

    15 June 2014, Volume 23 Issue 02 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    Analysis of the Industry Spatial Evolution Mechanism and its Determinants from the Perspective of Evolutionary Economic Geography———A Case Study of China's Automobile Industry
    2014, (02): 1-13. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (456KB) ( )  
    Based on the theoretical framework of evolutionary economic geography, this paper investigates the evolving patterns of China’s manufacturing sectors and their underlying mechanism and determinants from an evolutionary perspective, while taking automobile industry as an empirical case. The results show that government policies had determining effects on the spatial distribution of China's automobile industry before the reforms and opening up. However, the determinants such as institutional factors and foreign investment have significant impacts on the evolution of the spatial configuration of China's automobile industry although the determinants vary from time to time. In the future, with the improvement of market economy and innovation capability of automotive industry, market demand and technological innovation will play an increasingly significant role in reshaping the geography of auto industry in China.
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    The Price Affordability Analysis of International Main Grain in 1970-2009
    2014, (02): 26-34. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (459KB) ( )  
    Grain security is a major security strategic issues for human. From the view of grain security, this study builds the model of grain prices affordability based on national income and grain prices to analyze and evaluate affordability of international price in different continents, the results show that: with the continuous development of world economy and improvement of grain productivity, the world's overall grain price affordability is enhancing gradually and the world's overall grain risks is diminished; from regional view, the gap between affordability of different parts of the world exist. The affordability of grain prices in Africa and other regions show a weakening trend and the risk of grain security is high; the grain production pattern is further strengthened by globalization, the grain export area take the advantage position in the international grain trade with high grain prices affordability and low grain security risk. On the other hand, because of the passive position in international grain trade, the grain prices affordability of the grain import regions is low and the grain security risk is relatively high.
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    The Geopolitical Environment of Greater Neighborhood of the East China Sea
    2014, (02): 35-42. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (488KB) ( )  
    Abstract This article based on the East China Sea issue geopolitical environment fundamentals; source and original were made as the starting point. Divided the East China Sea neighborhood geopolitical environment into three kinds of geo-spatial structure, geopolitical body (East Sea), the main association (domain dispute countries), and inter-regional body association (outside interference country), which used the thinking of subject and association. There were four analysis conclusions of the East China Sea neighborhood geopolitical environment in the complex international linkages system. (1) From the view of main geopolitical point, the East China Sea have a very important geo-strategic, political and economic significance for China and Japan. East China Sea issue contains not only maritime demarcation issues, but also includes the sovereignty of the Diaoyu Islands issue, and related interests involved more countries and regions, geopolitical environment is very complex; (2) from the view of main association, the East China Sea issue is not just the dispute between China and Japan, also involves many countries, groups and organizational structure, etc.; the East China Sea dispute between China and Japan undergone several "cold" and "warm" period of wandering, but didn’t have substantive progress; (3) From the main inter-regional association, the United States is a major interference in the East China Sea issue. In order to achieve Asia Strategy, U.S. made its influence in the world firmly embedded in the geopolitical environment in the East China Sea, which is a serious threat to the maintenance of China's sovereignty, territorial integrity and maritime rights and interests.
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    The New countermeasures Solutions about the Energy Security of CAFTA
    2014, (02): 43-50. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (537KB) ( )  
    As an important one of non-traditional security, energy security cooperation between China and Asean countries still didn't match with the current situation of the rapid development of economic and trade, is not conducive to sustainable protection effect. This study on the comprehensive analysis of the present status of the Asean free trade area energy security in China, based on the energy security cooperation of China-Asean free trade area of the main factors to combine qualitative quantitative, think of the China-Asean free trade area energy cooperation prospect, but faced with the contradiction in multivariate test, and combining the reality of regional development, put forward to build the government-led joint development cooperation mechanism of the south China sea resources, solve the influence of the south China sea oil and gas resources joint development cooperation mechanism, improve the cooperation with the Asean countries in energy development and utilization of technology and industrialization ability; Build the top drive regional Marine energy security legal system, to ensure the safety of regional Marine energy and maritime strategy passage; To establish bilateral "energy sanitation" Gongxin CPA system, energy security and public health and environmental safety, the combination of coordinated development; Using the overlapping circles of cooperation, build a comprehensive energy security management system, to ensure the mainstream consciousness of energy cooperation play an important supporting role of the economic ties between the two sides, to promote China and Asean countries in the development of economic level deeper, etc.
