
WRS ›› 2013, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (02): 1-10.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2013.02.001

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Assessment of Potential and Direction of Transportation Infrastructure in South Africa

JIN Feng-jun1, LIU He1, ZHAO Shen2   

  1. 1. Key Laboratory of Regional Sustainable Development Modeling, Institute of Geographic Science and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China; 2. School of Resources and Environmental Science, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China
  • Received:2013-08-15 Revised:2013-08-15 Online:2013-06-15 Published:2013-06-17



  1. (1. 大连海事大学马克思主义中国化研究中心,辽宁大连116026; 2. 大连理工大学外国语学院,辽宁大连116024)
  • 作者简介:史春林(1966-),男,教授,博导,主要从事中国海上安全问题研究。

Abstract: Objective As the "vanguard" of economic development, transportation infrastructure plays a huge role in promoting the development of national economy. It’s very important to participate in major infrastructure projects in South Africa for strengthening the strategic cooperation between China and South Africa, as well as promoting Chinese enterprises to invest in South Africa. In 2010, South Africa's national transport master plan (2005-2050) (NATMAP 2050) was officially released. The plan carried out detailed arrangements for the construction of railways, highways, aviation, ports, pipelines and other infrastructure, and the total investment was up to 750 billion rand. After in-depth interpretation of the planning, the paper identified the investment focus and major projects of railways, seaports and other transportation infrastructure. After that, through the combination of the status quo analysis of urban system distribution, development of mineral resources and international trade in South Africa, the paper evaluated the investment potential and direction of high-speed rail passenger corridor, bulk freight corridors and port system in South Africa. Based on that, the paper screened the most investment potential projects, so as to provide some investment advice for Chinese government and enterprises.

Key words: South Africa, transport infrastructure, investment potential, NATMAP 2050

摘要: 新中国成立以来,美国及其盟国利用西太平洋岛链对中国采取封锁战略,严重威胁着中国 在太平洋海上出海通道的安全。因此中国应从被动到积极应对,采取有效措施冲破岛链封锁,打通 出海口,维护中国海上航线及其咽喉要道的安全:一是要把解决台湾问题作为核心关键;二是要把 解决南海问题作为重要突破口;三是要把争夺钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿控制权和坚决反对日本利用冲 之鸟礁来扩大专属经济区的错误做法作为支撑;四是要加强对岛链和出海通道的科学研究,同时 要运用有关国际海洋法维护自身权利,并增强应急能力;五是要努力争取获得在印度洋的出海口; 六是要加强各种层次和各种领域的国际合作;七是要不断提升中国海军近海防御和远海防卫作战 能力。

关键词: 岛链封锁, 出海通道, 海上安全

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