

    30 March 2020, Volume 29 Issue 2 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    The impact of “Asian Water Tower” change on the geopolitical environment around China
    Debin DU, Chengliang LIU, Zhiding HU, Yahua MA
    2020, 29(2): 223-231.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2020.02.2020063
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    The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, known as the "Asian Water Tower", is the birthplace of Asian many great rivers. As a result of global warming, there has been a steep increase in uncertainty about glacier ablation and other basin hydrological processes. And the supply-and-demand coupling effect of water resources continues to strengthen with the rapid social and economic development of the surrounding countries. Hence, water crises, water conflicts and other supply-and-demand problems in surrounding countries are becoming more and more prominent. At the same time, the intervention of the great powers outside the region aggravates the complexity of the surrounding geopolitical environment. Building a community of shared future for surrounding countries is the best way to solve the contradiction and conflict of water resources, the key to promoting the construction of the Belt and Road innitiative, and the cornerstone of building the community of shared future for mankind.

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    A prospect on the theoretical studies of political geography and geopolitics in China:Viewpoints from some young scholars
    Fenglong WANG, Zhiding HU, Chengliang LIU, Ning AN, Yu WANG, Yu YANG, Cansong LI, Zhenfu LI, Liran XIONG, Guanwen YIN, Gengzhi HUANG, Yi LI, Bin LI, Lulu HOU, Peiling ZHOU
    2020, 29(2): 232-251.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2020.02.2019810
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    The development of Chinese political geography and geopolitics is relatively lagged behind both the western counterparts and many other sub-disciplines of Chinese human geography. A major sign is that systematic theoretical frameworks with common consensus are still lacking. Therefore, more than 30 young scholars in the field of political geography and geopolitics voluntarily attended 3 forums held in Shanghai and Guangzhou in 2019 and interchanged their ideas on the disciplinary construction and theoretical development of political geography and geopolitics. Based on the discussions in these forums, 15 young scholars proposed a series of research directions worth further attention in Chinese political geography and geopolitics, including multi-scalar geo-setting, geopolitics on S&T, critical geopolitics, environmental politics & political ecology, energy geopolitics, research on countries and area, connection power theory, politics of public opinion & political public opinion, urban politics & urban political geography, geographies of labor politics, political geography of regional integration, Western-Chinese comparative study of power-land relationship, neo human-place relationships caused by new technology, politics of scale, Marxist political geography, historical political geography, and geography-power-relation theories based on Foucault's governmentality. Furthermore, we all believe that Chinese political geography and geopolitics should include multi-scalar topics, strengthen the originality of theoretical research, and center on the main line of "geographical spaces-power relations" interactions. We hope this study can serve as a modest spur of more valuable contributions to the disciplinary construction and theoretical development of Chinese political geography and geopolitics.

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    Who are our friends and who are our "enemies"? A quantitative analysis of China's geopolitical codesbased on the UN votes
    Fenglong WANG, Yuefang SI, Xingxing FU, Yungang LIU
    2020, 29(2): 252-263.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2020.02.2019060
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    Geopolitical issues have recently become a hot topic in Chinese human geography. A number of studies have evaluated China's geopolitical environment and proposed various suggestions for promoting the Belt & Road Initiative, solving the territorial disputes in South and East China Sea, and increasing international influence in the South Asia region. Some scholars have also discussed the disciplinary development and theoretical innovation of Chinese geopolitics. However, extant studies tend to have both methodological and theoretical limitations. On the one hand, with most of the extant studies focusing on evaluation of geopolitical environment or proposal of geopolitical strategies, few studies have examined geopolitical relations based on bilateral or multilateral relational data (despite of several exceptions based on trade data, which is arguably unable to directly reflect geopolitical relations). On the other hand, current studies tend to have weak theoretical foundation. To help narrow this gap, this paper analyzes the geopolitical relations between China and other countries based on the geopolitical codes theory and the UN vote data from 1971 to 2017. Using the S score and cluster analysis methods, we divide the dynamics of China's geopolitical relations with other countries into three stages and identify the geopolitical communities of China's "friends" and "enemies" in the recent ten years. We also examine the determinants of S scores between China and other countries using panel regression method and confirms the significant impacts of geographical distance, economic links, natural resource and technology on China's geopolitical relation with other countries. Echoing the "trade war" between China and the US, we pointed out the current and potential "friends" and "enemies" of China. The findings of this paper may have important implications for both enhancing quantitative research in political geography and making policies to improve China's international relations and geopolitical security.