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    The Experience and Enlightenment of Foreign Spatial Planning of Urban-rural Integration
    2014, (02): 69-75. 
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    Smart growth, compact growth theory and exploitation and growth boundary management measures for curbing the sprawl of urban space in the United States, the practice to protect cultivated land and rural environment, ecology, rural landscape in Britain and France, the perfect legal policy system to promote the development of rural economy and the practical experiences of guiding the villagers to construct countryside by themselves in South Korea and Japan, provides the beneficial enlightenment from the perspective of spatial planning of urban-rural integration for China's development of large cities in fast urbanization area, new rural construction in ecological sensitive area and rural economic development in the poor areas. Based on space planning of coordinate the urban-rural contradiction, this paper summarized spatial planning of urban-rural integration in the first developed countries of United States, Britain and France, Japan, Korea, etc , analysis of the practical experiences of developed countries, and puts forward China's spatial planning of urban-rural integration for reference.
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    Research on industry gradient transfer at the gateway cities of Chengdu-chongqing Economic Zone——based on six major manufacturing industries
    2014, (02): 104-111. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (688KB) ( )  
    On the basis of reconstructing urban space hierarchy of the gateway cities in Chengdu-chongqing Economic Zone with system clustering method(HCA), and using improved gravity model to analyze the Chengdu-chongqing dual-core metropolitan area space radiation effect on eight gateway cities in economic zone and applying the theory of location entropy respectively advantage of leading industry distribution situation of the gateway cities, the study found that: the industrial spatial layout of Chengdu-chongqing Economic Zone has possessed double leading share form, and industrial transfer mechanism supported by traditional policy area should be gradually replaced with economic zones and cities. Industry accept order of Chengdu-chongqing Economic Zone should be confirmed by urban space hierarchy and space gravitational radiation level. And now industry accept order has been in line with the industrial spatial gradient transfer conditions under the condition of large market.
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    Complexity of Beijing industrial network structural features
    2014, (02): 123-132. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (858KB) ( )  
    In the complex system of regional economic, the supply-demand relationship between various departments that involved in economic activities is stagger. It is the precondition of optimizing the city industrial structure to understand the reality of industry associations. Accompanied the rise of complex network’s concept, for each department which took part in the economic activities, abstracting regional industrial structure into a complex network for measuring can make the complex mutual relationships between supply and demand to be more specific; and it can also make the expression of the industry linkage to be more vivid. By using the input-output tables of 42 industrial sectors in Beijing (2010) and basing on different connotations of horizontal and vertical in matrix, this paper builds different types of industrial networks. And applying the related indexes, it makes a deep analysis about characteristics of industrial network structure from four levels - entire network, single point, couple point and sub-structure. There are 4 found: ①In the overall level, the supply structure is more complex than demand structure in Beijing industrial network and so the characteristics of the whole network relevance structure are determined by the supply structure. ②In a single point level, several tertiary industry, individual secondary industry are active, and some nodes is in the edge of associated structure. ③In the dot pair level, there are obvious differences between the controlling industry pairs in supply and demand network, as a consequence, in economic activities should through the industry peer to related department for risk analysis. ④In the substructure level, Beijing industrial associated network has evident core-edge structure as well as subgroup characteristic. Characteristics of demand and supply of industrial structure was incarnated accurately and clearly through constructing the network. Expand the interaction of the network can highlight the strong association of interactions in economic activity and contribute to investors finding out the actual associated enterprise. Investment plans were made through forecasting department development trend to reduce transaction risk and consolidate the stability of the market. In the future, study should pay more attention to the dynamic characteristics of the structure which is performed at the temporal evolution of industry network, in order to further deepen the understanding of the link between industries of national economy.
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    Effects of Policy on Urban Industrial Land Expansion and Efficiency in Shanghai, China
    2014, (02): 133-141. 
