
世界地理研究 ›› 2020, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (3): 579-587.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2020.03.2019130

• 产业与布局 • 上一篇    下一篇


陈肖(), 谷人旭()   

  1. 华东师范大学城市与区域科学学院,上海 200241
  • 收稿日期:2019-03-27 修回日期:2019-07-31 出版日期:2020-05-30 发布日期:2020-06-12
  • 通讯作者: 谷人旭
  • 作者简介:陈肖(1994-),女,硕士研究生,研究方向:企业经济与地理、区域经济,E-mail:51173902001@stu.ecnu.edu.cn

The impact of commuting time-space flexibility of employees on the choice of departure time

Xiao CHEN(), Renxu GU()   

  1. School of Urban and Regional Sciences, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China
  • Received:2019-03-27 Revised:2019-07-31 Online:2020-05-30 Published:2020-06-12
  • Contact: Renxu GU



关键词: 通勤时间弹性, 通勤空间弹性, 出发时间选择, 企业员工, 多项logit模型


With the rapid development of industrialization, urbanization and transportation in China, the phenomenon of separation of residence and employment is becoming more and more obvious. The separation of work and residence is one of the reasons leading to traffic congestion. Reducing the time constraints of arriving at the work and increasing the flexibility of the time arrangement of the work are conducive to the staggered peak travel of residents. At present, there are few studies on residents’ choice of departure time, studies only take into account personal socioeconomic attributes, urban built environment and other factors, but do not consider the flexibility of commuting activities.Based on the background of traffic congestion and imbalance between work and living in Shanghai, this paper takes employees in Minhang District as the object, and uses multinomial logit model to analyze the impact of commuting time-space flexibility of Employees on the choice of departure time.First, the departure time of commuting is concentrated in the peak period, and the departure time of morning commuting is more concentrated in the pre-peak and mid-peak period than evening commuting.Second, personal socioeconomic characteristics, urban built environment and commuting space-time characteristics have an impact on the choice of departure time.Third, for control variables, age and income constraints the choice of departure time for morning commuting.Employees who work in suburbs or have poor business accessibility are less inclined to travel before the early rush hour.Those who have poor bus accessibility are not inclined to travel after the late rush hour. Employees with shorter commuting distance are neither inclined to travel before the early rush hour nor after the late rush hour.Fourth,the flexibility of working place, departure time, stop time and location have significant effects on the choice of departure time for morning commuting.Only the flexibility of departure and arrival time have effects for evening commuting.In the future, urban transport planning can combine with the reform of flexible working hours system in enterprises, and pay attention to the management of travel needs of employees, so as to improve their spatial and temporal accessibility.The commuting management of employees is conducive to realizing the reasonable coordination of job-housing imbalance and optimizing the management of traffic congestion.

Key words: commuting space flexibility, commuting time flexibility, departure time choice, employees, multinomial logit model