

    15 September 2012, Volume 21 Issue 03    Next Issue

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    Thoughts on Sea Power Development Strategy of China
    YANG Zhen
    2012, 21(03): 20-27.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9179.2012.03.001
    Abstract ( )  
    In recent years, the sea power issues have become one of the
    hottest topics in China's international relations academia. It has become
    strategically important for China to develop its own sea power in the era of
    the globalization. This article would focus on three questions from the perspective
    of national interests and grand strategy. What is sea power? What
    kind of sea power does China need? How China will use its sea power? After
    discussing the development of China爷s sea power according to the sea power
    theory, this article would provide some suggestions on the development mode of
    China's sea power and the use of principles.
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    The Anglo-Saxon Tradition in Geopolitics Research
    WANG Cun-Sheng
    2012, 21(03): 28-35.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2012.03.002
    Abstract ( )  
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    The Geopolitical Environment of Greater Neighborhood of the South China Sea
    HU Hao, GE Yue-Jing, HU Zhi-Ding
    2012, 21(03): 36. 
    Abstract ( )  
    The Nansha islands, Xisha islands and other islands in the South China Sea have always been one part of China's territory, but now there are a great number of disputes in this area, making it one of the hot spots in the world. What is more,the political, military, economic and geopolitical environment surrounding of the South China Sea region has become more and more complex. In this article,the formation of the South China Sea issue is discussed from the perspective of geopolitical environment analysis. The result shows that the South China Sea issue is a complex problem which related to multiple-layered interests, including intra-area countries, the intervening countries outside the area, and associated international organizations. Stability Maintenance of the South China Sea will inevitably depend on the consideration of the geopolitical environment of greater neighborhood of this region.
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    Analysis on Russia's Arctic Route Strategy
    JIANG Xiu-Min, ZHU Xiao-Meng, WANG Zheng-Liang, DOU Bo
    2012, 21(03): 45.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2012.03.004
    Abstract ( )  
    Arctic route issue is one of the hot issues of academic concern,
    the Chinese scholars to study from China's perspective, and study the less the
    outcome of the strategy of the Russian Arctic route. The exploitation of the
    Arctic route in the future Russia will be in a central position, and the study
    on Arctic route and Russian strategic issues have great significance. Collect
    a large number of first-hand Russian information on the basis of Russia's Arctic
    route strategic depth analysis in order to play an inspiration and reference
    on China's strategy of the Arctic route.
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    Study of Global Spatial Relationship between Financial and Manufacturing Sectors
    —Based on Global 500 Largest Corporations of Fortune
    YAO Yong-Ling, SHI Lu-Shan
    2012, 21(03): 50.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2012.03.005
    Abstract ( )  
    With the process of global economy and service development, global spatial distribution between financial and manufacture sectors becomes more
    complicated than before. Particularly, spatial differentiation between financial and manufacture sectors has been blamed for the global economy recession
    since 2009s crisis. Data of global 500 largest corporations in Fortune will be employed to do panel co-integration and cause analysis. It comes to the
    conclusion that there is a stable relation between the two sectors for a long term. However, it is obvious that differentiation has been happened between them. While, the relation of developed countries is not stronger than that of
    developing countries, but Supply leading and Demand following冶exist together.
    The relation of development countries is similar with the one of developed
    countries, but only Demand following exist. Finally, some special issues
    (Shanghai could become international financial center, eg.) will also be
    discussed according to the conclusion.
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    Analysis of the Temporal Characteristics of International Main Grain Prices from 1961 to 2009
    XU Hai-Liang, ZHAO Wen-Wu, AN Yi-Ming
    2012, 21(03): 58.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2012.03.006
    Abstract ( )  
    Firstly, This paper introduces the methods to measure the international
    main grain prices based on international grain trade, then data separation
    of international main grain prices was made using EVIEW software. It applies
    mathematical statistics approach and spectral analysis approach to analyze
    temporal characters of the international main grain prices from 1961 to
    2009, and concludes the trend the periodicity and the volatility of international
    main grain prices. Results show that: on the time perspective, the
    trend of international main grain prices increase obviously; with the influence
    of a variety of factors, multi-cycle phenomena exists; With the trend of
    global integration and financialization in grain market, the prices become
    more and more unstable. The results of this article can be valuable references
    to further analysis of the mechanism of international grain prices.
