
WRS ›› 2018, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (06): 134-145.

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The Controversial Temple: The differences of the Image Representation of Shaolin Temple between Chinese and American newspapers


  • Received:2017-11-16 Revised:2018-03-22 Online:2018-12-15 Published:2018-12-10
  • Supported by:



  1. 郑州大学旅游管理学院
  • 通讯作者: 郑鹏
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: With the development of modern communication society, the media has become an important force to participate in the construction of the destination image. This research attempts to identify the differences of image representation of Shaolin Temple between Chinese and American newspapers. Representative newspapers were chosen as the sample and the content about Shaolin Temple on those newspapers were collected. The Grounded theory and Chi-square analysis was used to analyze the characteristics of the image of the Shaolin Temple. Finally, we got four main categories: historical culture, modern development, main characters and overall cognition. The results suggested that American newspapers focus on the history and culture, internationalization and commercialization, highlight the main character images that are inconsistent with social norms and try to shape a complicated and contradictory image of Shaolin Temple. Chinese newspapers focus on the modern development of Shaolin Temple, highlight the long history, rich and diverse culture. In addition to focusing on internationalization and commercialization, Chinese newspapers are also concerned about the tourism development of Shaolin Temple. There are both praise and criticism of the main characters in Chinese newspapers. As a whole, Chinese newspapers try to shape a Shaolin Temple image with a long history, rich culture and high popularity. This difference is summarized as the media's subjective expression of the tradition and innovation of Shaolin Temple. The media has an important influence on the formation of the organic image of the destination. The research about the media representation provides a reference for shaping the tourism destination image.


摘要: 随着现代传播社会的发展,媒介成为参与建构目的地形象的重要力量。本研究选取在中国和美国发行量较大且具有代表性的报纸为研究样本,对其报道少林寺的相关内容进行搜集整理,综合运用扎根理论、卡方检验,分析中美报纸媒介对少林寺形象表征的差异。结果归纳出历史文化、现代发展、主要人物、整体认知四个主要范畴。研究发现:美国报纸整体上侧重于表征少林寺的历史文化,凸显以少林功夫为代表的历史文化形象,关注少林寺的国际化和商业化,强调与社会规范不符的主要人物形象,整体上塑造了一个复杂矛盾的少林寺形象;中国报纸侧重于表征少林寺的现代发展,突出历史文化的悠久和丰富多样性,关注国际化和商业化的同时更为关注少林寺旅游业发展,对主要人物既有批评质疑也有肯定赞誉,投射出一个举世闻名的少林寺形象。这种差异被总结为媒介对少林寺传统与创新之主观表达。

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