WRS ›› 2018, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (04): 167-176.
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Abstract: The traditional villages is the most basic and fundamental bearing units of traditional agriculture China,which is known as "the Chinese nation's DNA" for it reflects the economic, political, ideological, cultural, artistic and other real life forms of the specific region. In recent years, with a series of ecological civilization strategy promulgated, such as the "beautiful China", "beautiful nostalgia", the great value and far-reaching significance of the traditional villages have been widely accepted by the industry both inside and outside, and aroused the enthusiasm of the research. However, there are many existing problems in the development practice, such as obviously utilitarian motive, severely model plagiarism. The protection and development of traditional villages is only regarded as a gimmick and tools for the support of funds and the expansion of regional influence. Under this background, the formulation, promotion, feedback and evaluation of the development strategy is difficult to truly meet the geographical reality, close to the history of the original truth. Especially for the special cases which with the damaged seriously remains basement, history data acquisition hardly, research conditions are not very friendly, such as the Central Plains region. It is particularly important and urgent to eliminate the obstacles and interference, and accurately extract the essence of the regional features, objectively evaluate the effectiveness of existing strategies and to make a lift of the level of development and construction. Paper according to the current situation of the traditional villages in the Central Plains region, combined with the theoretical logic of the local geography of China, focuses on the concept of context identification, through the analysis of the basic concept、leading principle、general train of thought and the case evidence, put forward the strategy of the identification, extraction and application of context.
摘要: 传统村落是传统农业中国最基层、最根本的承载单位,因其积淀并体现着特定地域内经济、政治、思想、文化、艺术等真实的生活形态,而被誉为“中华民族的DNA”。近年来,随着“美丽中国”、“美丽乡愁”等一系列生态文明战略的颁布,传统村落的巨大价值和深远意义业已取得了业界内外的广泛共识,并激起了空前高涨的研究热情。然而,现有的开发实践多存在着功利化动机明显、模式化抄袭严重的不良倾向,传统村落的保护与开发仅被视为争取资金支持、扩大地域影响的噱头和工具。受此背景影响,开发策略的制订、推进、反馈和评价难以真正做到符合地域实际、贴近历史原真。尤其对于中原地区这类遗存基底破损严重、实证资料获取困难、调研条件不甚友好的特殊个案而言,如何排除上述障碍和干扰,准确提炼地域风貌的精髓特质,客观评价既有策略的成效与得失,对开发建设的水平切实做出拔升,显得尤为重要和迫切。研究充分根据中原地区传统村落的现有状况,结合中国本土地理学的理论逻辑,围绕文脉辨识的核心概念,通过基本把握、主导原则、一般思路的剖析和中原案例的实证,系统阐述了益于文脉辨识、提炼及应用的策略建议。
Lei LIU. Context Identification, Extraction and Application of Traditional Villages——Take Central Plains Area As An Example[J]. WRS, 2018, 27(04): 167-176.
刘磊. 传统村落的文脉辨识、提炼及应用——以中原地区为例[J]. 世界地理研究, 2018, 27(04): 167-176.
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