WRS ›› 2018, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (06): 88-97.
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Abstract: With the continued expansion and population growth of development zone, the study on residents' living distribution is becoming more and more important and gets increased emphasis by researchers. With the development and improvement of market system of real estate, urban residents' housing consumption for individual use has become the main body of real estate market. So, their individual characteristics have direct influences on their residential location-selections. Choosing age, earning, education background, geo-relationship, family structure and vocation as indexes, based on the large-scale questionnaire survey of residents' individual characteristics in Kunshan Development Zone, the study explores the spatial living distribution of different groups of residents with the method of ecological factor analysis and spatial autocorrelation analysis. The thesis tries to identify all the individual characteristics into two main integrated factors which are local social attachment degree and economic capability. The residents are divided into five representative groups accor?d?ing to the two main integrated factors, including the groups of high-economic-capability (type Ⅰ), medium-economic-capability and low-attachment-degree (typeⅡ), medium-economic-capability and high-attachment-degree (type Ⅲ), low-economic-capability and high-attachment-degree (type Ⅳ), low-economic-capability and low-attachment-degree (type Ⅴ). The paper reveals that types Ⅰ, II, Ⅲ and IV people have the most significant living aggregation, but the spatial distribution of type Ⅴ people is random. From the view of local spatial autocorrelation, the paper finds that type Ⅰ people obviously clusters to the corn areas, type Ⅲ people cluster to the old areas, type Ⅱ people cluster to the new areas where have perfect facilities closing to the industrial district, type Ⅳ people cluster to city village and marginal division where human settlements is poor. Type Ⅴ people has the larger proportion in city village, marginal division and farmer setting community.
摘要: 作为城市空间延伸和经济社会提升的重要载体,开发区居民主体多元化、空间结构复杂化特征研究具有重要意义。以昆山经济技术开发区居民主体属性问卷调查数据为基础,利用因子生态分析和空间自相关分析,初步探索了开发区居民类型及其空间聚集特征。研究表明,开发区居民类型结构具有一定的特殊性,除经济能力外,属地依恋程度也是其居民类型划分的主要依据;不同居民组群的空间聚集特征具有较大差异,高经济能力组群居民占据了人居环境质量最好的城市核心区,中等经济能力的高属地依恋度居民在城市建设起步较早、生活便利的老住区聚集度高,低属地依恋度居民在毗邻产业区、服务功能比较完善的新住区聚集度较高,低经济能力的高属地依恋度居民热点聚集区则主要分布在环境质量较差的城中村和边缘区,低属地依恋度居民空间分布的随机性较强,在紧邻产业区的城中村、农民安置区、边缘区以及商品房区内都有分布。
CLC Number:
王玉娟 杨山 吴连霞. 开发区居民分类及其空间聚集性分析——以昆山经济技术开发区为例[J]. 世界地理研究, 2018, 27(06): 88-97.
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