
WRS ›› 2014, Vol. ›› Issue (02): 104-111.

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Research on industry gradient transfer at the gateway cities of Chengdu-chongqing Economic Zone——based on six major manufacturing industries

  • Received:2013-10-29 Revised:2013-12-05 Online:2014-06-15 Published:2014-06-17



  1. 1. 西南交通大学经济管理学院
    2. 西南交通大学公共管理学院
  • 通讯作者: 段龙龙
  • 基金资助:


Abstract: On the basis of reconstructing urban space hierarchy of the gateway cities in Chengdu-chongqing Economic Zone with system clustering method(HCA), and using improved gravity model to analyze the Chengdu-chongqing dual-core metropolitan area space radiation effect on eight gateway cities in economic zone and applying the theory of location entropy respectively advantage of leading industry distribution situation of the gateway cities, the study found that: the industrial spatial layout of Chengdu-chongqing Economic Zone has possessed double leading share form, and industrial transfer mechanism supported by traditional policy area should be gradually replaced with economic zones and cities. Industry accept order of Chengdu-chongqing Economic Zone should be confirmed by urban space hierarchy and space gravitational radiation level. And now industry accept order has been in line with the industrial spatial gradient transfer conditions under the condition of large market.

摘要: 在借助系统聚类法(HCA)重建成渝经济区门户城市空间等级体系的基础上,利用改进空间引力模型和区位熵理论分别分析了成渝双核大都市区对经济区8大门户城市的空间辐射效应和各城市的优势主导产业分布态势。研究发现:成渝经济区产业空间布局已经具备双领头雁阵形态,以传统政策区为支撑的产业转移机制应逐步以经济区和城市群所取代;经济区产业承接次序应由城市空间等级体系和空间引力辐射程度共同决定,目前已符合大市场条件下的产业空间梯度转移条件。

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