WRS ›› 2018, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (05): 116-125.
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Abstract: This paper analyzes the over-one-hundred-year history of Chaoshan Crochet, drawing on methods of archives and in-depth interviews. Based on theories of feminist geography, this paper explores the bodily performance of Chaoshan females in the process of taking part in the Crochet activities. Specifically, the Crochet activities in Chaoshan area can be divided into four stages: the colonial march, commune flower garden, family workshop and creative space. In such a long historical process, females’ Crochet activities are continuously engaging with the construction and performativity of their gendered identities. On this basis, this paper challenges the stereotyped image of the Chaoshan females as ‘staying in the household, respecting mother/father in law, being loyal to husband, teaching children, worshipping Gods, boiling soup, and family life based’. Through their Crochet activities, this paper argues, the participation of the economic activities for Chaoshan females has greatly been involved into the process of constructing their identity as ‘economical people’, and their Crochet activities have thus changed their spatial practices and performances. Their spatiality has gradually focused from the private space in this household to the more public realms. In doing so, this paper has contributed to the challenge of the binary framework of the public (the masculine, the economic and the political) and the private (the feminize, the non-economic and non-political)asaformoffeministeconomicgeographicalresearch.
摘要: 本文主要通过文献法和深度访谈的方法,对潮汕地区钩花行业一百多年的 兴衰发展进行梳理,同时利用女性主义地理学理论阐释了潮汕女性在这个历史过 程中的身体展演,得出潮汕钩花行业经历了殖民洋行、公社花埕、家庭作坊以及 创意空间等几个鲜明的历史阶段。在这悠久的历史进程中,钩花行业的发展展示 出潮汕女性身份不断建构与重塑的过程。鉴于此,本文挑战了潮汕女性作为“一 直身居内宅、孝敬公婆、相夫、教子、拜老爷、煲汤、温驯顺从、以家庭为个人 生活中心”的刻板印象。通过钩花活动,本文指出从事手工业活动建构了潮汕作 为“经济人”的社会角色,她们的空间实践和空间展演也随之发生改变,逐步由 家庭空间的演绎转移到洋行和抽纱工厂等更加公共的领域。在此基础上,女性主 义地理学所批判的性别空间二元论在这个案例中也具化成为对性别所导致的公 共的(男性的、经济的和政治的)和私密的(女性的、非经济的和非政治的)二 元论的挑战。基于此,本文从经济地理的视角为女性主义地理学研究做出了一定 的贡献。
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王敏 谢漪 黄海燕. 公共还是私密空间?基于女性主义地理学的潮汕钩花案例分析[J]. 世界地理研究, 2018, 27(05): 116-125.
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