世界地理研究 ›› 2023, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (2): 70-81.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2023.02.2021147
王雯雅1,2(), 汪明峰1,2(
), 张英浩1,2, 汪凡3
Wenya WANG1,2(), Mingfeng WANG1,2(
), Yinghao ZHANG1,2, Fan WANG3
Mingfeng WANG
王雯雅, 汪明峰, 张英浩, 汪凡. 中国互联网与数字乡村研究热点与进展[J]. 世界地理研究, 2023, 32(2): 70-81.
Wenya WANG, Mingfeng WANG, Yinghao ZHANG, Fan WANG. Research progress of internet and digital rural in China[J]. World Regional Studies, 2023, 32(2): 70-81.
图1 1999—2020年中国互联网与数字乡村研究发文数量变化注:本文数据下载日期为2020年9月,故此图中2020年发文量并非代表该年总发文量。
Fig.1 Changes in the number of papers on the Internet and digital rural in China from 1999 to 2020
类群 | 聚类主题 |
1. “互联网+”在农村的应用 | #0农村金融机构、#1农业众筹、#5农村金融、#6互联网+农业、#7物联网、#14金融扶贫 |
2. 互联网与农村经济发展 | #3创新创业、#9农村经济、#10农业经济、#11消费升级、#12农村零售、#13就业 |
3. 数字乡村发展的政策效应 | #2乡村振兴、#4精准扶贫 |
4. 数字鸿沟 | #8数字鸿沟 |
表1 中国互联网与数字乡村研究类群表
Tab.1 Group table of researches on internet and digital rural in China
类群 | 聚类主题 |
1. “互联网+”在农村的应用 | #0农村金融机构、#1农业众筹、#5农村金融、#6互联网+农业、#7物联网、#14金融扶贫 |
2. 互联网与农村经济发展 | #3创新创业、#9农村经济、#10农业经济、#11消费升级、#12农村零售、#13就业 |
3. 数字乡村发展的政策效应 | #2乡村振兴、#4精准扶贫 |
4. 数字鸿沟 | #8数字鸿沟 |
1 | 崔凯, 冯献. 数字乡村建设视角下乡村数字经济指标体系设计研究. 农业现代化研究: 2020,41(6): 899-909. |
CUI K, FENG X. Research on the indicator system design for rural digital economy from the perspective of digital village construction. Research of Agricultural Modernization, 2020, 41(6): 899-909. | |
2 | GALLOWAY L, SANDERS J, DEAKINS D. Rural small firms' use of the internet: From global to local. Journal of Rural Studies, 2011, 27(3): 254-262. |
3 | ZHOU C. Research on development mode of intelligent rural tourism under digital background. Informatica, 2019, 43(3): 337-341. |
4 | BORA G, NOWATZKI J, ROBERT D. Energy savings by adopting precision agriculture in rural USA. Energy Sustainability & Society, 2012, 2(1):1-5. |
5 | SEO D, BERNSEN M. Comparing attitudes toward e-government of non-users versus users in a rural and urban municipality. Government Information Quarterly, 2016, 33(2): 270-282. |
6 | GILBERT M, MASUCCI M, HOMKO C, et al. Theorizing the digital divide: Information and communication technology use frameworks among poor women using a telemedicine system. Geoforum, 2008, 39(2): 912-925. |
7 | BROADBENT R, PAPADOPOULOS T. Impact and benefits of digital inclusion for social housing residents. Community Development, 2013, 44(1): 55-67. |
8 | 李依浓, 李洋. "整合性发展"框架内的乡村数字化实践——以德国北威州东威斯特法伦利普地区为例. 国际城市规划, 2021, 36(4): 126-136. |
LI Y, LI Y. Practicing digitalization in rural areas within a framework of "integrated development": A case study of OstWestfalenLippe, Germany. Urban Planning International, 2021, 36(4): 126-136. | |
9 | 余侃华, 陈延艺, 武联, 等. 乡村4.0:互联网视角下乡村变革与转型的规划应对探讨——以陕西省礼泉县官厅村为例. 城市发展研究, 2017, 24(11): 15-21. |
YU Y, CHEN Y, WU L, et al. Rural 4.0: Internet perspective of rural reform and transition planning strategies discussed. Urban Development Studies, 2017, 24(11): 15-21. | |
10 | 许婵, 吕斌, 文天祚. 基于电子商务的县域就地城镇化与农村发展新模式研究. 国际城市规划, 2015, 30(1): 14-21. |
