
WRS ›› 2014, Vol. ›› Issue (02): 35-42.

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The Geopolitical Environment of Greater Neighborhood of the East China Sea

  • Received:2013-10-30 Revised:2013-12-29 Online:2014-06-15 Published:2014-06-17



  1. 辽宁师范大学
  • 通讯作者: 韩增林

Abstract: Abstract This article based on the East China Sea issue geopolitical environment fundamentals; source and original were made as the starting point. Divided the East China Sea neighborhood geopolitical environment into three kinds of geo-spatial structure, geopolitical body (East Sea), the main association (domain dispute countries), and inter-regional body association (outside interference country), which used the thinking of subject and association. There were four analysis conclusions of the East China Sea neighborhood geopolitical environment in the complex international linkages system. (1) From the view of main geopolitical point, the East China Sea have a very important geo-strategic, political and economic significance for China and Japan. East China Sea issue contains not only maritime demarcation issues, but also includes the sovereignty of the Diaoyu Islands issue, and related interests involved more countries and regions, geopolitical environment is very complex; (2) from the view of main association, the East China Sea issue is not just the dispute between China and Japan, also involves many countries, groups and organizational structure, etc.; the East China Sea dispute between China and Japan undergone several "cold" and "warm" period of wandering, but didn’t have substantive progress; (3) From the main inter-regional association, the United States is a major interference in the East China Sea issue. In order to achieve Asia Strategy, U.S. made its influence in the world firmly embedded in the geopolitical environment in the East China Sea, which is a serious threat to the maintenance of China's sovereignty, territorial integrity and maritime rights and interests.

摘要: 摘要:文章以东海问题的地“源”、地“原”为切入点,基于东海问题的地缘环境基础要素,从“地”—主体、“缘”—关联、“地缘”—主体关联的思维角度将东海周边的地缘环境结构划分为地缘主体(东海)、主体关联(域内争端国家)、区际主体关联(域外干涉国家)三种地理空间结构,对处于复杂国际关联体系之中的东海周边地缘环境作探索分析。结论如下:①从地缘主体来看,东海对于中日两国都具有极为重要的地缘战略、政治、经济意义;东海问题不仅包含海域划界问题,也包含钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿的主权问题,并且涉及的利益关联国家与地区较多,地缘环境相当复杂;②从主体关联来看,东海问题不仅仅是中日争端的问题,还牵涉到众多国家、集团、组织结构等“地缘”因素的相互博弈;中日在东海争端的演进过程中经历了多次的“冷”“暖”期徘徊却没有实质性进展。③从区际主体关联来看,美国是东海问题的主要干涉国家。美国为实现其“亚太战略”及利益,将其世界影响力牢牢嵌入到东海地缘环境中,严重威胁到中国主权领土完整以及海洋权益的维护。

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