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    A review of international political geography studies on border theories
    Kaihuai LIAO, Jinliao HE, Yunnan CAI, Werner BREITUNG
    2020, 29(2): 264-274.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2020.02.2019398
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    As a classic domain of political geography, the study of borders has since the early 1990s undergone a renaissance prompted by both the end of the Cold War and globalisation. New theoretical perspectives and conceptual changes have emerged in border studies. This paper summarises the evolution of research topics, methods and theoretical foundations of border studies by reviewing the international literature. As border studies have become more interdisciplinary, the conceptualisation of borders now goes beyond the traditional understanding as lines which spatially separate countries. Most contemporary scholars emphasise the dynamics, multiple scales, the spatiality and the diversity of the border concept. They pay more attention to social practices at different spatial scales and to the symbolic aspects of borders, which are constantly created and recreated. The authors of this paper suggest an extension of border theories derived from national-level borders to the study of micro-level borders in urban space, and strengthening the integration of border theories and geopolitical theories.

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    City-regional studies under political geography perspective and its implications to China
    Yi LI, Qin KANG, Xianchun ZHANG
    2020, 29(2): 275-283.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2020.02.2019433
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    The rise of city-regionalism poses a regional turn for a variety of political, administrative and regulatory issues. Though global city-region and state rescaling have been powerful meta-theory for interpreting such governance transformation, they have been blamed for overstating the role of capital and underestimating the significance of nation-state and politics. Critical attention is thus turning towards achieving a better understanding of how the rise of city-regionalism is contingently caught up in the interplay between political construct, geopolitical rationalities and scalar tensions. Given the Chinese backdrop of promoting urban agglomeration and new-type urbanization, the city-regional studies under the perspective of political geography offers implications to interpreting city-regional development with Chinese characteristics. It is hence argued in the paper that future research agenda should pay serious attention to discourse construct, geopolitical processes and politics of collective provision in the study of Chinese city-regionalism. The new research pathway under the theoretical framework of political geography is to stimulate more critical debate on Chinese city-regional policy and territorial development.

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    A review of studies on redistricting in the US
    Xuanyu LIU, Yungang LIU, Fenglong WANG
    2020, 29(2): 284-295.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2020.02.2019419
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    Constituency politics is one of important research contents in electoral geography, Whether the redistricting plan is scientific or not will determine the result of election result directly, even influence on the consolidation of the democratic system. This paper is combed and evaluated on the constituency studies in American from research progress, Redistrict principles and Redistrict procedures, and concluded the following major issues:Debate on whether the impact of malapportionment and gerrymandering affects social justice. Judicial intervention mainly focuses on the constitutionality of constituency drawing litigation and the criteria for determining party bias in redistricts; Redistricting principles mainly includes Equal population criterion, Racial equity criterion, Contiguity criterion, Geographic compactness criterion, Preservation of political subdivisions criterion, Communities of interest criterion, and Incumbent protection/preservation of the core of previous districts. Drawing on the research progress of gerrymandering in the United States, this paper suggests that geographers should further explore in accurately predicting election results, tracking the dynamics of democratic elections in the world and promoting the fairness of gerrymandering in the future.

