World Regional Studies ›› 2024, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (10): 18-30.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2024.10.20230301
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Anlin LI1(), Yehua YANG2, Ming LI1, Lede NIU1(
Lede NIU
Anlin LI, Yehua YANG, Ming LI, Lede NIU. Research on the spatiotemporal evolution characteristics of armed conflicts in Africa from 1989 to 2021[J]. World Regional Studies, 2024, 33(10): 18-30.
李安林, 杨叶华, 李明, 牛乐德. 1989—2021年非洲武装冲突事件的时空演变特征研究[J]. 世界地理研究, 2024, 33(10): 18-30.
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