

    30 March 2021, Volume 30 Issue 2 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    A multi-scale analysis of India's geo-setting and enlightenment to China
    Yuejing GE, Jingyun JI, Yu HUANG
    2021, 30(2): 223-233.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2021.02.2019714
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    In the context of the common rise of China and India, the geopolitical competition between China and India is increasingly fierce with the promotion of China's "westward opening" and the Belt and Road initiative. The deconstruction of India's geo-setting is helpful for China to identify geo-risks and formulate effective geo-strategies. This paper deconstructs the Geo-Setting of India on different scales (including global, regional, and national scales) from three aspects: geographical environment, geopolitical imagination, and geo-relation. It also demonstrates how India, based on its geographical environment, formulates and implements its geopolitical strategy. (1) On the global scale, with its geographical advantages in the Indian Ocean, India has built a global geo-strategy based on the Indian Ocean and pursued its status as a great power. (2) On the regional scale, India, relying on its geographical structure, size, power, and influence in South Asia, has built a regional strategy of giving priority to its neighbors and preventing interference by non-regional powers, so as to seek leadership in South Asia. (3) on the national scale, India's national power is divided by its internal diversity (including the caste system, religious contradictions, regionalism, party struggle, etc.), and it is a great challenge for India to strengthen its unified national identity. According to the characteristics of India's Geo-Setting and the power comparison between China and India, from the perspective of China's national interests, in South Asia and the Indian Ocean region, China, as a weaker power, should strengthen the building of a community of interests with India, strengthen intra-regional cooperation, regional connectivity and integration, and enhance the voice and legitimacy in the region. In the border areas between China and India, China, as a stronger power, should strengthen border management and prevent interference by outside forces.

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    The geo-economics relationship in the Arctic Region
    Binhong YE, Yang CHENG, Li WANG, Dongye LI, Linsheng YANG
    2021, 30(2): 234-244.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2021.02.2018582
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    With the impact of climate change,Arctic Region has aroused extensive concerns worldwide. Based on the GDP and trade value (US$) data in 2001, 2006, 2011, 2016, this paper used economic interdependence index, trade status and social network analysis including network density, centrality and PageRank to analyze the geo-economics relationship of Arctic States and regions, considering influence of 13 observers of Arctic Council. Results show that trade flows among Arctic States and regions increased first and decreased afterwards during 2001-2016.The status and influence significantly varied from economy to economy with the unequal relationship in bilateral trade.Geo-economics relationship showed the core-periphery-edge pattern in past few years.Bilateral trade flow between USA and Canada is particularly significant, accounting for more than 70% of inter-Arctic trade flows.In terms of bilateral relations,USA has prominent dominance as Canada is highly dependent on USA economy.Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland have important geo-economics influence in the Arctic Region, while Iceland and Greenland have been at the edge positions all the time, however their important geographical locations play a significant role in Arctic affairs, which cannot be ignored. In the geo-economics relationship, performance of Russian Federation doesn't match with its status as a significant international political power, but it has huge potential in economic trade.German, the United Kingdom, France, Japan, Italy, Netherlands and China are countries with significant influence on geo-economics relationship in Arctic Region.Influence of emerging economies represented by China have been enhanced in Arctic Region. In contrast, some traditional economic powers such as United Kingdom, France, Japan, Italy, Canada and Spain were weakening in some degrees. The geo-economics pattern, however, has not been fundamentally changed yet.