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    Paradigms between geopolitics and geoeconomics: Controversy or integration
    Chenran XIONG, Limao WANG, Qiushi QU, Ning XIANG, Bo WANG
    2020, 29(2): 296-306.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2020.02.2018417
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    Geopolitics and geoeconomics are of great important component in the geo-research. Actually, Geoeconomics has argued with geopolitics since its birth in 1990s. From the perspective of discipline family tree, however, geopolitics and geoeconomics belong to the category of human-environment relationship in the geography so as to share common inter-points on paradigms. Firstly, this paper analyzed the development of western geopolitics and geoeconomics. And then, on the basis of the previous analysis, the paper discussed the paradigms’ Controversy between geopolitics and geoeconomics, namely geo-economics replacing geopolitics, geoeconomics belonging to geopolitics and their interdependence. Thirdly, the article found that geopolitics and geo-economics have shared the common internal foundation on paradigms in the theoretical origin, theoretical conceptional direction and core meanings. The results show that: ①geoeconomics is a variation of the perspective of the geopolitical research; ②geoeconomics is a new transformation of geopolitical values; ③geoeconomics is an important supplement of geopolitical academic function.

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    Spatial structure and influencing factors of urban investment and financing network in China
    Yaling YE, Wensheng LIN, Zhenfa LI, Canfei HE
    2020, 29(2): 307-316.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2020.02.2019044
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    In recent years, it has been an increasing number of studies on the construction of urban networks based on network of firms, in particular, using intra-firm links established by spatial location of headquarters and branches to build urban networks. Different from previous researches, the article builds interurban capital flow network based on the inter-city investment and financing relationship of companies, and finds that:1) The number of interurban capital flows among enterprises increases from 2013 to 2016, and the cover range of investment and financing is becoming wider. Capital is increasingly concentrated in large cities.2) Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region, Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, Chengdu-Chongqing area and Wuhan area stand out in the urban networks shaped by China’s capital flows. The capital flows among Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen are the most important connections in the network.3) Compared with the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region and the Pearl River Delta, the internal links of the Yangtze River Delta are more complex and stronger, with a higher level of activity of capital.4) The interurban capital flow is embedded in China's unique institutional environment. The market and the government have influenced the evolution of spatial structure of urban network together.

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    The research of Nanjing urban spatial pattern based on POI data
    Weidong LI, Minglong ZHANG, Jinlong Duan
    2020, 29(2): 317-326.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2020.02.2018529
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    In allusion to a typical pattern of urban space features, from its semantic description, geometry, and many other features are summarized and analyzed. Based on the above, POI data are classified, and the algorithm based on planar kernel density estimation, spatial clustering and double density factor analysis are designed. As the example of POI data of Nanjing city, by the means of kernel density estimation algorithm, doing the raster overlay calculation, extraction by mask, rendering classification, and raster reclassification, to construct city spatial pattern and to testify the accuracy and practicability of the methods of extracting features. Therefore, the administration of planning can make urban plans better, to improve the city development. The result reveals the relationship between the spatial relationship and the attribute of the city. The urban commercial center and the urban commercial center, effectively reflect the regional distribution of the overall urban spatial pattern, and the Nanjing city commercial center is basically in line with the overall planning of the city of Nanjing for 2000-2020 years. However, it can't directly reflect the positioning of the city's commercial centers. Besides the main city zone is the commercial center of Nanjing, county towns, development zones and high-tech zones, have their own commercial center , which conforms to the multi business mode of the city. Compared with the traditional urban commercial space research, the quantitative research based on POI data has a more detailed understanding of the overall urban pattern and commercial space, which is helpful for the identification of commercial centers and the analysis of industry characteristics. The government departments are convenient to adjust the development direction of the existing planning functional areas, so as to make the spatial structure and characteristics of different functional areas more reasonable.

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    Study on Turkmenistan’s Foreign Direct Investment environment
    Yuliya SUVALOVA, Luqi LI, Xiang KONG
    2020, 29(2): 327-336.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2020.02.2018202
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    In recent years, the “Belt and Road Initiative” has significantly influenced Turkmenistan’s investment climate changes; country’s oil, natural gas resources and related infrastructure arouse concern among investors from different countries. However, because of low degree country openness, there is both lack of information about Turkmenistan’s investment climate and of related researches. The article combined empirical studies on the present investment environment situation in Turkmenistan, and based on Turkmenistan natural resources, economic, social development and investment management specifics, by means of entropy method, probed into current trends of Turkmenistan provinces and directly governed city’s investment environment, and complexly analyzed investment environment of Ashgabat city, Ahal, Balkan, Mari, Lebap, and Dashoguz provinces. Research showed, natural resources are the key factor to push Turkmenistan provinces and Ashgabat city forward evolution,but at the same time, the role of investment management and economic development is also quite remarkable, while the influence of social and cultural specifics is not significant. However, because of the disproportion in country’s natural resources distribution, there is a huge gap between districts throughout Turkmenistan, which is the main reason why provinces with undeveloped oil or natural gas industries are unable to exert their potential and are highly dependent on investment management. Nowadays, there are only Balkan and Lebap provinces have good investment environment, while Mari, Dashoguz and others still need to make many improvements.

