World Regional Studies ›› 2023, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (5): 125-137.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2023.05.2021464
Chengkun HUANG1(), Deping CHU1,2(
), Lanlan WANG1, Feiyang LIN3, Jiawei LIAO1
Deping CHU
黄成昆1(), 储德平1,2(
), 王兰兰1, 林霏阳3, 廖嘉玮1
Chengkun HUANG, Deping CHU, Lanlan WANG, Feiyang LIN, Jiawei LIAO. Place identity construction of rural incoming tourism entrepreneurs from the perspective of everyday life:[J]. World Regional Studies, 2023, 32(5): 125-137.
黄成昆, 储德平, 王兰兰, 林霏阳, 廖嘉玮. 日常生活视域下乡村外来旅游创业者的地方身份建构[J]. 世界地理研究, 2023, 32(5): 125-137.
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Tab.1 Basic information of interviewees
Tab.2 Dimensions and corresponding categories
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