World Regional Studies ›› 2024, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (3): 116-130.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2024.03.20230145
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Yalong ZHANG1(), Haifeng ZHANG1,2,3(
), Xuemei YANG4
Haifeng ZHANG
Yalong ZHANG, Haifeng ZHANG, Xuemei YANG. Spatial and temporal difference in urban carbon budget in the Yellow River Basin and carbon offset zoning study[J]. World Regional Studies, 2024, 33(3): 116-130.
张亚龙, 张海峰, 杨雪梅. 黄河流域城市碳收支时空差异与碳补偿分区研究[J]. 世界地理研究, 2024, 33(3): 116-130.
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XIA S, YANG Y. Spatio-temporal differentiation of carbon budget and carbon compensation zoning in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Urban Agglomeration based on the Plan for Major Function-oriented Zones. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2022, 77(3): 679-696. | |
2 | 赵荣钦,张帅,黄贤金 等.中原经济区县域碳收支空间分异及碳平衡分区.地理学报,2014,69(10):1425-1437. |
ZHAO R, ZHANG S, HUANG X,et al. Spatial variation of carbon budget and carbon balance zoning of Central Plains Economic Region at county-level. Acta Geographica Sinica,2014,69(10):1425-1437. | |
3 | 曹俊文,张钰玲.中国省域碳排放特征与碳减排路径研究.生态经济,2022,38(8):13-19. |
CAO J, ZHANG Y. Research on carbon emission characteristics and reduction pathways of provinces in China. Ecological Economy, 2022, 38(8): 13-19. | |
4 | 兰天, 韩玉晶. 中国对外贸易隐含碳排放及省际转移研究——基于环境投入产出模型的分析框架 . 中南大学学报(社会科学版), 2022, 28(4): 94-106. |
LAN T, HAN Y. Research on embodied carbon emissions of China's foreign trade and inter-provincial carbon transfers: An analysis framework based on environmental Input-output Models. Journal of Central South University(Social Sciences), 2022, 28(4): 94-106. | |
5 | 李俊杰,刘湘.宁夏碳排放影响因素与碳达峰预测.中南民族大学学报(人文社会科学版),2022,42(7):116-124.[ |
LAN S, LI D. Influencing factors for carbon emission and prediction on peaking carbon dioxide emissions in Ningxia. Journal of South-Central Minzu University(Humanities and Social Sciences), 2022,42(7):116-124. | |
6 | 李玉玺. 碳中和目标下内蒙古碳排放与经济增长之间的脱钩分析 . 北方经济, 2022(6): 61-64. |
LI Y. Decoupling analysis between carbon emissions and economic growth in Inner Mongolia under the carbon neutral goal. Northern Economy, 2022(6): 61-64. | |
7 | 张雪洁,王成新,苗毅,等.基于多源数据的城市用地强度对碳排放的影响研究——以青岛市为例.西安理工大学学报,2022,38(4):451-461. |
ZHANG X, WANG C, MIAO Y,et al. Study on the impact of urban land intensity on carbon emissions based on multi-source data: A case study of Qingdao City.Journal of Xi'an University of Technology, 2022,38(4):451-461. | |
8 | 南锡康, 靳利飞. 市域工业企业碳补偿额度核算——以武汉市为例 . 生态经济, 2022, 38(8): 20-23. |
NAN X, JIN L. Calculation of carbon compensation amount of municipal industrial enterprises: Taking Wuhan as an example. Ecological Economy, 2022, 38(8): 20-23. | |
9 | 冯源,朱建华,刘华妍,等.基于土地利用变化的县域碳收支空间格局预测.江西农业大学学报,2020,42(4):852-862. |
FENG Y, ZHU J, LIU H,et al. Prediction of spatial patterns of county-scale carbon budget based on land use change. Acta Agriculturae Universitatis Jiangxiensis, 2020,42(4):852-862. | |
10 | 张正峰, 张栋. 基于社会网络分析的京津冀地区碳排放空间关联与碳平衡分区 . 中国环境科学, 2023, 43(4): 2057-2068. |
ZHANG Z, ZHANG D. Spatial relatedness of CO2 emission and carbon balance zoning in Beijing Tianjin Hebei counties. China Environmental Science, 2023, 43(4): 2057-2068. | |
11 | 王政强,覃盟琳,唐世斌,等.北部湾城市群土地利用碳收支时空分异及碳补偿分区.水土保持通报,2022,42(5):348-359. |
WANG Z, QIN M, TANG S, et al. Spatio-temporal variation of landuse carbon budget and carbon compensation zoning in Beibu Gulf Urban Agglomeration Area. Bulletin of Soil and Water Conservation, 2022,42(5):348-359. | |
12 | 滕菲,王艳军,王孟杰,等.长三角城市群城市空间形态与碳收支时空耦合关系.生态学报,2022,42(23):9636-9650. |