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    The evolution of the types of petroleum resources flow in the countries along "Belt and Road"
    Qi SUN, Yuan ZHAO, Xinlin ZHANG, Siyou XIA
    2020, 29(2): 337-345.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2020.02.2018228
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    The flow of petroleum resources is an important process for realizing the spatial and temporal configuration of oil resources. This paper comprehensively uses the methods of oil self-sufficiency, current ratio, etc., and takes the “One Belt and One Road” oil-affected country as the research object, and studies the spatial-temporal evolution of petroleum resource flow types in various countries from 1995 to 2014. The results show that: (1) The number of net oil-supplying countries was relatively stable from 1995 to 2014, and the tendency of oil trade in proletarian or low-producing countries was relatively small; the number of basic self-sufficient countries accounted for the largest proportion, accounting for two-fifths of the total in 1995. First, the proportion of the remaining four years was stable at one-third; the number of net expenditure-type countries increased significantly. In 1995, seven net expenditure-type countries remained unchanged in five countries in 2014, indicating that these countries’ oil production has Big advantage. (2) In 1995 and 2014, there were 39 countries in the land exchange countries, of which 34 countries had maintained the function of the exchange of land. The spatial distribution was east and west, less in the south and more in the north and west and east and west Asia and Central Asia. Eastern Europe is the boundary; 14 countries have always maintained the functions of their source areas, and their spatial distribution pattern corresponds to the land exchanges. There are many western and eastern regions and there are only a few southern and northern regions. They are mainly distributed in West Asia, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia; the number of exchange places is relatively small. Disperse distribution, and the distribution is not stable. (3) From the perspective of quantitative changes, the exchange areas slightly increased during the study period, the source area decreased slightly, and the exchange areas increased slightly; the ratio of the total export volume of the “One Belt and One Road” source area to the total import volume of the exchange areas decreased year by year.

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    The policy responses to the Belt and Road Initiative in five provinces (districts) of Northwest China based on industry perspective
    Wanpeng CAO, Yongchun YANG, Xiaorong JIANG, Enlong LI
    2020, 29(2): 346-357.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2020.02.2018503
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    The Belt and Road Initiative is of great significance for leading the process of economic globalization, deepening reform, and achieving overall transition. In this context, the western region and its urban governments have formulated related local policies, which have to varying degrees promoted transformation of local economy to be more open. Taking 51 prefecture-level cities (including autonomous prefecture and regions) of the five provinces in northwest China, as the research object, this article made quantification of the local policies, responding to the Belt and Road Initiative, from the three aspects, thus impact level, policy intensity, policy objectives and measures, made visual expression to analyze the overall characteristics of the policy responses to the Belt and Road Initiative that made by various prefecture-level cities, and made use of the classification of urban function method and other methods to classify the industrial policies. The results show that: (1) From 2013 to 2017, the mean value of cumulative score of the policy response made by urban governments, has increased from 0.0078 to 30.9951 and the response rate increased from 3.92% to100%. However, the gap in cumulative scores of policy responses among prefecture-level cities is more distinct. By 2017, the arrangement has formed that Shaanxi and Gansu provinces are the core response areas, Ningxia and Xinjiang provinces are the secondary response areas, and Qinghai province is the edge response area. The policy response primarily concentrates on industries like water conservancy, environment, public facilities management, culture, sports, entertainment, transportation, warehousing, postal, tourism and manufacturing. Moreover, the types of industries that respond to the policies have increased yearly, and the policy center of industries is in a multi-polar tendency. (2) In 2017, the number of the prefecture-level cities with comprehensive, transitional as well as single industrial policies is thirty-eight, six and seven respectively. The high-profile industrial policies mainly center on the secondary and the tertiary industries: The secondary industry is dominated by manufacturing and centered in Shanxi and Gansu provinces, but Shanxi Province is more focused on medium and high-end industries. The tertiary industry is distributed in all provinces (districts), but it has significant spatial heterogeneity. For example, Shanxi Province attaches greater importance to the scientific research and technical services, financial industry and so on, but Gansu Province to the tourism. Combined the comprehensive/single discrimination with the prominent industrial policy discrimination, the types of industrial policies could be divided into six categories in detail, and the comprehensive prefecture-level cities with outstanding industrial policies are the largest in number, which is twenty-five, accounting for 49.02%. However, the number of transitional prefecture-level cities with outstanding industrial policies, single prefecture-level cities with outstanding industrial policies and transitional prefecture-level cities without outstanding industrial policies is the least. The number is equally three, each accounting for 5.88%.