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    Spatial and temporal evolution of terrorism index in Middle East and the spatial-temporal heterogeneity of its influencing factors
    Ziyue DING, Haiyan LIU, Xiaohui CHEN, Hongchuan MA
    2021, 30(2): 245-256.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2021.02.2019430
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    Middle East is suffering more and more side effects from terrorism. The high risk of terrorism in Middle East could not be ignored. Terrorism index, which is estimated through the comprehensive assessment of the direct negative impact from terrorist attacks, can be considered as the significant indicator to evaluate terrorism risk. In light of this, terrorism index is utilized in this paper for the direct reflection of terrorism risk in Middle East. Additionally, terrorism risk would experience variation in both time and space, and the reason for this variation may be diversified. Hence, it is of great importance to analyze the spatio-temporal evolution and influencing factors of terrorism index in Middle East to study on the terrorism development trend and external causes. This paper was thus organized as below. Firstly, the terrorism index was constructed and calculated to quantitatively assess the terrorism risk of countries in Middle East. Then the spatio-temporal evolution characteristics of terrorism index were analyzed combining multiple statistic indexes. Taken social-economic, political, and geographical factors into consideration, the effects of various factors on the terrorism index in Middle East were finally analyzed by comparing OLS, GWR, and GTWR. The main conclusions are as follows. (1) The relevant statistical results suggested that the terrorism risk of most Middle East countries increased gradually from 1995 to 2016, and present a spatial diffusion trend. (2) GTWR had a significant improvement on the model performance in contrast with OLS and GWR, which indicated that the spatio-temporal effect had certain influence on the related factors. (3) Through comprehensive analysis of regression results, the ethnic and religious factors were the most essential influencing factors.

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    Measurement and spatial differentiation of urbanization development in Russia
    Nanchen CHU, Pingyu ZHANG, Xiangli WU, He LI
    2021, 30(2): 257-266.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2021.02.2019554
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    Under the background of "the Belt and Road" and "the economic corridor of China, Mongolia and Russia" initiatives, it is of great significance to study the urbanization development level and its spatial differentiation of Russia. The paper first studied the urban scale distribution and urban spatial pattern in Russia. Then based on building an index system, the comprehensive weighting method of entropy weight and variation coefficient was used to calculate the urbanization development levels with regard to the population, economic and social aspects of eighty-three Russian federal subjects during 2005-2016. Finally, the spatial differentiation of the population, economic and social urbanization development levels was performed respectively by using ArcGIS. The results are as following. First, Russia has initially formed a "two core, multi polar, one horizontal, four vertical and multi groups" spatial pattern. Second, the comprehensive urbanization development levels of eighty-three federal subjects have increased from 2005 to 2016. The urbanization development levels of the economic aspects are higher than the population and social aspects. Third, the urbanization development levels of most federal subjects are lower than the average level of all the federal subjects. Forth, the population, economic, and social urbanization development levels were all spatially imbalanced in Russia. They show the "High Core, Low Edge", "High Center, Low North, and Low South", "High West, Low East" spatial patterns. The areas with high urbanization development levels are concentrated in Moscow city, Saint-Petersburg city and the belt areas of "Republic of Dagestan- Irkutsk Region". The areas with low ones are mostly in the northeastern part of the Far East federal district, southern part of the Siberian federal district and northern part of the North West federal district. Fifth, Russia's urbanization is influenced by historical formation and development, geographical basis and natural resources, policies and systems, industrial development, international market and surrounding countries.

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    U.S. policy in Central and Eastern Europe since the Trump administration: Adjustment, goals and prospect
    Hongyi WANG
    2021, 30(2): 267-275.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2021.02.2019464
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    Since the creation of the "17+1 Cooperation" mechanism, the role played by Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) in China-EU cooperation has become increasingly important. As a "late arrival" in Central and Eastern Europe, China has to face the long-term influence of the geography of the United States, Europe and Russia. Especially since Trump took office, he has inherited the CEE policy of the Obama administration at the end, and on the other hand strengthened the strategic deployment of the United States in energy, geography and military. In terms of energy, the United States has further strengthened the role of diplomatic diplomacy as a power resource to balance US-European-Russian relations. In terms of geography, Poland, as a strategic axis of the region, is more heavily valued by the United States. On the military side, the Trump administration has strengthened its military presence and the military expenditure in CEE, and ,promoted the strategic eastward movement of the military bases in Europe. This article examines the literature on the official US text and finds that the Trump administration has stepped up the strategic deployment of the above three aspects, which aims to achieve the following three strategic objectives: balances Russia, govern EU by separating it and crowds out China from CEE.Looking ahead to the Biden administration, security and energy remain the primary concerns of US policy in Central and Eastern Europe.