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    After 2003, some control and guide policies of industrial land have been frequently introduced by China and Shanghai municipal government to contain the spread extensive expansion of industrial land. How is the control effect? Does industrial suburbanization just transfer or bring better land efficiency? Accordance with these problems, the methods of GIS spatial analysis, statistical analysis, marginal efficiency modeling and others are applied to discuss the effects of policy control on industrial land expansion and industrial land efficiency, and then some policy suggestions are given. The results demonstrate that suburb industrial land expansion is obvious in Shanghai and the spatial distribution trends to scatter, industrial land efficiency have improved, but there is still a wide gap compared with foreign developed areas; the driven effect of the industry to parks concentration policy is obvious, industrial suburbanization transfer does not make the industries in the central city declined, and the industries in the suburb does not reflect the corresponding strength, the effects of control policy on industrial land expansion is not good; the marginal efficiency of industrial land presents a decreasing trend by marginal efficiency analysis in Shanghai, and industrial economic growth is still mainly dependent on the increase of industrial land, extensive growth have not been improved effectively.
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    Analysis on the Characteristics and Expansion of Germany Visiting-China Market
    2014, (02): 142-150. 
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    Pragmatic cooperation between China and Germany is a model of relations among major powers, Germany held the China Year of Culture in 2012, Germany is also one of China’s largest tourist country in Western Europe, so it has a very important practical significance to study Germany visiting-China market. Based on the series of statistics data, and based on the methods of Seasonal Strength Index and GIS Technology, this paper analyze the Germany visiting-China market from the following three aspects: demographic, time & spatial structure and consumer behavior, and we analyze the results with other tourist source countries. The results show that: (1)The demographic characteristic is complex except male, youth, tourists and business visitors occupy a large proportion; (2)The Germany visiting-China market grow in the overall annual and it’s bimodal within the years, Germany visitors mainly choose the following provinces or cities as their destinations, including Beijing, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Hubei, they move forward from east China to west China, or from capital to north China, and most of them return to Germany; (3)The Germany visitors entry China through many ways, such as airplane, ships and so on, most of them participate in team, the consumption per capita is very high especially transport costs, and they stay a long time in China, (4)we put forward some suggestions for the market expansion from three aspects, including tourism cooperation area, tourism product supply and tourism services quality.
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    The Study on the Global Development Strategy of the Silk Road Cultural Tourism Economic Belt
    2014, (02): 151-158. 
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    The study puts forward a great idea to construct the Silk Road Cultural Tourism Economic Belt based on the perspective from the merge of tourism industry and cultural industry, and its constituent elements and dynamic mechanism model was built. Then the study proposes four strategies from the view of global competitiveness, namely comprehensive tourism development strategy, international cooperation development strategy; the whole industry chain development strategy and industry overflow development strategy.
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    Research on cyber space of the brand clothing in ShanghaiBased on innovation model of e-commerce
    2014, (02): 159-165. 
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    Abstract: Fashion industry is an important drive of shanghai’s construction for the world International fashion capital. The successful cases of some international high-end brand combine self-development conditions and brand cyberspace together thus to promote its brand cognitive and brand image. This article compared brand cognitive and brand image, network flow and between international and domestic brand by means of questionnaire survey, and network flow statistic. Furthermore, it is aim to find out inadequate of domestic brand and finally put forward rational countermeasure and suggestion.
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    Analysis of Spatial Coupling Coordination between Transport Superiority and Tourism Industry in Yunnan Province
    2014, (02): 166-175. 
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    Taking the representative case of Yunnan in Southwest Frontier Mountain areas, this paper establish the transportation advantage degree evaluation index system from the aspects of the density of the highway networks, influence degree of traffic facilities, and traffic accessibility to evaluate and compare all around state of Yunnan province in 2011. And then on the base of Yunnan tourism economic comprehensive development level by entropy evaluation method, this paper build the model of tourism industry and regional transportation development coupling coordination degree in physics, to research the Coupling and the coordinated development degree of transportation advantage degree and tourism economy development level, and divide the Coupling – coordination type area. The empirical research shows : Southwest frontier mountain area have a great difference in transportation advantage degree, presenting the circle layered spatial pattern that take the area and adjacent counties or cities as the core decreasing gradually from the core to peripheral cities. The development of tourism economy has an obvious polarization trend, and the development of the tourism industry is restricted by the traffic location and terrain conditions. Spatial coupling coordination between Regional transport superiority and the development level of tourism industry is not significant and the development of regional tourism is lack of transportation supports.
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