World Regional Studies ›› 2023, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (4): 170-180.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2023.04.2021059
Han CHU1,2(), Dixiang XIE1(
), Jiang CHANG3
Dixiang XIE
Han CHU, Dixiang XIE, Jiang CHANG. Environmental gentrification research in foreign countries: Progress and implications[J]. World Regional Studies, 2023, 32(4): 170-180.
楚晗, 谢涤湘, 常江. 国外环境绅士化研究进展与启示[J]. 世界地理研究, 2023, 32(4): 170-180.
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概念 | 环境绅士化 | 生态绅士化 | 绿色绅士化 |
发文量 | 78篇 | 19篇 | 55篇 |
首次提出作者、年份及文献 | Sieg H, et al. 2004. Estimating the general equilibrium benefits of large changes in spatially delineated public goods(估算空间划分的公共产品巨大变化的一般均衡效益) | Dooling S. 2009. Ecological gentrification: a research agenda exploring justice in the city(生态绅士化:探索城市正义的研究议程) | Gould, K A, et al. 2012. The environmental injustice of green gentrification: the case of Brooklyn’s Prospect Park(绿色绅士化的环境不公:布鲁克林展望公园的案例) |
相对特有的研究对象 | brownfields (toxic wreck)(棕地区); “greening” process(“绿化”过程) | climate(flood)(气候); “greening” process | urban agriculture(城市农业); “greening” process |
除主题关键词外的关键词汇 /频次 | environmental justice(环境正义)/13; displacement(失所)/7;resilience(弹性)/4; urban greening(城市绿化)/6; urban green space(城市绿地)/6; climate change(气候变化)/5 | climate change/3; housing(住房)/2; urban sustainability(城市可持续性)/2 | environmental justice/8; urban greening/5; ecosystem services(生态系统服务)/4; urban green space/4 |
Tab.1 Environmental gentrification and related concepts
概念 | 环境绅士化 | 生态绅士化 | 绿色绅士化 |
发文量 | 78篇 | 19篇 | 55篇 |
首次提出作者、年份及文献 | Sieg H, et al. 2004. Estimating the general equilibrium benefits of large changes in spatially delineated public goods(估算空间划分的公共产品巨大变化的一般均衡效益) | Dooling S. 2009. Ecological gentrification: a research agenda exploring justice in the city(生态绅士化:探索城市正义的研究议程) | Gould, K A, et al. 2012. The environmental injustice of green gentrification: the case of Brooklyn’s Prospect Park(绿色绅士化的环境不公:布鲁克林展望公园的案例) |
相对特有的研究对象 | brownfields (toxic wreck)(棕地区); “greening” process(“绿化”过程) | climate(flood)(气候); “greening” process | urban agriculture(城市农业); “greening” process |
除主题关键词外的关键词汇 /频次 | environmental justice(环境正义)/13; displacement(失所)/7;resilience(弹性)/4; urban greening(城市绿化)/6; urban green space(城市绿地)/6; climate change(气候变化)/5 | climate change/3; housing(住房)/2; urban sustainability(城市可持续性)/2 | environmental justice/8; urban greening/5; ecosystem services(生态系统服务)/4; urban green space/4 |
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