
世界地理研究 ›› 2016, Vol. ›› Issue (01): 49-58.

• 城市与区域 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1. 上海市海洋局 华东师范大学(在读)
    2. 上海城市创新经济研究中心
    3. 华东师范大学
  • 收稿日期:2015-08-17 修回日期:2015-11-12 出版日期:2016-02-15 发布日期:2016-02-22
  • 通讯作者: 张时立
  • 基金资助:


A comparative study of the Free Trade Zones’ spatial distribution between U.S and China

  • Received:2015-08-17 Revised:2015-11-12 Online:2016-02-15 Published:2016-02-22

摘要: 自贸区是我国深化改革背景下对外开放的重大举措,更是应对美国TPP协定和加快中美BIT谈判的勇敢实践。美国是世界上拥有自贸区最多的国家,270个自贸区组成美国独具特色的自贸体系。百年来美国自贸区的发展经历了初始形成、局部发展、快速扩张和平稳增长四个阶段,现已形成了自贸区沿海、沿河、沿边境、沿国界分布的特征,且商贸型自贸区主要分布在美国东部,制造型自贸区主要分布在墨西哥湾,自贸区并具有带状或圈层状分布特点。中美两国在国土面积、海岸线长度、经济规模上具有极高的相似度,通过对美国自贸区的作用、类型、空间分布和空间布局演化分析,对比中国的自贸区、保税港区和综合保税区的空间分布,发现两国自贸区同时具有沿海、沿河分布的特点和呈现带状或圈层状形态。根据两国自贸区共性特点和差异,认为未来我国保税港区和综合保税区有向自贸区演化的趋势,在空间分布上将出现沿海、沿长江、沿黄河、沿重要铁路枢纽分布的趋势,并将出现自贸区的集聚,形成自贸圈或自贸带。

Abstract: Establishment of Free Trade Zones will have huge impacts for China’s opening up and to enhance the connection between china and the world economy. It will also help Chinese government to face the challenge from U.S. Trans -Pacific Partnership Agreement and to accelerate the negotiations of China-U.S. Bilateral Investment Treaty. U.S. have world’s biggest FTZ system which covers 270 FTZs over the country. U.S. FTZs’ development have experienced four stages form initial to booming period over 80 years. Most of U.S. FTZs are located by coastline or along the river side, and some of the FTZs are located at the border of states or countries.FTZ General-Purpose Zones are trade-oriented and most of them are located at east coast, FTZ Sub-zones are manufacture-oriented and most of them are located at the Gulf of Mexico. FTZ cluster can be found around NewYork, Seattle, Florida, Gulf of Mexico and Great Lakes. China and U.S. are similar on the landscape, coastline and population, and through the study on comparison between U.S. and Chinese FTZs’ function and spatial distribution and its evolution, we found both countries would like to establish FTZs along coastlines and rivers while FTZ cluster spreading over the country. In the future, Chinese Bonded Harbors and Comprehensive Bonded Zones will transfer into FTZs and will spread into inland china by railroad. FTZ cluster will accelerate along east coastline and Yangtse River and Yellow River.
