
WRS ›› 2018, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (04): 90-99.

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Research on the Phenomena and Mechnism of Shrinking Cities in East Germany after Reunification

  • Received:2017-06-21 Revised:2017-11-01 Online:2018-08-15 Published:2018-08-20



  1. 中山大学
  • 通讯作者: 李郇

Abstract: In the 1990s, shrinking cities began to spread from developed countries in Europe and the United States to the former socialist countries in Eastern Europe, of which the most typical case is the eastern cities after German reunification. Based on the research about the shrinking cities in East Germany after reunion, this paper focused on the phenomena of reducing population and economic recession attributed to urban shrinkage. The urban shrinkage is accompanied with a large number of factories and companies corrupts, labor markets declines, total population and birth rates decreases, as well as soaring unemployment, etc. The research showed that the shrinkage of eastern German cities is largely due to political systems reform after German reunification. In addition, the urban shrinkage was intensified by a series of reactions such as large-scale emigration, radical privatization, sub-urbanization and transitional subsidies. In the end, the paper made a discussion and reflection on the urban changes caused by the free-fall reform in eastern cities after reunion under the influence of the Washington Consensus.

摘要: 20世纪90年代,收缩城市开始从欧美发达国家蔓延至东欧前社会主义国家,其中以统一后的德国东部城市最为典型。通过对统一后原东德收缩城市的研究,探讨城市收缩引发的人口流失与经济衰退现象,其中主要表现为大量工厂、企业倒闭,劳动力市场萎缩,人口总量及出生率急速下降以及城市失业率飙升等;结果表明,两德统一带来的体制变化是导致原东德城市收缩的主要原因,此外,人口流动、过激私有化、郊区化和过度补贴等一系列反应进一步加剧了城市的收缩;最后对统一后,在华盛顿共识的影响下原东德地区采取的断崖式改革所引起的城市变化进行了探讨和反思。

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