

  •     World Geography Research is a journal sponsored by the Chinese Geographical Society. It focuses on the themes of population, resources, environment and economic coordination, and publishes the spatial patterns and dynamic trends of global nature, society, economy and politics; the spatial movement patterns of international economic links and economic factors; the theory and practice of foreign regional development, urban and rural construction, productivity layout and industrial structure changes; the reform of world geography education and Geography education reform and development of geography in the world, etc.
        The domestic retail price of World Geography Research is RMB 20 per issue, 6 issues a year (bi-monthly); we deliver it by mail, and the total cost is RMB 120 per year.

    Subscription method: Post office remittance
    Address: In the Institute of Western European and North American Geography, East China Normal University, 3663 North Zhongshan Road, Shanghai
    Payee: Editorial Department of World Geography Research
    Postcode: 200062
    Note: Indicate which issues of which year you want to subscribe
    (Fax number: 021-62233749)
    Also: After remittance by post, please send the subscription receipt to our email address: worldgeo@126.com
  • 2011-11-10 Visited: 1977