XU C, LV B, WEN T. New patterns of county in-situ urbanization and rural development based on E-commerce. Urban Planning International, 2015, 30(1): 14-21. | |
11 | 夏显力, 陈哲, 张慧利, 等. 农业高质量发展:数字赋能与实现路径. 中国农村经济, 2019(12): 2-15. |
XIA X, CHEN Z, ZHANG H, et al. Agricultural high-quality development: Digital empowerment and implementation path. Chinese Rural Economy, 2019(12): 2-15. | |
12 | 王盈盈, 王敏. 数字地理视角的乡村研究及展望. 世界地理研究, 2020, 29(6): 1248-1259. |
WANG Y, WANG M. Rural research and prospect from the perspective of digital geographies. World Regional Studies, 2020, 29(6): 1248-1259. | |
13 | 丁疆辉, 刘卫东. 农村信息技术应用的地理学研究进展与评析. 地理科学进展, 2009, 28(5): 759-766. |
DING J, LIU W. Progress in geographical studies of rural informationalization. Progress in Geography, 2009, 28(5): 759-766. | |
14 | 陈悦, 陈超美, 刘则渊, 等. CiteSpace知识图谱的方法论功能. 科学学研究, 2015, 33(2): 242-253. |
CHEN Y, CHEN C, LIU Z, et al. The methodology function of CiteSpace mapping knowledge domains. Studies in Science of Science, 2015, 33(2): 242-253. | |
15 | 程惠霞, 杨璐. 中国新型农村金融机构空间分布与扩散特征. 经济地理, 2020, 40(2): 163-170. |
CHENG H, YANG L. The study of spatial distribution and diffusion of new rural financial institutions: Based on ArcGIS software. Economic Geography, 2020, 40(2): 163-170. | |
16 | 田霖. 互联网金融视域下金融地理学研究的新动态述评. 经济地理, 2016, 36(5): 9-16. |
TIAN L. New developments of financial geography from the perspective of Internet finance. Economic Geography, 2016, 36(5): 9-16. | |
17 | 方蕾, 粟芳. 我国农村普惠金融的空间相关特征和影响因素分析——基于上海财经大学2015"千村调查". 财经论丛, 2017(1): 39-48. |
FANG L, SU F. Analysis of the spatial correlation and influencing factors for inclusive finance of Chinese countryside——Based on 2015 "investigation of thousands of villages" by SUFE. Collected Essays on Finance and Economics, 2017(1): 39-48. | |
18 | 张正平, 江千舟. 互联网金融发展、市场竞争与农村金融机构绩效. 农业经济问题, 2018(2): 50-59. |
ZHENG Z, JIANG Q. The Development of Internet finance, market competition and the performance of rural financial institutions: An empirical study based on text mining method. Issues in Agricultural Economy, 2018(2): 50-59. | |
19 | 郭峰, 王瑶佩. 传统金融基础、知识门槛与数字金融下乡. 财经研究, 2020, 46(1): 19-33. |
GUO F, WANG Y. Traditional financial basis, knowledge threshold and digital finance for farmers. Journal of Finance and Economics, 2020, 46(1): 19-33. | |
20 | 何婧, 田雅群, 刘甜, 等. 互联网金融离农户有多远——欠发达地区农户互联网金融排斥及影响因素分析. 财贸经济, 2017, 38(11): 70-84. |
HE J, TIAN Y, LIU T. How far is Internet finance from farmers?——Internet financial exclusion in developing areas. Finance & Trade Economics, 2017, 38(11): 70-84. | |
21 | 董晓林, 石晓磊. 信息渠道、金融素养与城乡家庭互联网金融产品的接受意愿. 南京农业大学学报(社会科学版), 2018, 18(4): 109-118. |
DONG X, SHI X. Information channel, financial literacy and the willingness to accept the Internet financial products of household in urban and rural areas. Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University (Social Scvences Edition), 2018, 18(4): 109-118. | |
22 | 粟芳, 邹奕格, 韩冬梅. 政府精准致力农村互联网金融普惠的路径分析——基于上海财经大学2017年"千村调查". 财经研究, 2020, 46(1): 4-18. |
SU F, ZOU Y, HAN D. Best path for governments to improve Internet financial inclusion in China's rural areas: based on the "thousand village investigation" of SUFE in 2017. Journal of Finance and Economics, 2020, 46(1): 4-18. | |
