WRS ›› 2018, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (05): 93-104.
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Abstract: Abstract:This paper takes McDonald's and KFC restaurants as the representative of Multinational chain catering enterprises, Mainly studies on the spatial diffusion and mechanism of McDonald's and KFC restaurants within third ring road in Fuzhou from 1994 to 2014 by use of the GIS spatial analysis. The research shows that: Frist, The spatial diffusion of transnational chain catering enterprises within third ring road in Fuzhou follows the rules of "random to cluster to disperse", and distribution of transnational chain catering enterprises are the whole scattered and local agglomeration, the development of agglomeration areas from a single center to multi center, Dongjiekou district, Taijiang district and Wanbao district, which are the Main hot zones of the spatials distribution of restaurants. Second, The restaurants were spread to the East, South and west around the Bayiqi road, and the number of transnational chain catering enterprises in the South and west is more than in the north and east in the future, which is consistent with the commercial spatial structure evolution and the direction of urban spatial expansion. Third, There is unevenly distribtion in the different areas; With the passage of time, there are more and more McDonald's and KFC restaurants in the second ring road and third ring road, so the number of transnational chain catering enterprises gradually tend to be balanced in each ring load; along with the mian line of the subdensity ribbon in the spatial distribution; transnational chain catering enterprises are gathered near the traditional trade area in the spatial distribution. Lastly, the study shows that some factors are affect the spatial diffusion of transnational chain catering enterprises, such as the regional economy, population distribution, road traffic factors, the develompent of urban and policies and regulations and so on.
摘要: 摘要:以1994-2014年福州市三环路以内麦当劳和肯德基餐厅为例,借助GIS空间分析手段,研究福州市三环路以内跨国连锁餐饮企业的空间扩散过程、特征和机理。结果表明:福州市跨国连锁餐饮企业在空间上呈现随机-集聚-分散分布的发展趋势,呈整体分散,局部集聚的状态,空间集聚由单中心向多中心发展;空间扩散以八一七路为主轴线向外扩散,形成东扩南进西拓的空间发展格局,往南部和西部的发展趋势更加明显,与商业空间结构演变和城市空间拓展方向存在较强的一致性;跨国连锁餐饮企业存在区际间差异发展,沿环路呈圈层扩散,沿交通干道带状扩散,在传统商圈附近面状集聚等特征。研究发现,区域经济水平、人口分布、道路交通、城市空间拓展与政策法规等因素是跨国连锁餐饮企业空间扩散的机理。
CLC Number:
雷金容 王晓文. 跨国连锁餐饮企业空间扩散过程及机理研究——以福州市麦当劳和肯德基餐厅为例[J]. 世界地理研究, 2018, 27(05): 93-104.
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