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    The development strategies of new town in Africa
    Jiemin LIU, Bin LV
    2021, 30(2): 276-285.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2021.02.2019326
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    In recent years, African cities represented by the capitals have been developing with high speed. As a result, it spawned a wave of new town development. This paper reviews the theory and practice of African's new town development and summarizes the background, driving forces, key roles and challenges. It takes the capital city of Brazzaville as an example to study the driving force, the key roles of central government, domestic and international enterprises and financing institution, the challenges of unstable political and economic form, immature land market and geological risk. Based on the concept plan of the new town, this paper proposes to design a flexible urban planning scheme, to establish a land management system, to coordinate development between the government and enterprises, to raise funds from multiple sources, to guarantee geological safely by engineering design, to build an accessible road traffic system, to accommodate different needs or cultural backgrounds of people in different districts, to build economical and convenient housing products, to build public service facilities which meet the needs of all parties and to set up industrial parks which meet the needs of local economic development.

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    Urban political ecology in Anglophone literature: Progress and theoretical inquires
    Kun WANG, Shenjing HE
    2021, 30(2): 286-296.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2021.02.2019425
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    Political ecology has been firmly established as a core filed for human geographers to interrogate the dynamic and dialectic relationships between human and environment. As an offshoot of political ecology, urban political ecology has witnessed a raid progress in recent two decades as well. Unfortunately, a promising research filed as important as such has not yet drawn its due attention from Chinese human geographers. This paper offers a systematic review of the theoretical lineage, analytical approaches, theoretical concerns, and research progress of urban political ecology in the Anglophone literature. The approach of urban political ecology has abstained from the socio-natural dichotomy that has dominated the environmental theory and practice during the 20th century. Rooted in neo-Marxist urban geography, it has rejected the the divisions of society/nature and urban/nature and re-conceptualized cities as socio-natural hybrids. It is critical of both cities as a missing element in conventional political ecology studies and the ignorance of environment in urban studies. It foregrounds the political nature of the processes that produce particular socio-ecological changes and the importance of untangling the political economic, socio-cultural, and power relationships that are constantly shaping and shaped by the socio-ecological transformations. Urban political ecology in the past five years is expanding to include post-structural, postcolonial theories; is increasingly attentive to socio-ecological changes in the Global South; is seeing emerging debates centering around issues of planetary urbanization, methodological cityism, site multiple approach.

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    Rescaling of inter-jurisdictional water governance: A case study of the Dongjiang River
    Xiaofeng LIU, Wenya ZHANG, Xiaolan CHENG, Yu WANG, Yuejing GE
    2021, 30(2): 297-307.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2021.02.2019461
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    Taking the inter-jurisdictional water governance of the Dongjiang River basin as an example, this paper explores scalar reconstructions in the material space, organizational space and discursive space over the course of policy formulation and implementation. Major findings are as follows: 1) Overall, the central government dominates formulation and implementation of water governance policies in the Dongjiang River basin. Meanwhile, sub-national governments, public groups and other relevant organizations are also engaged in the competition of scalar construction. 2) In material space, the focal scale of water governance in the Dongjiang River has shifted and co-existed between the political and ecological scales.3) In organizational space, the horizontal and vertical scalar reconstruction of the Dongjiang River water governance policies occurred simultaneously in the process of policy formulation and implementation.4) In discursive space, various actors at national and local scales are trying to shape their own discourses on the Dongjiang River water governance. These discourses include and exclude certain subjects into and from the framework of policy implementation, by which scalar reorganization is achieved.