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    Coordinated development of industrial structure and water resources in Henan Province under the "New Normal"
    Shixing JIAO, Anzhou WANG, Xinxin ZHANG, Chongchong ZHANG, Rongqin ZHAO, Linfang CHEN, Jianwei ZHANG
    2020, 29(2): 358-365.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2020.02.2018484
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    Under the background of the "new normal", discussing the harmonious development relationship between industrial structure and water resources is of great importance.On the basis of three-level index system of industrial structure and water resources system,through numerical standardization and index weight calculation,using comprehensive evaluation index model and coupling coordination model,the spatial and temporal characteristics of comprehensive evaluation index, coupling degree and coordinated development degree of water resources and industrial structure are analyzed in Henan Province from 2005 to 2016. The results show that: (1) Both the industrial structure and comprehensive evaluation index of water resources in Henan Province are on the rise. It reflects the continuous optimization of industrial structure and the continuous improvement of comprehensive utilization level of water resources in Henan Province. (2) Henan's urban development is from the industrial structure level lag to water resources level lag to the synchronous development of three types. (3) In terms of time, Henan's industrial structure and water resources system have gradually developed from primary coupling coordination and intermediate coupling coordination to advanced coupling coordination. The level of urban coupling coordination has greatly improved, with all 18 cities in 2016 in the middle and senior coupling coordination. (4) The degree of coupling coordination between industrial structure and water resource in various cities in Henan Province has continuously improved.

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    Association mechanism between ecological civilization construction and tourism development of resource-based city
    Chengyue YANG, Anle LIU, Qingzhong MING, Qu QIN, Yanmei WANG
    2020, 29(2): 366-377.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2020.02.2018551
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    After sorting out the basic concepts of resource-based cities, this paper analyzed the general characteristics of the Ecological Civilization Construction of Resource-based Cities from the multiple challenges and policy-driven. It is summarized from the bidirectional angle of Mutual travel mechanism between ecological civilization construction and tourism development of resource-based cities. Selecting a typical mountain resource city which is Liupanshui city as a research case, empirical research shows that:1) From 2000 to 2017, the construction of ecological civilization and tourism development in Liupanshui city showed a period of growth trend, but the development of tourism was relatively lagging behind, and the differences between them showed a trend of convergence, rapid expansion, and shrinking development.2) In 2000-2017, the coupling degree between ecological civilization construction and tourism development was above 0.85 (0.614) except in 2000 (0.614), indicating that the interaction between ecological civilization construction and tourism development in Liupanshui city is relatively high.3) From the perspective of coordination, the coordination of ecological civilization construction and tourism development in 2000-2017 showed an overall upward trend, and the degree of coordination developed from severe imbalance (0.1707) to high quality coordination (0.9891).Taking 2005, 2011 and 2015 as the dividing line, it can be divided into four stages: imbalance, gradual improvement, optimization and promotion, and coordinated development.4) The ecological civilization construction of Liupanshui city is positively correlated with the development of tourism and is highly significant, but the driving effects of tourism factor on ecological civilization construction (95.60%) is higher than the support of ecological civilization construction on tourism development (90.37%). The relationship between these two have showed the general characteristics of cross-feed coupling and the development of tourism industry have an obvious supporting effect on regional ecological civilization construction. It is suggested to promote the coordinated development in two aspects: the pace of ecological civilization and tourism development need to be coordinated; the collaboration between departments of ecological civilization construction and tourism development should be promoted.

