WRS ›› 2015, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (04): 131-141.
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Abstract: Xinhua Printing Industry formed after the reform and opening up, which was a typical type phenomenon that people who come from the same place do the same job. This paper took Xinhua Printing Industry as an example, explored the changes, functions and relations of the immigratory place and migratory place in the development of Xinhua Printing Industry through qualitative study. The results show that in hometown and an alien land, the aspects of social economic and culture were changed a lot in the development of Xinhua Printing Industry. Hometown provides the industry with human resources, path of employment and emotional space; and an lien land offers the industry technology, path of industry and the space of upward social mobility and social adaption.The hometown and an alien land are tightly related with the industry, social relations and the culture, and develop a dynamic circulation of Xinhua pattern of which industry,immigratory place and migratory place are interconnected.
摘要: 改革开放后,中国社会出现了同乡同业集聚的现象,新化文印产业就是其中具有代表性的一类。对文印人员流出地“故乡”与流入地“他乡”进行考察,运用质性研究方法,探究了在文印产业发展过程中“故乡”与“他乡”所发生变化、承担的功能与相互联系。研究表明:文印产业对“故乡”与“他乡”的社会、经济文化等各方面影响巨大;“故乡”的功能体现在为文印产业的发展提供了人力资源、为从业人员提供了从业路径,及感情交流与回归的空间;“他乡”促进了产业的技术革新,形成了集聚效应并为从业人员提供了向上社会流动的空间;“故乡”与“他乡”是产业背后推动文印产业发展的虚实两只手,并通过文印产业与从业人员的社会关系及构建的文化紧密相连,形成了产业、空间、人口相互联系、动态循环的新化模式。
关键词: 新化文印产业, “故乡”与“他乡”, 变化, 功能, 联系, Xinhua Printing Industry, hometown and an alien land, change, function, relation
CLC Number:
刘晓莉. 新化文印产业发展中“故乡”与“他乡”的变化、功能与联系[J]. 世界地理研究, 2015, 24(04): 131-141.
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