WRS ›› 2018, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (05): 22-32.
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Abstract: Under the background of South Korea’s deployment of ‘Terminal High Altitude Area Defense’(THAAD), this paper explores the high-reading Internet articles (with over 30,000 clicks) from unofficial wechat organizations and by so doing discusses the mass Chinese’s understanding of the East Asian geopolitics, in particular their understandings of the inter-state relations among China, the US and South Korea. Based on the content analysis and the textual analysis of these 75 articles chosen from the top-100 influential wechat organizations in China, this article has four conclusions: (1) the mass Chinese’s discussions of ‘THAAD’ firstly focus on the representations of the East Asian geopolitical patterns, and on this basis these wechat discussions construct a negative image of the Korean-US alliance; (2) the deployment of ‘THAAD’ to a notable extent ignites the Chinese people’s patriotic emotion thereby promoting the mass Chinese’s construction of the South Korean as a ‘irresponsible state’ and strengthening their disgusting emotion; (3) the South Korean and the US’s military and political activity of deploying ‘THAAD’ in the Korean Peninsula have forged the mass Chinese to know about this military system, and on this basis such representation has further strengthened the geopolitical realities that the US and the South Korean have threatened regional security and national security in East Asia; (4) taking ‘THAAD’ as an entry point, the mass Chinese pay more attention to the negative news of the South Korean and thus worsened the national image of South Korea. The negative geopolitical representations of ‘THAAD’, the US and South Korea is echoing with facts of the US and South Korea’s threats to East Asia and is echoing with the official attitude of China. Such an echo to a great extent have given pressure on the US and South Korea. Moreover, this echoing also makes the official attitude towards ‘THAAD’ and South Korea be legitimated and popularized within China. In this sense, this paper can be read as a contribution to the shortage of critical geopolitical study in China, and certainly it also has significance on the practical level.
摘要: 本文以韩国在朝鲜半岛引进美国萨德系统为背景,对中国非官方微信公众号所发布的文章进行了分析,探讨中国大众的东亚地缘政治观,尤其是涉及中国、韩国以及美国之间的国际政治观。对经筛选后的75篇高阅读量文章进行分析后得到结论如下:(1)中国大众对萨德在韩部署这一事件涉及的地缘政治观首先体现在对东亚地缘政治格局的表征。在此基础上,大众文本建构了负面的美韩同盟形象;(2)萨德在韩部署很大程度上刺激了中国大众的爱国主义情绪,一定程度上助长了中国大众对韩国“不负责任”这一国际形象的建构,助燃了中国大众对韩国的厌恶情绪;(3)美韩在朝鲜半岛部署萨德系统这一政治和军事事件敦促中国大众对萨德进行了了解,在此基础上强化了美国、韩国威胁东亚区域安全以及中国国家安全的事实;(4)以萨德为切入点,中国大众在韩国“不负责任”国际形象的基础上更加关注韩国国内的负面新闻,从而进一步恶化了韩国的形象。借助微信强大的传播能力,这些大众文本与东亚地缘政治局势、美韩同盟威胁区域与其它国家安全的事实以及中国官方态度交相呼应,在日常生活领域对美国和韩国进行了施压。鉴此,本文不仅尝试弥补了国内批判地缘政治研究的不足,还紧贴时事具有一定的现实意义。
CLC Number:
邓芷雯 安宁 黄馨玉. “萨德”与中国大众的东亚地缘政治观:基于批判地缘政治学的分析[J]. 世界地理研究, 2018, 27(05): 22-32.
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