
WRS ›› 2014, Vol. ›› Issue (02): 69-75.

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The Experience and Enlightenment of Foreign Spatial Planning of Urban-rural Integration

  • Received:2013-09-16 Revised:2014-03-10 Online:2014-06-15 Published:2014-06-17



  1. 河南科技学院
  • 通讯作者: 刘荣增
  • 基金资助:


Abstract: Smart growth, compact growth theory and exploitation and growth boundary management measures for curbing the sprawl of urban space in the United States, the practice to protect cultivated land and rural environment, ecology, rural landscape in Britain and France, the perfect legal policy system to promote the development of rural economy and the practical experiences of guiding the villagers to construct countryside by themselves in South Korea and Japan, provides the beneficial enlightenment from the perspective of spatial planning of urban-rural integration for China's development of large cities in fast urbanization area, new rural construction in ecological sensitive area and rural economic development in the poor areas. Based on space planning of coordinate the urban-rural contradiction, this paper summarized spatial planning of urban-rural integration in the first developed countries of United States, Britain and France, Japan, Korea, etc , analysis of the practical experiences of developed countries, and puts forward China's spatial planning of urban-rural integration for reference.

摘要: 美国遏制都市空间无序扩张的精明增长、紧凑增长等理论以及开发权和增长边界管理等措施,英法对乡村耕地、环境、生态、田园景观进行保护的做法,日韩促进农村经济发展的完备法律政策体系和引导村民自主建设乡村的实践经验,给中国快速城镇化地区的大城市扩展、生态敏感区的新农村建设和贫困地区的乡村经济发展从城乡空间统筹规划角度提供了有益的启示。文章以统筹城乡发展的空间规划为主线对美、英法、日韩等先行发达国家城乡空间统筹规划发展情况进行梳理,总结国外先行发达国家的理论和实践经验,指出对中国城乡空间统筹规划的借鉴意义。

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