
Guide to Authors

  • I. Copyright
        1) Once the paper is accepted, the right of digital reproduction, distribution, compilation, translation, information network dissemination and the right to be included in domestic and foreign literature search systems or databases will be transferred to the editorial department of World Regional Studies, and the copyright royalty of the paper will be included in the manuscript fee and paid to the author at one time.
        2) After the publication of the paper, the author has the right of attribution, the right to maintain the integrity of the work, and the right of revision, and the first author is the representative of its copyright holder; at the same time, the paper shall not be repeatedly published in other journals with the same text (including paper, CD-ROM, network and other media), and the compilation of individual works (including web pages) or the use of the paper and the layout in the anthology shall indicate the source.
        3) The online version of the full text of the journal's papers is published by China Knowledge Network (www.cnki.net) and is also available on the journal's website (www.sjdlyj.ecnu.edu.cn). If the authors do not agree to the dissemination of their manuscripts in electronic media, they must include a statement in their submissions, otherwise they are considered to have agreed to the electronic publication process.
    II. Instructions for access to electronic and paper issues
       1) This journal is an open access journal. Articles published in the Journal are immediately available to the public and permanently available free of charge on the official website (www.sjdlyj.ecnu.edu.cn), allowing users to read, download, copy, print, search or link to the full text of the articles, or use them for other legitimate purposes.
        2) After the manuscript is published, all authors will receive 2 free paper sample copies of the current issue from the editorial office.
        3) Libraries, companies, research institutions, readers, etc. need to subscribe to purchase paper sample issues if they need them.
  • 2022-10-11 Visited: 3348