
世界地理研究 ›› 2016, Vol. ›› Issue (4): 1-7.

• 世界政治与经济 •    下一篇



  1. 北京师范大学
  • 收稿日期:2015-12-22 修回日期:2016-01-31 出版日期:2016-08-16 发布日期:2016-08-11
  • 通讯作者: 吴殿廷
  • 基金资助:


Model of control power of foreign affairs and its application in China

  • Received:2015-12-22 Revised:2016-01-31 Online:2016-08-16 Published:2016-08-11

摘要: 构建了双边外交、多边外交的控制力模型,计算了中国典型外交圈层的相对控制力,指出中国外交工作的关键点。在双边外交中,中国的控制力与日本、俄罗斯大体相当,比韩国略高,比印度、巴基斯坦比高很多,但比美国低很多。在三方外交中,中-日-韩关系中,中国占据相当大的主动权,而日本被动;但中-日-美关系中,中国被动;在中-美-俄关系中,中俄合作使美国优势地位削弱;中-印-巴关系中,巴基斯坦的进入会大大增强中国的控制力。在四方和更多方的关系中,中俄合作对中国有益。

Abstract: By building models of control power of bilateral diplomacy and multilateral diplomacy, this paper calculates relative control of typical diplomatic spheres of China, and points out key things of China's diplomatic work. The result shows that in the bilateral diplomacy, control power of China is almost equivalent with Japan and Russia, slightly higher than South Korea, much higher than India, and Pakistan, but much lower than that of the United States. These state have a direct effect on bargaining power of China with these countries. Consider three-way diplomacy, in China - Japan - South Korea relations, China has considerable initiative, Japan is passive. In China-Japan- United States, China is passive. In the China -United States - Russia, cooperation between China and Russia make position of United States weakened. In China-India-Pakistan, the join of Pakistan greatly increase the control power of China. In quartet and even more relationship, cooperation of China and Russia is good for China.