23 | 李国英. 产业互联网模式下现代农业产业发展路径. 现代经济探讨, 2015(7): 77-82. |
LI G. The development path of modern agriculture industry under the industrial Internet mode. Modern Economic Research, 2015(7): 77-82. | |
24 | 张在一, 毛学峰. "互联网+"重塑中国农业:表征、机制与本质. 改革, 2020(7): 134-144. |
ZHANG Z, MAO X. "Internet +" remodeling Chinese agriculture: Representation, mechanism and essence. Reform, 2020(7): 134-144. | |
25 | 张雅, 孙晓辉. 农业众筹的起源、特点与未来. 中国农业大学学报(社会科学版), 2016, 33(6): 96-105. |
ZHANG Y, SUN X. The origin, features and future of agriculture crowd funding. China Agricultural University Journal of Social Sciences Edition, 2016, 33(6): 96-105. | |
26 | 贾立, 陈珏. 绿色金融背景下产品型农业众筹发展思路探究. 西南金融, 2018(3): 36-41. |
JIA L, CHEN Y. Research on the development of product-oriented agriculture crowdfunding under the background of green finance. Southwest Finance, 2018(3): 36-41. | |
27 | 李正昕. 浙江省农业众筹融资绩效影响因素研究——基于空间分异视角. 技术经济与管理研究, 2020(8): 85-89. |
LI Z. The influencing factors on crowd funding performance of agricultural projects in Zhejiang province——Based on the perspective of spatial differentiation. Journal of Technical Economics & Management, 2020(8): 85-89. | |
28 | 单汨源, 李华, 刘小红. 基于TPB理论的"互联网+农产品"众筹影响因素研究. 科技管理研究, 2017, 37(2): 235-240. |
SHAN M, LI H, LIU X. Research on the influencing factors of the Internet plus crowd funding for agricultural products based on the theory of TPB. Science and Technology Management Research, 2017, 37(2): 235-240. | |
29 | 王军华. 基于百度指数的"互联网+农业"公众关注度空间自相关分析. 中国农业资源与区划, 2020, 41(4): 325-330. |
WANG J. Spatial autocorrelation analysis of "Internet + agriculture" public concern based on Baidu index. Chinese Journal of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, 2020, 41(4): 325-330. | |
30 | 张英男, 龙花楼, 屠爽爽, 等. 电子商务影响下的"淘宝村"乡村重构多维度分析——以湖北省十堰市郧西县下营村为例. 地理科学, 2019, 39(6): 947-956. |
ZHANG Y, LONG H, TU S, et al. A multidimensional analysis of rural restructuring driven by E-commerce: A case of Xiaying village in central China. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2019, 39(6): 947-956. | |
31 | 熊剑平, 刘承良, 袁俊. 乡村旅游电子商务发展与网络系统构建. 经济地理, 2006(2): 340-345. |
XIONG J, LIU C, YUAN J. On E-commerce development and its network system construction of rural tourism. Economic Geography, 2006, 26(2): 340-345. | |
32 | 向雁, 屈宝香, 侯艳林. 北京休闲农业发展现状特征及对策建议. 中国农业资源与区划, 2017, 38(4): 214-222. |
XIANG Y, QU B, HOU Y. Characteristics and countermeasures of leisure agriculture development in BeiJing. Chinese Journal of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, 2017, 38(4): 214-222. | |
33 | 王盈盈, 谢漪, 王敏. 精准扶贫背景下农村电商关系网络与地方营造研究——以广东省五华县为例. 世界地理研究, 2017, 26(6): 119-130. |
WANG Y, XIE Y, WANG M. Rural E-commerce relational network and place making under the background of targeted poverty reduction. World Regional Studies, 2017, 26(6): 119-130. | |
34 | 张嘉欣, 千庆兰, 陈颖彪, 等. 空间生产视角下广州里仁洞"淘宝村"的空间变迁. 经济地理, 2016, 36(1): 120-126. |
ZHANG J, QIAN Q, CHEN Y, et al. The spatial change of TaoBao village in Lirengdong, Guangzhou in the perspective of spatial production. Economic Geography, 2016, 36(1): 120-126. | |