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    Suitability of pension real estate development and obstacle indicators diagnosis in Hebei Province based on improved catastrophe progression
    Suhong LI, Jie FANG, Zhijun YIN, Jingqian MIAO
    2020, 29(2): 378-387.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2020.02.2018363
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    Most of the existing projects of pension real estate in China are in the state of loss, and there are many problems in operation. Based on these existing problems, from the perspective of site selection of pension real estate, this paper evaluated the development suitability of the pension real estate in the initial stage of development. This paper established the suitability evaluation indicator system of urban pension real estate development that included the five aspects of population factor, the comfort index of life, the degree of residents' consumption level, the maturity of real estate market and the degree of development of service industry. The indicator data of 11 cities in the Hebei province from 2012 to 2016 were collected to evaluate the suitability of pension real estate development by using improved catastrophe progression model which based on combination weighting. At the same time, the improved obstacle factor diagnosis model was used to diagnose the main obstacle factors that affect the suitability of pension real estate development in various cities. Through the analysis, the main conclusions are drawn: the level of suitability of pension real estate development in the Hebei province improved in the whole from 2012 to 2016, but the increase was not significant; according to the results of the evaluation, 11 cities can be divided into three categories: the prioritized developmental cities, the potential cities and the unsuitable cities. The changing trend of the suitability of the three categories of urban pension real estate development is different, and the obstacle factors affecting the level of suitability of the development of pension real estate in each city show obvious differences. Finally, according to the research results, some countermeasures and suggestions are put forward to improve the level of suitability of pension real estate development in the Hebei province.

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    Analysis on the characteristics of knowledge cooperation network of “the 1000-Youth Elite” in the Yangtze River Delta Region on the basis of paper cooperation
    Xiaofeng LIN, Haining JIANG
    2020, 29(2): 388-396.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2020.02.2018462
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    Based on the coauthored data of CNKI Core Journals and Web of Science Core Journals, and by means of UCINET and ArcGIS software, this paper studies how the 1000-Youth Elite in Yangtze River Delta colleges and universities influences the knowledge cooperation network in Yangtze River Delta region, and its characteristics analysis. The results are: there are great differences in Network centrality of knowledge cooperation in Yangtze River Delta region, and the region tends to have multiple cores; regions except the Yangtze River Delta region like HK, Taiwan, and Beijing are main gathering areas; the knowledge cooperation network co-established with overseas countries are North America countries like USA and European countries like the United Kingdom; in addition, the spatial pattern of knowledge cooperation network tend to remain the core-periphery structure; in addition, the influence of the 1000-Youth Elite in colleges and universities on cooperative network in Yangtze River Delta region will be studied from three aspects: proximity, urban energy level driving and social network driving.

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    A review and prospect of social integration of international immigrants in the era of globalization
    Xu HUANG, Huaikuan LIU, Desheng XUE
    2020, 29(2): 397-405.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2020.02.2018511
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    Since the new millennium, the process of globalization has accelerated and international migration has become a hot issue. The current research on the social integration of immigrants in European and American academic circles has three characteristics: first, the dimension of social integration of international immigrants is diversified; Secondly, the initiative of social integration of immigrants and its shaping role in community space has become a research hotspot; There are “methodological nationalism” and “the value tendency of political correctness” in the research perspective. In contrast, the domestic academic research on the social integration of international immigrants can accurately grasp the impact of national background, political system, immigration policy on the social integration of immigrants, as well as the characteristics of the rapid flow of international migrants in the world's cities in the context of globalization, and pay full attention to the diversity of migrants and the openness of integration. The deficiencies lie in the lack of discussion on the multi-scale and multidimensional degree of social integration, and in the lack of comparison of the path, mode and mechanism of social integration among different ethnic groups and different types of immigrants. In the new era of China’s development, it is necessary for domestic scholars to go beyond the thinking of Western researchers and explore the “Chinese approach for the social integration of international immigrants”, so as to provide new ideas for China’s cities to solve the social problems brought by the international migration under the context of globalization.