TENG F, WANG Y, WANG M,et al. Spatiotemporal coupling relationship between urban spatial morphology and carbon budget in Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2022,42(23):9636-9650. | |
13 | 杨绍华, 张宇泉, 耿涌. 基于LMDI的长江经济带交通碳排放变化分析 . 中国环境科学, 2022, 42(10): 4817-4826. |
YANG S, ZHANG Y, GENG Y. An LMDI-based investigation of the changes in carbon emissions of the transportation sector in the Yangtze River Economic Belt. China Environmental Science, 2022, 42(10): 4817-4826. | |
14 | 王兆峰, 李竹, 吴卫. 长江经济带不同等级城市碳排放的时空演变及其影响因素 . 环境科学研究, 2022, 35(10): 2273-2281. |
WANG Z, LI Z, WU W. Spatio-temporal evolution and influencing factors of carbon emissions in different grade cities in the Yangtze River Economic Belt. Research of Environmental Sciences,2022, 35(10): 2273-2281. | |
15 | 周琪,梁肖,黄俊生,等.城市轨道交通碳排放效率与影响因素研究.交通运输系统工程与信息,2023,23(1):30-38. |
ZHOU Q, LIANG X, HUANG J,et al. Carbon emission efficiency and influencing factors analysis of urban rail transits. Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology, 2023,23(1):30-38. | |
16 | 刘腾,董洪光,高乐红,等.宁夏工业碳排放脱钩影响因素分析及减排对策研究.宁夏大学学报(自然科学版),2023,44(4):356-361. |
LIU T, DONG H, GAO L,et al. Factors influencing decoupling of industrial carbon emissions and countermeasures to reduce emissions in Ningxia. Journal of Ningxia University(Natural Science Edition), 2023,44(4):356-361. | |
17 | 李智慧, 王凯, 徐丽萍. 中国环境规制对旅游业碳排放强度影响的空间异质性 . 生态学报, 2023, 43(5): 2128-2140. |
LI Z, WANG K, XU L,et al. Spatial heterogeneity of the environmental regulation′s impacts on the carbon emission intensity of tourism in China. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2023, 43(5): 2128-2140. | |
18 | 伍国勇, 陈莹, 孙小钧. 中国种植业碳补偿率区域差异、动态演进及收敛性分析. 中国生态农业学报(中英文), 2021, 29(10): 1774-1785. |
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19 | 吴昊玥,何宇,黄瀚蛟 等.中国种植业碳补偿率测算及空间收敛性.中国人口·资源与环境, 2021,31(6):113-123. |
WU H, HE Y, HUANG H,et al. Estimation and spatial convergence of carbon compensating rate of planting industry in China. China Population,Resources and Environment, 2021, 31(6): 113 -123. | |
20 | 栗僡澶. 山西省农业碳效应时空分异及碳补偿潜力研究. 太原:山西财经大学, 2022. |
LI H. Research on spatial-temporal differentiation of agricultural carbon effect and carbon offset potential in Shanxi Province. Taiyuan: Shanxi University of Finance & Economics, 2022. | |
21 | 周嘉,王钰萱,刘学荣 等.基于土地利用变化的中国省域碳排放时空差异及碳补偿研究.地理科学,2019,39(12):1955-1961. |
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24 | 刘金华. 基于LMDI模型的我国碳排放影响因素及减排对策研究. 中国商论, 2022(20): 146-148. |
LIU J. Research on the influencing factors of China's carbon emission and the countermeasures based on the LMDI Model. China Journal of Commerce, 2022(20): 146-148. | |
25 | 赵映慧,王子彤,詹汶羲,等.黑龙江省耕地利用转型碳排放的时空分异特征与影响因素.西南农业学报,2022,35(10):2247-2255. |
ZHAO Y, WANG Z, ZHAN W, et al. Spatial-temporal characteristics and influencing factors of carbon emission from cultivated land use transformation in Heilongjiang Province. Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2022, 35(10): 2247-2255. | |
26 | 张永凯, 田雨. 黄河流域城市群碳排放与经济增长脱钩状态及驱动因素. 人民黄河, 2023, 45(5): 30-35. |
ZHANG Y, TIAN Y. Decoupling condition between carbon emission and economic growth in Yellow River Basin Urban Agglomeration and its driving factors. Yellow River, 2023, 45(5): 30-35. | |
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YANG Y, MU Y, ZHANG W. Basic conditions and core strategies of high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin. Resources Science, 2020, 42(3): 409-423. | |
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39 | 孔凡斌, 曹露丹, 徐彩瑶. 县域碳收支核算与碳综合补偿类型分区——以钱塘江流域为例 . 经济地理, 2023, 43(3): 150-161. |
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42 | 李姝晓. 黄河流域区域旅游碳排放效率与旅游经济高质量发展的互动机制. 太原:山西财经大学, 2022. |
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