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    Environmental organizations’ community-based strategies for territorial construction and their implications for environmental governance
    2021, 30(2): 307-318. 
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    The existing literature on environmental governance have mostly examined interactions between and strategies of different actors, with a particular focus on power relations between the state and environmental organizations. However, few have investigated the spatial characteristics of power deployed in the process of territorial construction and their practical impacts. Based on a decade-long water conservation project conducted by an international environmental organization, this paper demonstrates evolving community-based strategies for territorial construction and how the process of territorialization influences the formats, scope and effectiveness of environmental governance. The findings suggest that (1) the environmental organization adopted differentiated strategies in dealing with different levels of governments and constructed a relatively independent territory for conservation activities, but the autonomy and independence also created a barrier between the environmental organization and the village that restricted further development of the project; (2) the environmental organization adjusted its strategies by integrating into a local social network which expanded the territorial scope at the cost of autonomy and independence; (3) the environmental organization chose to nurture a local grassroot group as a proxy to maintain its influence in the community due to its organizational values and resource constraints, but the proxy was unable to operate as a result of territorial reconstruction that reduced autonomy and independence, thus limiting the scope and effectiveness of public participation. From the perspective of territorial construction, this paper explains characteristics of environmental governance and the development of environmental organization and offers new insights into the relationships between the state, environmental organization and communities.
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    Environmental groups' community-based strategies for territorial construction and their implications for environmental governance
    Yu WANG, Ying PENG, Heping DANG
    2021, 30(2): 308-318.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2021.02.2020888
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    The existing literature on environmental governance have mostly examined interactions between and strategies of different actors, with a particular focus on power relations between the state and environmental groups. However, few have investigated the spatial characteristics of power deployed in the process of territorial construction and their practical impacts. Based on a decade-long water conservation project conducted by an international environmental group, this paper demonstrates evolving community-based strategies for territorial construction and how the process of territorialization influences the formats, scope and effectiveness of environmental governance. The findings suggest that: (1) the environmental group adopted differentiated strategies in dealing with different levels of governments and constructed a relatively independent territory for conservation activities, but the autonomy and independence also created a barrier between the environmental group and the village that restricted further development of the project; (2) the environmental group adjusted its strategies by integrating into a local social network which expanded the territorial scope at the cost of autonomy and independence; (3) the environmental group chose to nurture a local grassroot group as a proxy to maintain its influence in the community due to its organizational values and resource constraints, but the proxy was unable to operate as a result of territorial reconstruction that reduced autonomy and independence, thus limiting the scope and effectiveness of public participation. From the perspective of territorial construction, this paper explains characteristics of environmental governance and the development of an environmental group and offers new insights into the relationships between the state, the environmental group and communities.

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    Urban public health risks from an urban metabolic perspective
    Xiaoyang ZHANG
    2021, 30(2): 319-330.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2021.02.2020871
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    Urban public health risk is an important theme in contemporary urban research that has not received sufficient attention in Chinese human geography. Established domestic studies have focused on two dimensions - healthy city and urban risk governance; however, these studies have been influenced by the urban/nature dualism. Since the 1990s, urban political ecology has rapidly emerged in Western human geography, proposing a theory of urban metabolism centered on social relations, linking society and nature, human actors and non-human actors at both spatial and relational levels, achieving a transcendence of dualism. Based on this theory, this paper analyzes the specific forms of urban public health risks at the spatial and relational levels, pointing out that at the spatial level, there are public health risks of spatial flow and overlap and public health risks of spatial production and reproduction activities; at the relational level, there are public health risks of "metabolic rift" and public health risks of public perception.

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    Theoretical basis and scientific issues of manufacturing spatial reconstruction in the export-oriented economic area
    Yuyao YE, Hong'ou ZHANG, Yang WANG, Kangmin WU, Qitao WU, Yanhua CHEN, Zhiwei DU
    2021, 30(2): 331-343.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2021.02.2019322
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    At present, a new round of international industrial transfer and economic transformation in our country formed the historic intersection, showing a wide range of different processes and multi-scale spatial effects.With the enterprise migration and emigration, the decline of the old industrial area and the growth of the new industrial area coexistent in the Pearl River Delta,The manufacturing industry began a dramatic reconstruction. It is different from the diffusion process between the core and the periphery described by the "core-edge" theory. It is the spatial differentiation which means growth and recession coexists within the core region. Scientific issues such as diversified process of agglomeration and diffusion of manufacturing enterprises, diversification process of diffusion, multi-scale spatial effect of economic regional evolution, multi-power mechanism of manufacturing spatial reconstruction need to be deeply studied in the new era. A theoretical analysis framework from enterprise location to economic region evolution should be established, which includes the process of pluralistic location of enterprises, multi-scale spatial effects and multiple power mechanism. In order to explore the theory of industrial agglomeration and diffusion in accordance, and to provide the scientific basis for our country to actively respond to the new round of international industrial transfer and actively plan for transformation and development. We need to explore the theory of industrial agglomeration and diffusion in accordance with the background of the era and our native country, so as to provide scientific advices for our country to actively respond to the new round of international industrial transfer and actively plan for transformation and development.