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    Space-time Evolution and Forecast of the Oil Palm
    Production and Trade in the World
    XU Lu, LIU Yang-Jie
    2012, 21(03): 70.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2012.03.007
    Abstract ( )  
    Oil palm is one kind of woody oil crops whose yield per unit area
    is highest, it is known as "the king of world's oil". The proportions of its
    production and trading volume are the highest in all kinds of oil crops, which
    has huge economic benefits. This research studies the origin of the world palm
    oil and geographical spread. It also analyzes oil palm production and trade
    situation in recent years. The result shows: oil palm originates in Africa,
    and spreads to the vast tropical areas of Asia尧Africa and Latin America, now
    it forms three major producing areas, which are Central and West Africa尧
    Southeast Asia尧Central and South America, it also has the basic pattern of ten
    consumption areas such as India尧China尧the European Union. According to the
    research, the trade trend of oil palm production can be forecast, which gets
    three points: oil palm's acreage and consumer market will continue growing,
    new technology will boost oil palm yield and the sustainable use of oil palm
    will further to be strengthened.
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    Research on Overall Plans of China's Oil Importation from Land and Seas
    QIU Yan, GUO Qian, WU Dian-Ting
    2012, 21(03): 77.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2012.03.008
    Abstract ( )  
    China is the world's second largest oil-consuming country and oil-importing country, so its security issues on oil importation should not be
    overlooked. Based on China's oil supply and demand, the spatial pattern of China's oil importation and transport routes are analyzed, and existing problems are pointed out as below: the source is over-relied on Middle East; the line is too dependent on maritime transportation and Malacca channel. In order
    to improve security situation of China爷s oil importation, this paper provides four recommendations: accelerate the construction of oil pipeline between China
    and Myanmar, construct a crude oil pipeline between China and Pakistan, expand Sino-Kazakh and Sino-Russian crude oil pipeline, and accelerate the development of East China Sea and South China Sea oilfield. So that China can form four oil and gas import channels of the northeast, northwest, southwest
    on land and at sea, thus the diversification of oil transportation channels can achieve overall plans for land and seas on oil importation.
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    The Review and Comment of Theoretical Study on International R&D Hub
    HUANG Liang, DU De-Bin
    2012, 21(03): 84.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2012.03.009
    Abstract ( )  
    In the background of knowledge economy era, R&D becomes an important power to drive the region爷s social and economical development. International R&D hub, which is characterized by R&D innovation, is a new type of regional function and spatial form coming with the development of R&D globalization. There is no scholars both in home and abroad have researched this field systematically so far. Based on this, this paper mainly reviews the related theoretical achievement on international R&D hub in recent years systematically in four aspects such as the relevant concept, development strategy of R&D hub, the environment for R&D investment, growth condition and the model of R&D hub. Then, on the basis of theoretical comment, the paper gives the prospect for the main content and direction of future research on International R&D hub.
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    Geographic Space and Innovation: The Oretical Development and Thinking
    TAN Wen-Zhu
    2012, 21(03): 94.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2012.03.010
    Abstract ( )  
    In response to the arguments such as "geography is dead" and "geography is no longer important", economic geography scholars rediscovered the significance of geography through exploring the relation between innovation and geographic space. Innovation interaction studies suggest, only geographical
    proximity does not promote regional innovation. Besides geographic proximity, innovation also needs organization proximity and cognitive proximity. To
    innovation, geographical space is no longer a simple physical distance, but also includes other multi-dimensional space, such as organization proximity
    and cognitive proximity. Although physical proximity is neither sufficient condition nor necessary condition to promote innovation, geographical proximity
    still is of importance to innovation because geographic agglomeration can promote cognitive proximity and organization proximity. Although empirical
    studies found that there is relation between geographic proximity and innovation performance, it is not clear which proximity has promoted the innovation
    performance. The research on the relations of various proximity and innovation is still in the theoretical construction stage, it is urgently to develop relevant
    empirical research.
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