
World Regional Studies ›› 2023, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (1): 1-4.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2023.01.20222514

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Profound global changes, big tests, great cooperation and the role of geography:

Bijian ZHENG()   

  1. China Institute for Innovation and Development Strategy, Beijing 100032, China
  • Online:2023-01-01 Published:2023-01-01



  1. 中国国家创新与发展战略研究会,北京 100032
  • 作者简介:郑必坚(1932—),男,中国国家创新与发展战略研究会创始会长,原中共中央党校常务副校长,著名理论家、战略家。E-mail:ciids@ciids.cn


The world is facing major changes unseen in a century. As mankind enters the third decade of the 21st century, a world-sweeping pandemic and a wave of anti-globalization have made the global situation relentlessly changing. "Great changes" also mean "big tests" of whether countries in the world can persist in "great cooperation", that is, whether countries in various regions can resist the tendency of unilateralism, isolation and confrontation on a global scale, to gradually realize the "big cooperation". Geography can connect nature and society in terms of problem awareness, theoretical framework and research methods, capture the natural and human geographical characteristics of various regions of the world, so it can contribute to global sustainable development. The key to Chinese geographic research to "catch up with the times" and "lead the times" is to persist in innovation and insist on taking innovation as the core of the Chinese geography research. The convening of the first World Geographic Congress is a new starting point for Chinese geographers to go global. The World Geographic Conference should form a mechanism in the future, and strive to build it into a cooperation and exchange platform with extensive international influence.

Key words: profound global change, geography, First World Geographic Conference


全球正面临百年未有之大变局。人类进入21世纪的第三个10年,一场席卷全球的大疫灾及逆全球化浪潮使得全球局势“变上加变”。“大变局”同时也意味着对世界各国是否能坚持“大合作”的“大考验”,即在全球范围内,各个地区各个国家之间,能否抵御单边主义、封闭和对抗的倾向,从而逐步实现“大合作”。 地理学能够在问题意识、理论框架和研究方法上连通自然与社会,贯穿时间与空间,揭示人与自然和谐共生的科学机理,捕捉世界各区域的自然和人文地理特征,因此可以为全球可持续发展与人类命运共同体建设提供学理支撑。中国地理学研究要“赶上时代”和“引领时代”,关键在于坚持创新,坚持把创新作为中国地理学研究的核心。首届世界地理大会的召开,就是中国地理学家走向世界的新起点。世界地理大会未来要形成机制,定期举办,广泛邀请海内外学者参与,努力将世界地理大会打造成为具有广泛国际影响力的合作交流平台。

关键词: 全球大变局, 地理学, 首届世界地理大会