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    Hierarchical structure and temporal spatial distribution pattern of urban park system in Wuhu
    Mingming WU, Junfeng LI, Xinyu YANG
    2020, 29(2): 406-415.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2020.02.2018493
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    Urban parks are the main places for urban residents to get close to nature and leisure. In recent years, with the acceleration of urbanization, building urban parks to meet the needs of life has become a hot issue of concern. This paper attempts to construct a comprehensive attraction model for urban parks, and uses fractal, clustering and other methods to establish a hierarchical system of urban parks in Wuhu City, and analyzes the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics. The research shows that the urban park in Wuhu City has a double fractal structure in the Zipf distribution model, which can be divided into two major categories and six grades. The grade of the urban park system in Wuhu City is not obviously hierarchical. The high-grade parks are more central. Different grades of parks exhibit different characteristics in spatial distribution. The high-grade parks have strong orientation in the old city, direct orientation in densely populated areas, and strong regional orientation. Low-grade parks are scattered in densely populated areas, with a large number and a wide distribution range. In general, there is a spatial pattern of central agglomeration, loose periphery, and uneven distribution. Natural conditions, urban planning and residents' needs are the main influencing factors affecting the formation and development of the urban park system.

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    Spatial differences and driving factors of tourism efficiency in border regions
    Xiangyang GUO, Xueqing MU, Qingzhong MING
    2020, 29(2): 416-427.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2020.02.2018454
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    The evaluation of tourism efficiency is of great significance to the improvement and improvement of regional tourism. Based on the demonstration of Yunnan Province, using the data envelopment analysis (DEA) is to analyze the efficiency of tourism, and spatial statistical methods such as spatial autocorrelation and trend surface are used to analyze the spatial correlation and overall trend characteristics of tourism efficiency. The detector model focuses on the driving factors of tourism efficiency. The results show that: 1) The overall level of comprehensive tourism efficiency in Yunnan Province is good, but the gap between cities is relatively large, and the ability of pure technical efficiency to adjust comprehensive efficiency is slightly stronger than scale efficiency. 2) Tourism efficiency presents a spatial agglomeration situation. The overall efficiency is characterized by the spatial characteristics of“the north and south wings are high and the middle is low, and the east and west are smooth transitions”. The high efficiency zone is“convergence in the northwestern Yunnan”; the pure technical efficiency shows a “U” trend in the north and south directions. The gradient in the east-west direction is decreasing; the scale efficiency generally shows the trend characteristics of“the north and south wings are high and the middle is low, and the west is high and the east is low”.3) The number of tourism practitioners, transportation network density and scenic abundance are the main influencing factors of spatial differentiation of tourism efficiency in Yunnan Province. The influence of different factors interaction is higher than the influence of individual effects.

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    Impact of off-site exhibitions promotion on city image and travel intentions——A case of Dynamic Vitality Promotion Week
    Jinquan ZHOU
    2020, 29(2): 428-438.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2020.02.2018486
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    Previous studies mainly focused on city image after tourist visit and intention to revisit, but neglected the study of city image and tourism intention before tourism. We first developed a concept model about off-site exhibition before tourism to analyze the influence between the city image and travel intention. We chose Vitality Macau Promotion Week hosted in Changsha city as a sample of off-cite exhibition and collected total of 393 valid questionnaires with a non-random survey. The results were that off-site exhibition has a significant positive effect on city image and travel intention respectively. City image has a significant positive effect on travel intention, where off-site exhibition has a significant mediator effect within city image and travel intention. An implication is that off-site exhibition can be one of variables effecting tourist’s decision and be used for enhancement of city image and travel intention as a promotion tool for those exhibition originators.

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