
世界地理研究 ›› 2016, Vol. ›› Issue (5): 92-100.

• 产业与布局 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1. 南通大学建筑工程学院
    2. 南京大学地理与海洋科学学院
  • 收稿日期:2016-01-13 修回日期:2016-04-01 出版日期:2016-10-16 发布日期:2016-10-17
  • 通讯作者: 甄峰
  • 基金资助:


The impact of space-time constraints on frequency of e-shopping behaviour: Evidence from Nanjing, China

  • Received:2016-01-13 Revised:2016-04-01 Online:2016-10-16 Published:2016-10-17

摘要: 基于时间地理学所强调的时空制约理论,选取信息化建设水平较高、网上购物快速发展的南京市为实证案例,利用问卷调查和活动日志数据,从时空制约的角度分析影响南京居民网购频率的因素。研究发现:①年龄在26-30岁,本科以上学历,月收入在2000-3000元左右的女性相较其他社会经济属性的南京居民网购频率更高;②家庭拥有宽带上网,上网年限越长、频率越高和上下班途中存在顺带购物的多目的出行链行为对南京居民网购频率影响显著;③时空制约程度越高(以工作时间表和购物可达性为参照)的南京居民网购的可能性越大。基于这些结论,文章为未来有序引导南京居民的网购行为和可持续出行政策的制定提供指导意义参考依据。

Abstract: The prevalence of e-shopping has raised concern that traditional in-store shopping might be replaced by e-shopping because of its potential for saving shopping travel and supporting sustainability on both local and global scale. Recent studies have examined what factors affect peoples' preference for e-shopping in developed countries. Yet to date exploration of the impact of space-time constraints on people's e-shopping behaviour in the context of China’s fast increasing share of on-line consumption from geographical perspective is rare. In light of this, this paper based on space-time constraints theory which is emphasized by time geography, taking the Chinese metropolis Nanjing as a case, usage of questionnaires and activity/travel diary data, examines the factors affecting the frequency of e-shopping in Nanjing from the perspective of space-time constraints. The results show: ① Female between 26-30 years old holding bachelor or higher degree and with personal monthly income of 2000-3000 Yuan shows high likelihood of online buying; ② Home internet accessibility, years of experience in internet use and frequency of using internet positively affect residents' intention as well as action to buy online;③People with lower accessibility to local in-shopping sites and more working hours are more likely to engage in e-shopping. The underlying explanation is that e-shopping improves shopping efficiency and removes the distance constraint. Given the spatial residence distribution, it can be inferred that the prosperity of e-shopping is expected to reduce car travel in the suburb areas of Nanjing. This paper offer guide for the future orderly e-shopping behaviour of Nanjing residents and make recommendations for sustainable travel.