World Regional Studies ›› 2022, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (4): 814-826.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2022.04.20222004
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夏启繁(1997-),男,博士研究生,研究方向为世界地理与地缘政治, E-mail:。
Qifan XIA. The spatio-temporal characteristics of China's energy investment layout and risk in RCEP countries[J]. World Regional Studies, 2022, 31(4): 814-826.
夏启繁. 中国对RCEP国家能源投资布局与风险的时空特征[J]. 世界地理研究, 2022, 31(4): 814-826.
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Institute for global innovation & development, East China Normal University. China-U.S. Science and Technology Competitiveness Assessment Report. Shanghai: East China Normal University Press, 2019. | |
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DU D, DUAN D, XIA Q. A comparative study of Sino-US science and technology competitiveness. World Regional Studies, 2019, 28(4):1-11. | |
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4 | 吴若楠.中国对RCEP国家的直接投资与出口技术复杂度.价格月刊,2022(3):55-61. |
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8 | 文枫. RCEP生效后中企将加速投资东盟.中国对外贸易,2021(6):33. |
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9 | 周鸿,陈瑛,齐慧. RCEP背景下东盟十国投资环境与业绩协调发展研究.资源开发与市场,2021,37(8):934-939+946. |
ZHOU H, CHEN Y, QI H. Research on the coordinated development of investment environment and performance in ten ASEAN countries under the background of RCEP. Resource Development & Market, 2021,37(8):934-939+946. | |
10 | 郭艳,林奕杉.RCEP助力中马经贸合作投资领域持续拓宽.中国对外贸易,2021(9):64-65. |
GUO Y, LIN Y. RCEP helps to continuously expand the investment field of China Malaysia Economic and trade cooperation. China's Foreign Trade, 2021(9):64-65. | |
11 | 刘国民. RCEP框架下对日投资的机遇. 中国贸易报,2021-08-12(004). |
LIU G. Opportunities for investment in Japan under the framework of RCEP. China Trade News, 2021-08-12(004). | |
12 | 石琳琳,常志有.中国对RCEP国家直接投资的动因研究.现代商业,2021(34):12-14. |
SHI L, CHANG Z. Research on the motivation of China's direct investment in RCEP countries. Modern Business, 2021(34):12-14. | |
13 | 南楠,程中海,周海燕.中国对RCEP成员国直接投资效率及影响因素研究.亚太经济,2021(4):93-101. |
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14 | 程云洁,张志芳.中国对RCEP成员国直接投资的效率与潜力分析.兰州财经大学学报,2021,37(6):10-22. |
CHENG Y, ZHANG Z. Analysis on the efficiency and potential of China's direct investment in RCEP member countries. Journal of Lanzhou University of Finance and Economics, 2021,37(6):10-22. | |
15 | 赵翊钧,邓茜.中国对RCEP国家直接投资的时空特征及影响因素.广西大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2021,43(4):116-121. |
ZHAO Y, DENG X. The spatial distribution of China's OFDI in RCEP countries and its influencing factors. Journal of Guangxi University (Philosophy and Social Science), 2021,43(4):116-121. | |
16 | 申玉泓,罗芳,陈昊澜.中国对RCEP成员国直接投资区位选择的影响因素研究.中国物价,2021(9):25-27. |
SHEN Y, LUO F, CHEN H. Research on the factors influencing the location choice of China's direct investment in RCEP member countries. China Price, 2021(9):25-27. | |
17 | 黄萍,刘帅,朱佳怡.RCEP投资规则对中国双向直接投资的影响与策略选择.对外经贸实务,2021(9):29-32. |
HUANG P, LIU S, ZHU J. The influence of RCEP investment rules on China's two-way direct investment and its strategic choice. Practice in Foreign Economic Relations and Trade, 2021(9):29-32. | |
18 | 张洁,秦川乂,毛海涛. RCEP、全球价值链与异质性消费者贸易利益.经济研究,2022,57(3):49-64. |
ZHANG J, QIN C, MAO H. RCEP, global value chain and the gains from trade of heterogeneous consumers. Economic Research Journal, 2022,57(3):49-64. | |
19 | 汪念宜. 中国对RCEP国家直接投资的技术溢出效应研究.成都: 西华大学,2021. |
WANG N. A study on the technology spillover effect of China's direct investment in RCEP countries.Chengdu: Xihua University, 2021 | |
20 | 宾建成,康邦丹,魏松.利用RCEP促进长三角地区对外贸易与外商投资的发展.经济论坛,2022(3):79-85. |
BIN J, KANG B, WEI S. Using RCEP to promote the development of foreign trade and foreign investment in the Yangtze River delta region. Economic Forum, 2022(3):79-85. | |
21 | 张莹.中国对RCEP国家投资风险研究.商业经济,2022(7):81-82+121. |
ZHANG Y. Research on China's investment risk in RCEP countries. Business & Economy, 2022(7):81-82+121. | |
22 | 邓有芳,方友熙."RCEP"区域直接投资的国别风险研究.对外经贸实务,2022(3):88-91. |
DENG Y, FANG Y. Research on country risk of direct investment in "RCEP" region. Practice in Foreign Economic Relations and Trade, 2022(3):88-91. | |
23 | 张晓君,曹云松.RCEP区域投资机遇下的风险与应对.国际商务研究,2021,42(5):1121. |
ZHANG X, CAO Y. Opportunities and challenges of RCEP regional investment. International Business Research, 2021,42(5):1121. | |
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YANG Y. Energy globalization of China: Interaction logic and spatial transition. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2022, 77(2): 295-314. | |
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CHEN J, LI Z. China's risks and prevention of outward foreign direct investment in countries along "the Belt and Road". Economic Geography, 2018,38(12):10-15+24. | |
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35 | 马丽梅,史丹,裴庆冰.中国能源低碳转型(2015—2050):可再生能源发展与可行路径.中国人口·资源与环境,2018,28(2):8-18. |
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