
WRS ›› 2016, Vol. ›› Issue (01): 166-174.

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Development Report on Heritage Corridor in China

  • Received:2015-04-01 Revised:2015-09-23 Online:2016-02-15 Published:2016-02-22



  1. 1. 岭南师范学院
    2. 华侨大学
  • 通讯作者: 张镒
  • 基金资助:


Abstract: As a cross-regional comprehensive heritage protection or utilization theory and method, heritage corridor collects a variety of functions and adventure, providing a kind of new ideas and perspectives to protect exploit and utilize heritage. Analyses the situation of heritage corridor, through the method of literature metrology, combining visualization software, found the study of heritage corridor, on the whole, at the start and exploring stage, focus on the empirical study is given priority to, research perspectives and scale is focused on the macro scale, research subject mainly related to building science and engineering, landscape design, tourism, culture, archaeology, etc. The research object more choose industrial heritage corridor, heritage corridor of research topics include the construction of heritage corridor, heritage corridor of value evaluation, constitute the interaction between system and heritage corridor and tourism. It points out the research of Chinese heritage corridor is insufficient, should pay attention to the localization of heritage corridor theory research, broaden the research field of vision, detailed study.

摘要: 遗产廊道作为一种跨区域综合性遗产保护利用理论方法,汇集多种功能和优点,为遗产保护和开发利用提供了一种新的理念和视角。通过文献计量学方法,结合可视化软件,分析我国遗产廊道的研究态势:总体上处于起步和探索阶段,侧重于实证研究,研究视角集中在宏观大尺度,研究学科主要涉及建筑科学与工程、景观设计、旅游、文化、考古等,研究对象多选择工业遗产廊道,研究主题包括遗产廊道的构建、遗产廊道价值的评价、构成体系和遗产廊道与旅游的互动。今后我国遗产廊道的研究应注重遗产廊道本土化理论的研究,还应拓宽研究视野,不断深入细化。

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