World Regional Studies ›› 2022, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (4): 773-785.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2022.04.20220525
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Chunzhu WEI1,2(), Wei CHEN1,2, Qi WANG1,2, Yanjun DONG1,2, Gengzhi HUANG1,2(
Gengzhi HUANG
韦春竹1,2(), 陈炜1,2, 王琪1,2, 董妍君1,2, 黄耿志1,2(
Chunzhu WEI, Wei CHEN, Qi WANG, Yanjun DONG, Gengzhi HUANG. The enlightenments of the port system and functional differentiation in South China to the construction of Hainan Yangpu Free Trade Port[J]. World Regional Studies, 2022, 31(4): 773-785.
韦春竹, 陈炜, 王琪, 董妍君, 黄耿志. 华南地区港口体系与功能分化对海南洋浦 自贸港建设的启示[J]. 世界地理研究, 2022, 31(4): 773-785.
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LIU C, HU Z. Spatial pattern and complexity of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road shipping network. World Regional Studies, 2018, 27(3): 11-18. | |
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[1] | Ping WANG, Yan CHEN, Yeqing CHENG, Jiehua SONG. Evolution and driving mechanism of urban-rural relationship in Hainan Province [J]. World Regional Studies, 2022, 31(4): 849-861. |
[2] | Jingya XU, Zhouying SONG. The geo-economic relations between Hainan Free Trade Port and Pan-South China Sea countries and its impact factors [J]. World Regional Studies, 2022, 31(4): 737-747. |
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