
World Regional Studies ›› 2021, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (2): 331-343.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2021.02.2019322

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Theoretical basis and scientific issues of manufacturing spatial reconstruction in the export-oriented economic area

Yuyao YE1,2(), Hong'ou ZHANG1,2, Yang WANG1,2, Kangmin WU1,2, Qitao WU1,2, Yanhua CHEN1,2, Zhiwei DU1,2   

  1. 1.Key Lab of Guangdong for Utilization of Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System, Guangdong Open Laboratory of Geospatial Information Technology and Application, Guangzhou Institute of Geography, Guangdong Academic of science, Guangzhou 510070, China
    2.Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory (Guangzhou), Guangzhou 510070, China
  • Received:2019-07-10 Revised:2019-10-17 Online:2021-03-30 Published:2021-04-09


叶玉瑶1,2(), 张虹鸥1,2, 王洋1,2, 吴康敏1,2, 吴旗韬1,2, 陈艳华1,2, 杜志威1,2   

  1. 1.广东省科学院广州地理研究所/广东省遥感与地理信息系统应用重点实验室/广东省地理空间信息技术与应用公共实验室,广州 510070
    2.南方海洋科学与工程广东省实验室(广州),广州 510070
  • 作者简介:叶玉瑶(1980-),女,研究员,研究方向为城市群与区域发展战略,E-mail: yeyuyao@gdas.ac.cn
  • 基金资助:


At present, a new round of international industrial transfer and economic transformation in our country formed the historic intersection, showing a wide range of different processes and multi-scale spatial effects.With the enterprise migration and emigration, the decline of the old industrial area and the growth of the new industrial area coexistent in the Pearl River Delta,The manufacturing industry began a dramatic reconstruction. It is different from the diffusion process between the core and the periphery described by the "core-edge" theory. It is the spatial differentiation which means growth and recession coexists within the core region. Scientific issues such as diversified process of agglomeration and diffusion of manufacturing enterprises, diversification process of diffusion, multi-scale spatial effect of economic regional evolution, multi-power mechanism of manufacturing spatial reconstruction need to be deeply studied in the new era. A theoretical analysis framework from enterprise location to economic region evolution should be established, which includes the process of pluralistic location of enterprises, multi-scale spatial effects and multiple power mechanism. In order to explore the theory of industrial agglomeration and diffusion in accordance, and to provide the scientific basis for our country to actively respond to the new round of international industrial transfer and actively plan for transformation and development. We need to explore the theory of industrial agglomeration and diffusion in accordance with the background of the era and our native country, so as to provide scientific advices for our country to actively respond to the new round of international industrial transfer and actively plan for transformation and development.

Key words: location, industry transfer, industrial space, production network, power mechanism



关键词: 区位, 产业转移, 产业空间, 生产网络, 动力机制