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    Agglomeration and evolution of Taiwan high mountain tea industry in Mainland China from the perspective of evolutionary economic geography: A case study in Yongfu Town, Zhangping City
    Feng LI, Suqiong WEI, Xiaojun YOU
    2021, 30(2): 344-354.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2021.02.2019466
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    Since the 1990s, Taiwan's agricultural investment in mainland China has been rapidly growing, and the spatio-temporal development of Taiwan-funded agriculture industries in the mainland China in context of the different systems across the Taiwan Straits is worth the attention. Based on the path dependence theory and co-evolution theory of evolutionary economic geography, drawing on theories of institutional economic geography and relational economic geography, this paper constructs the analytical framework of the co-evolution of "enterprise-network-system-government", takes the Yongfu high mountain tea industry of The Taiwan Peasant's Innovation Park in Zhangping city as an example, analyzes agglomeration and evolution of Taiwan's agricultural enterprises under the background of different institution in mainland China through field research and in-depth interviews. This study found that the agglomeration and evolution of Taiwan's high mountain tea industry in Yongfu Town can be regarded as the result of path-dependence, which can be divided into three stages: path creation, path development and path locking and unlocking; enterprises, networks, institutions, and governments adapt to each other and co-evolve to continuously promote industrial optimization and upgrading at different stages.

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    Impact of high-speed railway development on regional innovation from the perspective of spatial effect
    Guoyan LIU, Tao LI
    2021, 30(2): 355-366.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2021.02.2019534
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    On the basis of explaining the impact mechanism of high-speed railway on regional innovation, this paper uses ESDA, SDM and partial differentiation are used to measure the direct and indirect effects of time-space compression caused by the opening of high-speed rail on regional innovation output, and the heterogeneity is analyzed by regional regression. The results show that innovation output in China has a significant spatial correlation, and the degree of agglomeration is increasing. The "core periphery" region is basically formed, and innovation activities have certain locking characteristics. Among them, R&D personnel input, FDI, government financial expenditure on science and technology, and residents' consumption are important factors affecting regional innovation output. There are spatial differences in the impact of the opening of high-speed rail on innovation Qualitatively, the full-time equivalent of R&D personnel has the greatest impact on the eastern region, while the northeast and central regions rely on R&D personnel and R&D capital investment at the same time. The western region is not affected by polarization, but has a positive spillover effect due to space-time compression.

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    Measurement and spatio-temporal evolution of tourism poverty alleviation efficiency in Guangxi border ethnic areas
    Shaogui XU, Shiqiao FANG, Yongping GAN, Xiaohua QIN
    2021, 30(2): 367-377.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2021.02.2019525
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    Tourism poverty alleviation is an important part of poverty alleviation in China. Data envelopment analysis (DEA) was used to measure the poverty alleviation efficiency of tourism in Guangxi border ethnic areas from 2011 to 2017, inter-phase dynamic analysis was conducted by combining Malmquist index.Results show that: 1)The comprehensive tourism poverty alleviation efficiency of each county fluctuates in the time series. In decomposition efficiency, tourism poverty alleviation comprehensive efficiency mainly depends on the pure technical efficiency.2)Overall tourism poverty alleviation Malmquist index of ethnic minority areas shows a gradual decline. In decomposition efficiency, scale efficiency change is the largest contribution to the index, pure technical efficiency change index, index of efficiency and technical progress is the main factor restricting tourism poverty alleviation efficiency from the point of space distribution.3) Comprehensive efficiency, pure technology efficiency and scale efficiency of tourism poverty alleviation in Guangxi border ethnic areas have spatial agglomeration.4) From the perspective of the distribution of poverty alleviation efficiency types, there are four types: potential type, development type, mature type and recession type. However, there are still a few counties which the effect of tourism poverty alleviation is not obvious.

