
WRS ›› 2019, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (3): 43-53.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2019.03.2017245

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The influence of China-Laos-Thailand Railway construction on spatial relation between cities along the route

ZHANG Zhe, WANG Xiaomeng, JIANG Yuhao, WANG Jin, ZHANG Xin, LIU Shiying, ZHANG Lingzhi   

  1. Faculty of Geographical Science, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
  • Received:2017-08-21 Revised:2018-03-26 Online:2019-06-15 Published:2019-08-13
  • Contact: 2019-06-15
  • About author:国家社科基金重大项目(16ZDA041);国家自然科学基金项目(41871128)。


张喆, 王晓梦, 姜雨皓, 王锦, 张欣, 刘诗颖, 张龄之   

  1. 北京师范大学地理科学学部,北京 100875
  • 作者简介:张喆(1995-),男,2018届本科生,专业为自然地理与资源环境,E-mail:201411202026@mail.bnu.edu.cn。

Abstract: Railway is imperative for upgrading native industrial structure, transforming economic structure, strengthening foreign trade as well as enhancing the influence of great powers. As the middle route of Pan-Asian Railway system, China-Laos-Thailand Railway (CR) plays a significant role in promoting cross-border cooperation between China, Laos and Thailand as well as enhancing the construction of China-Indochina Peninsula Economic Corridor. Therefore, based on the regional development of natural barrier and non-barrier regions, this study chooses Yunnan Province in China, Laos and Thailand as the research area and selects 15 major cities along CR as the research objects. Based on the perspective of city flow network, by using Spatial Gravity model, Markov chain and Accessibility Analysis, the regional accessibility and the degree of inter-city linkages now were compared with those after the construction of CR. The results show that: 1) The construction of CR will make it easier to access natural barrier regions and promote the potential development ability in non-barrier regions. 2) The construction of CR will promote the regional accessibility of the study area comprehensively. Accessibility presents a pattern of decreasing radiation around CR. The improvements in accessibility, however, has little impact on natural barrier areas of Western Thailand and Eastern Laos. 3) The construction of CR will enhance the intensity of inter-city connection, realize the efficient reconfiguration of city flow network which grows from tree-like formation to lattice-like formation. The form of city network is more stable and mature. 4) In the process of network reconfiguration, the structure of city flow network is flatter and more dispersed, both the dispersion and dissipation of resources coexist, which makes the efficiency of inter-city linkages decrease.

摘要: 中老泰铁路作为泛亚铁路东、中、西三线的中线,对中国与老挝、泰国的跨境合作以及助推“一带一路”倡议的“中国-中南半岛”经济走廊的建设起着重要作用。选取中国云南省和老挝、泰国作为研究区域,以非障区的区域开发为基础,并选取铁路沿线15个主要城市,基于城市流网络视角对比铁路建设前后区域可达性与城市流网络的变化,结果显示:铁路建成将提升障区可进入性与非障区可开发性,提高区域互联开发潜力,提升研究区内可达性。可达性呈现以铁路线路为轴向周围辐射递减的格局,但泰国西部及老挝东部自然障区可达性提升效果甚微;铁路将增强城市间联系强度,实现“树状-网状”的城市流网络形态高效重构,网络发育更加成熟稳固;铁路也使得网络结构扁平化、分散化,流网络重构过程中资源的分散与耗散并存,城市间联系效率下降。