmin Lee2   

  1. 1. 北京师范大学地理学与遥感科学学院
    2. 韩国梨花女子大学
  • 收稿日期:2016-01-25 修回日期:2016-02-22 出版日期:2016-06-16 发布日期:2016-06-02
  • 通讯作者: 周尚意
  • 基金资助:


The Impacts of the Social Network on China Identity of the Korean Chinese in South Korea

  • Received:2016-01-25 Revised:2016-02-22 Online:2016-06-16 Published:2016-06-02

摘要: 许多研究表明,人们在流动到其他国家后,其族群认同、国家认同会因为迁入地的社会条件的影响而发生变化。这个结论已经毋庸论证,人们需要知道的是影响这些认同的因素和机制为何。在当今世界中,要破解复杂的国家认同问题,需要将影响国家认同的机制做细致分解。研究组设计了一般性分析框架,将社会网络之地理特性作为影响因素,旅居海外公民的母国认同作为影响结果,再以之分析在韩国的朝鲜族对中国认同的变化趋势,并对这种认同变化做一个基本的评价。分析结论是:在韩朝鲜族社会网络的三个地理特征对他们的中国认同有正向促进作用,其一是近年在韩朝鲜族的业缘网络对中国的覆盖度不断增加;其二是家庭长者作为亲缘网络中的核心人物位于中国;其三是中国的国际地位逐渐提高。地理学视角有助更清晰地分析国家认同。未来需要分析在韩朝鲜族对哪个国家的认同更强,这对移入国和移出国双方或许更为重要。

Abstract: Many studies show that national identity changes when people enter another country. It is because they are involved in new social situations. This is a foregone conclusion. What people want to know is what impact national identity and what are the mechanisms that contribute to changing identities. One’s national identity is influenced by many factors. To understand this complex issue, scholars need to investigate the mechanism behind those changes and deconstructing it. The Korean Chinese in South Korea are interviewed in this study. A general analytical framework was designed for this case study. It considers geographical characteristics of social networks as independent variables and the home country identity as the dependent variable. The major objective is to investigate changes in a Chinese identity to a Korean Chinese identity in South Korea. We conclude that the Korean Chinese in South Korea are gradually tightening their economic relationships and ties with China. The networks of their family and kinship has still include both China and South Korea, as they have since the early of 1990’s when the first tide of Chinese entered South Korea. The international influence of China improved when more Korean Chinese began to also enter other countries in the past decades. All of these developments enhance the Chinese identity of the Korean Chinese in South Korea. A geographical perspective aids in analyzing the changing national identity. The identity of the immigration country and emigration country is to be compared in the future.