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    Research on the driving force of tourism industry
    Xinyue WANG, Gaolei SHI, Wenliang ZHU
    2021, 30(2): 378-388.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2021.02.2019488
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    Tourism industry, as an emerging strategic industry and an innovation driven industry, has significant regional economic and social effect. Among research at home and abroad in the latest 20 years, only a few scholars have conducted their researches from the driving force of tourism industry evolution. In order to sort out the research status of driving force for tourism industry, bibiometrics and knowledge map visualized technology are used to examine the quantitative characteristics of literatures, the characteristics of authors distribution, the co-occurrence network structure map of research institutes, and the research hotspots in different periods and their evolution are summarized as well. In addition, this article takes the research papers of driving force for tourism industry from the CSSCI source journals in CNKI and the collection of core journals in Web of Science as the object of study. Using the bibliometric analysis software CiteSpace, article systematically reviewed and summarized the evolution rule and characteristics. The results show that : (1)The number of authors of driving force for tourism industry research is increasing, but there is lack of leaders both at home and abroad. (2)Universities and academic institutes are the main forces of the research. A cooperative network has initially been formed among universities and research institutes, but the degree of contact and cooperation is relatively low. (3)The study of driving force for tourism industry at home and abroad has gone different stages, and the research hotspots at different stages have distinctive characteristics of the times. The driving force for tourism industry at abroad of the past 20 years can be divided into two stages: environment-resource driven stage (2000-2009); innovation driven stage (2010-2019). The driving force for tourism industry at home of the past 20 years can be divided into three stages: economy driven stage (2000-2005), market driven stage (2006-2011) and innovation driven stage (2012-2019). Through the comparative analysis of driving force of tourism industry at home and abroad, this paper can reveal the driving force of tourism industry law and periodic characteristic. At the same time, it can provide scientific basis for the transformation and upgrading of domestic tourism industry, the cultivation of tourism innovation momentum and the sustainable development of tourism with high quality.

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    Demography toward space: Review, evaluation and prospect of western spatial demography research
    Tiyan SHEN, Hengyu GU, Xin LAO
    2021, 30(2): 389-398.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2021.02.2019472
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    As a core concept and inherent attribute of demographic research, space has become a significant dimension of demographic analysis.Since 1950s, western scholars have explored population issues from the perspective of space, and have made some progress. In recent years, western spatial demography developed rapidly with the improvement of computer technology and spatial analysis methods and eventually turned to an advanced direction of demographic research, which gradually matured and systematized. This paper firstly defines the definition of spatial demography, discriminates the key concepts in spatial demography, and expounds on the relationship between spatial demography and population geography. Secondly, the origin, development, and evolution of spatial demography in the West are summarized systematically. This paper provides a comprehensive literature review about progress in the west from 5 perspectives, including differentiation and segregation, fertility and mortality, migration and urbanization, regional population projection, population, and environment. Furthermore, it summarizes the main methods used in spatial demography researches, and forecasts trend of spatial demography in the west and proposes implications for Chinese patial demographers.

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    Study on the "Coupling Rubik's Cube" in the living space of farmers in multi-ethnic symbiotic villages
    Tao WANG, Jun LI, Lixiao LI, Changyao CHEN
    2021, 30(2): 399-409.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2021.02.2019511
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    The article takes Zhengjiazhuang, Wuyuan County as an example, and uses the combination of "3S+PRA" and "coupled Rubik's Cube" metaphor to compare the living space of farmers in multi-ethnic symbiotic villages. The evolution mechanism of hierarchical spatial-temporal coupling characteristics is analyzed.Results are as follows:①In the spatial dimension, the short-term coupling of peasant households' living space gradually moves towards remote coupling, expansion and adjustment to adapt to the change of the "people-land" relationship, and gradually form a centralized, orderly, two horizontal and two vertical "well" distribution pattern from scattered and disordered;②In the time dimension, the rural households' living space is transformed into the long-term and recent coupling coexistence mode of the original resident and the expatriate nationality, and the roads are extended to the surrounding areas and the northeast by the traffic roads. The mixed phenomenon is obvious, and the direction of expansion speed is accelerated;③In the organizational dimension, zhengjiazhuang changed from the coupling within Han and Bai ethnic groups to the coupling between multi-ethnic groups. The living space formed a multi-ethnic "mutual inlay symbiosis" distribution pattern based on the "small settlement" of blood relationship;④In the representational dimension, evolution of the living space of rural households in Zhengjiazhuang is characterized by the explicit coupling and the implicit coupling, and the "inter-integration-symbiosis" distribution pattern between the direct and indirect flows between elements and subsystems is obvious.It can be seen that evolution of the living space of farmers is consistent with local geographical environment and human environment.

