WRS ›› 2015, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (04): 122-130.
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Abstract: man-land relationship is one of four historical traditions in geographical research. In this paper, we collect and summarize the studies on man-land relationship from 2000 in English-speaking academy from the aspects of epistemology, methodology and application. We demonstrate that no matter in geography or inter-disciplinary communication, the research on man-land relationship has still been paid a great deal of attention while the new time connotation of it has been given. From the aspect of epistemology, the revitalization of environment research in geography bridges the linkage between human geography and physical geography with the reciprocal interaction between the sub-disciplines in geography. At the same time, knowledge from other disciplines broadens our horizon; from the aspect of methodology, it presents the portfolio approach to analyze complex man-land relationship based on modern technology that is in the context of complex system science to model with relative thinking; from the aspect of application, the issues such as poverty and sustainable development are solved with the humanistic care and the respect for natural environment in man-land relationship, meanwhile, theory and technology supports are given to other disciplines. Implications are drawn simply as follows. The integration of Human geography and physical geography as two main branches of geography is always the project of geographers which the revitalization of environmental geography provides the possibility for. The critical reflection for environmental determinism in English-speaking academy gives rise to our attention on physical environment. Furthermore, the theories and methods from other disciplines help us to analyze the formation process, structure characteristics, development tendency and optimal regulation between human and environment. In the field of application, when ecological civilization construction in china is like a raging fire, the tradition of human-land relationship holds the theory basis for the exploration between human society and natural environment. Meanwhile, the useful uptake from ecology, environmental sciences and complexity science supplies effective ways to achieve the harmonious goal between human and environment.
摘要: 系统总结了2000年以来英语世界人地关系研究在认识,方法和应用方面取得的进展,通过总体评价提出了以资我国人地关系研究借鉴之处。无论是在学科内还是在学科间的交流中,地理学人地关系研究传统依然保持着强劲的生命力,并赋予了新的时代内涵。在认识上,地理学环境研究的复兴与学科内的融合是实现统一地理学发展的桥梁,学科间的交叉拓宽了人地关系研究视野;在方法上表现为依托现代技术的方法综合,即在复杂系统科学的背景下,建构以关系思考为本的评价模型;在应用上以人地关系之人文关怀和对自然环境的尊重解决从全球到地方尺度的贫困和可持续发展等问题,并为其他学科提供了理论和技术支持。
关键词: 人地关系, 英语世界, 环境, 进展, 启示, man-land relationship, English-speaking academy, environment, progress, implication
韩勇. 国外人地关系研究进展[J]. 世界地理研究, 2015, 24(04): 122-130.
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