
World Regional Studies ›› 2025, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (1): 30-42.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2025.01.20230545

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International comparative research on social modernization based on common characteristics

Xijun ZHAO1(), Jing JIN2, Dianting WU3(), Yanhui GAO4   

  1. 1.Institutes of Science and Development, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
    2.China center for modernization research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
    3.Department of Geographic Sciences, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
    4.School of Tourism & Research Institute of Human Geography, Xi'an International Studies University, Xi'an 710128, China
  • Received:2023-08-21 Revised:2023-12-04 Online:2025-01-15 Published:2025-02-07
  • Contact: Dianting WU


赵西君1(), 靳京2, 吴殿廷3(), 高岩辉4   

  1. 1.中国科学院科技战略咨询研究院,北京 100190
    2.中国科学院中国现代化研究中心,北京 100190
    3.北京师范大学地理科学学部,北京 100875
    4.西安外国语大学旅游学院·人文地理研究所,西安 710128
  • 通讯作者: 吴殿廷
  • 作者简介:赵西君(1979—),男,副研究员,博士,研究方向为区域经济与产业创新、地区现代化,E-mail:zhaoxijun@casisd.cn
  • 基金资助:


Social modernization is a core component of national modernization. The progress of promoting social modernization in China can be divided into three stages: the exploration stage, rapid development stage, and steady improvement stage. Chinese-style social modernization exhibits five major characteristics: it is rooted in a massive population base, guided by the goal of achieving shared prosperity for all, seeking the unity of economic development and social progress under resource constraints, and advocating for cultural cooperation and win-win development for humanity and peace. Building on the universal characteristics of social modernization evolution, a five-dimensional evaluation index system for social modernization has been proposed. These dimensions encompass technological and educational modernization, health and wellness modernization, cultural, tourism, and sports modernization, modernization in social governance and social security, and modernization of quality of life. Social modernization indices have been conducted for 60 countries in typical years, yielding the following results: Firstly, the process of social modernization has significantly accelerated in Asian and South American countries from 2000 to 2020. Secondly, Oceania and Europe exhibit the highest levels of social modernization, while Africa lags behind; Countries at the forefront of social modernization have maintained relative stability. Thirdly, China has achieved substantial progress in social modernization, with a notable reduction in the relative gap compared to leading countries worldwide since 2000. Finally, modernization in technology and education, as well as quality of life, represents weak areas in China's social modernization, and social governance and social security perform relatively better than other domains from a sectoral perspective. The four pathways to enhance China's level of social modernization, are to continue improving people's quality of life, accelerate technological innovation and talent development, vigorously implement the Healthy China strategy, and continually innovate social governance methods.

Key words: social modernization, Chinese-style modernization, common characteristics, international comparison



关键词: 社会现代化, 中国式现代化, 共性特征, 国际比较