WRS ›› 2014, Vol. ›› Issue (02): 123-132.
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Abstract: In the complex system of regional economic, the supply-demand relationship between various departments that involved in economic activities is stagger. It is the precondition of optimizing the city industrial structure to understand the reality of industry associations. Accompanied the rise of complex network’s concept, for each department which took part in the economic activities, abstracting regional industrial structure into a complex network for measuring can make the complex mutual relationships between supply and demand to be more specific; and it can also make the expression of the industry linkage to be more vivid. By using the input-output tables of 42 industrial sectors in Beijing (2010) and basing on different connotations of horizontal and vertical in matrix, this paper builds different types of industrial networks. And applying the related indexes, it makes a deep analysis about characteristics of industrial network structure from four levels - entire network, single point, couple point and sub-structure. There are 4 found: ①In the overall level, the supply structure is more complex than demand structure in Beijing industrial network and so the characteristics of the whole network relevance structure are determined by the supply structure. ②In a single point level, several tertiary industry, individual secondary industry are active, and some nodes is in the edge of associated structure. ③In the dot pair level, there are obvious differences between the controlling industry pairs in supply and demand network, as a consequence, in economic activities should through the industry peer to related department for risk analysis. ④In the substructure level, Beijing industrial associated network has evident core-edge structure as well as subgroup characteristic. Characteristics of demand and supply of industrial structure was incarnated accurately and clearly through constructing the network. Expand the interaction of the network can highlight the strong association of interactions in economic activity and contribute to investors finding out the actual associated enterprise. Investment plans were made through forecasting department development trend to reduce transaction risk and consolidate the stability of the market. In the future, study should pay more attention to the dynamic characteristics of the structure which is performed at the temporal evolution of industry network, in order to further deepen the understanding of the link between industries of national economy.
摘要: 了解产业关联的现实状况是优化区域产业结构的前提。将城市的产业结构抽象成网络进行测度,可使参与经济活动中的各个部门,彼此间交错复杂的供给需求关系体现得更加具体,也使得产业关联的表述更具生动性。本文利用2010年北京市42个部门的投入产出数据,基于矩阵中横纵向所代表的不同内涵,构建出两类4个不同基础网络和1个拓展网,并应用指标从全网整体、单点、点对、亚结构4个层次,深度剖析产业网络关联结构复杂性特征。研究发现:①北京市产业网络的供给结构比需求结构复杂且稳定;②供给网和需求网中控制性产业对差异明显;③北京市产业关联网络具有明显的核心-边缘结构以及凝聚分团特征。
侯明. 北京市产业网络结构的复杂性特征[J]. 世界地理研究, 2014, (02): 123-132.
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