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    Spatio-temporal pattern and influencing mechanism analysis of population ageing in China's border counties
    Liang CHANG, Rongjun AO
    2021, 30(2): 410-421.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2021.02.2019444
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    China's border counties have affected by the theory of functional culture regions and distance decay laws, meanwhile the "border effects" has been presented vividly and affects the process of its population ageing deeply. Moreover, extensive attention has been paid to regional trade and regional disparity of borders, however, the importance of borders' population ageing should never be overlooked. To fill this gap, based on the spatial units of county-level region and using data from the population censuses of 2000 and 2010, with the help of spatial analysis method and path analysis model, the Spatial-temporal pattern and changing process of population ageing in China's border counties was statistically analyzed. Because the spatial complexity of border counties, the approach of path analysis model was introduced to explore the path relationship between various variables and the influencing mechanism of ageing process. The primary results are found as follows: (1)The population aging in China's border counties is lower but increased significantly compared with national average lever from 2000 to 2010, meanwhile the spatial agglomeration is decreased and spatial difference is increased. In general, southeast-northwest spatial differentiation of population ageing in China's border counties is presented vividly and obviously. (2)The agglomeration belt of hotspot is located in the southeast of China while cold spot is located in the northwest of China basically, and the trend of hotspot countries is showed that it has extended from east to west and transferred from north to south. (3) Life expectancy, migration and fertility are the direct influencing factors of population ageing in China's border counties, and the influencing effects decreased systematically. What's more, life expectancy and fertility have significant positive-effects on population aging in China's border counties while migration has significant negative-effects. (4) Economic, social, family and natural factors as external variables have significant direct-effects and indirect-effects on population aging in China's border counties. And according to total effect value, the positive factors are per capita education level, family structure, living conditions, human settlements environment index, per capita GDP and urbanization rate, which promote population aging.

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    Study on cultural customers' leisure involvement and place attachment of independent bookstores: A case study of Guangzhou 1200bookshop
    Wanru CHEN, Shuang LI, Yanci WU
    2021, 30(2): 422-432.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2021.02.2019527
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    Taking Guangzhou 1200 Bookshop as an example,This paper adopts Enduring Involvement scale and Place Attachment scale to explore the relationship between leisure involvement and place attachment of cultural consumers in independent bookstores by using structural equation model and text analysis.The research shows that :(1) only the centrality dimension of leisure involvement has a significant positive relationship with each dimension of place attachment, and has a greater impact on place dependence than on place identity; (2) the attractiveness dimension of leisure involvement has a significant positive impact on place dependence, while the dimension of self-expression has a significant positive impact on place identity; (3) local dependence has a significant positive impact on place identity; (4) the place attachment characteristics of cultural consumers to 1200bookshop were mainly functional dependence and spiritual identity.This study verified and modified the model of "leisure involvement - place attachment", which was transferred to urban daily leisure activity space,expanded the scope of the model, and provided practical support for the operation and development model of independent bookstores.

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    The impact of built environment in neighborhood and workplace on suburban residents' commuting mode: A case study in Shanghai
    Qiuyu ZHU, Na TA
    2021, 30(2): 433-442.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2021.02.2019503
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    With the development of suburbanization, the spatial pattern between residential place and workplace has become more separated, and the problem caused by citizen's more motorized travels also become an important issue for urban development.Based on the urban POI (point of interest) data and the survey data of suburban residents' activity logs in a considerable number of suburban communities in Shanghai in 2017, this study established the multiple logit models to analyze the impact of the built environment, both around the residential and working areas for suburban residents on commuting modes, and the multiple logit models also involve residents' social and economic characteristics as control variables. Also, a mediation effect model is established to explore the indirect effects between commuting distance and commuting mode, especially for some residents who need to commute in a long distance. By the analytical outcomes of the multiple logit models and the mediation effect model, it found that some important measures such as improving the accessibility of the subway station in public transportation system for suburban communities, improving the degree of mixed land-use in neighborhood, and controlling the density of facilities both in neighborhood and workplace, are some beneficial and effective way to reduce car-use in commuting mode for residents.

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