
世界地理研究 ›› 2016, Vol. ›› Issue (5): 131-141.

• 文化与社会 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 贵州师范大学喀斯特研究院
  • 收稿日期:2015-12-02 修回日期:2016-04-01 出版日期:2016-10-16 发布日期:2016-10-17
  • 通讯作者: 熊康宁
  • 基金资助:


Global Comparative Analysis of World Heritage Values on Biological and Ecological Evolution on Fanjingshan Mountain

  • Received:2015-12-02 Revised:2016-04-01 Online:2016-10-16 Published:2016-10-17

摘要: 世界自然遗产是大自然赋予人类的宝贵资源和财产,而梵净山世界自然遗产提名地在生物生态演化上具有显著的突出普遍价值,研究其世界自然遗产价值,对梵净山以及其他类似区域的生态环境保护和自然资源的合理开发有重要的指导意义。从全球对比的视角出发,选取10个位于不同大陆且与梵净山的气候和生态环境有着相似性的世界遗产地,并结合世界遗产第(ix)条(有关生物生态过程方面)的评价标准进行对比分析,揭示了梵净山的突出普遍价值。对比分析表明,梵净山具有更为复杂的生物生态演化过程;更为重要的南北、东西植物区系的交汇迭置;更为独特的山地垂直自然带谱;更有丰富的生物多样性。梵净山囊括了亚热带、暖温带、温带与寒温带生物生态特征,是全球中亚热带湿润区从山地丘陵到亚高山山地正在进行的生物生态演化过程的杰出范例,代表了亚热带湿润区山地森林生态系统的世界自然遗产价值。

Abstract: Studying world natural heritage value of Fanjingshan is significant guiding value for ecological environment protection and rational exploitation of natural resources of itself and other similar areas. The 10 heritage sites were selected which are located at different continents and whose climate and ecological environment similar with Fanjingshan, based on criterion (ix), from biological and ecological characteristic and evolution. The outstanding universal values of Fanjingshan were revealed after a global comparative analysis with similar areas worldwide. The comparative research shows that Fanjingshan possesses more complicatedly biological and ecological evolutionary process, more significant intersection of north and south, east and west flora, more unique Mountain natural vertical spectrum and more abundant biodiversity. Fanjingshan includes the biological and ecological characteristic of subtropical, warm temperate, temperate and cold temperate zone, and it is an outstanding example of biological and ecological evolution from mountain hills to sub-alpine mountains in subtropical humid zone worldwide. It represents world natural heritage value of mountain ecosystems in subtropical humid zone.
