WRS ›› 2016, Vol. ›› Issue (01): 115-124.
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Abstract: People can enjoy natural landscape, recreation and outdoor education by camping, which has become more and more popular since the 19th century. In the U.S., camping is a traditional outdoor activity engaging every year about 14% of the population. In China, camping is gradually accepted by more and more people, especially young. Outdoor camping in China is still in early development. Unregulated and unorganized camping causes environmental and social problems, and involves relatively few people into outdoor activities. To reach its full potential, camping requires proper planning, regulations, infrastructure, and other support. Outdoor camping needs all kinds of support conditions. In this paper, we review many factors that influence camping. We analyze what can be learned from American camping. First, we review the history and benefits of camping. The early European settlers depended on primal camping for reclamation. At that time, camping got original development. Gradually, people realized that camping was beneficial to education. Organized camping for young people also began in the latter half of the 19th century when a number of educators and church leaders experimented with taking groups of youngsters to live, study, play, and work. Second, we review land systems that support camping in the U.S. At the Federal level, a multiplicity of bureaus and independent agencies are charged with administration of lands, and most of these are, to a greater or less degree, a provider of outdoor recreation lands. Many types of lands are available for campground. Third, outdoor infrastructure, such as toilet, shower room, trash can, power supply are well equipped. The management of campgrounds was well executive, too. Fourth, many other factors, such as, good transport conditions, variety climatic types, popular outdoor activities, reasonable holiday entitlement facilitate camping. Finally, we summarize what can be learned from American camping ideas and applied can be used to foster the development of campgrounds in China.
摘要: 一项旅游活动的发展与流行需要多种内部和外部条件的支撑。中国的露营活动还处于发展的初期,目前还没有成体系的露营地建设,也没有相应的发展和管理措施。自发的露营活动很不规范,容易带来一系列社会问题。为了促进我国露营活动的健康发展,露营地的成体系和规范建设,论文从多个方面分析美国露营活动流行的原因,及其对我国露营活动开展的启示作用。露营是美国的一种传统户外活动项目,每年参与人数约占总人口的14%。美国露营活动为何这么流行?首先分析美国的早期移民从东海岸向西海岸探险过程中,对露营活动的形成和促进作用;在露营活动过程中,参与者如何从活动中获得休闲娱乐、磨练意志、知识学习、生存经验积累等多方面的收益,特别是对青少年的教育和锻炼作用。其次分析美国露营地建设种类和各种基础设施建设,以及露营者行为管理、露营地管理等各种管理措施对有序开展露营活动的支撑作用。再次从多种外部因素分析露营活动流行的原因,主要包括:地理气候等自然因素,高速公路系统、信息发布、生活品供应等各种基础设施因素,假期制度、生活与传统习惯和公共道德等各种社会文化因素等。最后在综合分析美国露营活动流行原因的基础上,提出我国如何结合自身国情开展露营活动。
王四海. 美国露营活动流行原因分析及对我国的启示[J]. 世界地理研究, 2016, (01): 115-124.
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