35 | 汪凡, 汪明峰. 基于格网的淘宝村集聚特征及影响因素分析. 地理科学, 2020, 40(2): 229-237. |
WANG F, WANG M. Spatial aggregation characteristics and influencing factors of Taobao village based on grid in China. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2020, 40(2): 229-237. | |
36 | 任晓晓, 丁疆辉, 靳字含. 产业依托型淘宝村时空发展特征及其影响因素——以河北省羊绒产业集聚区为例. 世界地理研究, 2019, 28(3): 173-182. |
REN X, DING J, JIN Z. Spatio-temporal characteristics of industry relying type "Taobao village" and its influencing factors—A case of cashmere industry agglomeration area in Hebei Province. World Regional Studies, 2019, 28(3): 173-182. | |
37 | 曾亿武, 邱东茂, 沈逸婷, 等. 淘宝村形成过程研究:以东风村和军埔村为例. 经济地理, 2015, 35(12): 90-97. |
ZENG Y, QIU D, SHEN Y, et al. Study on the formation of Taobao village: Taking Dongfeng village and Junpu village as examples. Economic Geography, 2015, 35(12): 90-97. | |
38 | 张天泽, 张京祥. 乡村增长主义:基于"乡村工业化"与"淘宝村"的比较与反思. 城市发展研究, 2018, 25(6): 112-119. |
ZHANG T, ZHANG J. New growth supremacism in rural areas: Interpretation and reflection on the phenomenon of "Taobao village". Urban Development Studies, 2018, 25(6): 112-119. | |
39 | 祝仲坤. 互联网技能会带来农村居民的消费升级吗?——基于CSS2015数据的实证分析. 统计研究, 2020, 37(9): 68-81. |
ZHU Z. Do Internet skills contribute to the consumption upgrading of rural residents? ——Evidence from Chinese Social Survey 2015. Statistical Research, 2020, 37(9): 68-81. | |
40 | 王敏, 马纯莉, 朱竑. "互联网+"时代下的乡村地方品牌建构——以从化市良口镇三村为例. 经济地理, 2017, 37(1): 115-122. |
WANG M, MA C, ZHU H. Rural local brand construction in "Internet +" era: Case study of Liangkou town in Conghua. Economic Geography, 2017, 37(1): 115-122. | |
41 | 张佳, 王琛. 电子商务对农村经济发展影响及其空间差异研究——基于浙江省淘宝村的问卷调查分析. 世界地理研究, 2020, 29(5): 952-961. |
ZHANG J, WANG C. The influence of e-commerce on rural economic development and its spatial differences——Based on the questionnaire survey and analysis of Taobao villages in Zhejiang Province. World Regional Studies, 2020, 29(5): 952-961. | |
42 | 罗震东, 项婧怡. 移动互联网时代新乡村发展与乡村振兴路径. 城市规划, 2019, 43(10): 29-36. |
LUO Z, XIANG J. New rural development and rural revitalization path in the era of mobile Internet. City Planning Review, 2019, 43(10): 29-36. | |
43 | 冯献, 李瑾, 崔凯. 乡村治理数字化:现状、需求与对策研究. 电子政务, 2020(6): 73-85. |
FENG X, LI J, CUI K. Digitalization of rural governance: Research on status, demand and countermeasures. E-Government, 2020(6): 73-85. | |
44 | 陈芳芳, 罗震东, 何鹤鸣. 电子商务驱动下的乡村治理多元化重构研究——基于山东省曹县大集镇的实证. 现代城市研究, 2016(10): 22-29. |
CHEN F, LUO Z, HE H. Study on the pluralistic rconstitution of rural governance driven by E-commerce: A case study of Daji town of Cao county, Shandong province. Modern Urban Research, 2016(10): 22-29. | |
45 | 李丽霞, 李宁, 张旭锐. 互联网使用对农户多维贫困的减贫效应研究. 科学决策, 2019(11): 66-82. |
LI L, LI N, ZHANG X. Poverty alleviation effect of Internet use on multidimensional poverty of farmers. Scientific Decision Making, 2019(11): 66-82. | |
46 | 张含宇, 姬宸宇. 互联网的普及能减缓中国农村贫困吗?. 江苏大学学报(社会科学版), 2020, 22(5): 14-25. |
ZHANG H, JI C. Can the spread of the Internet alleviate rural poverty in China. Journal of Jiangsu University (Social Science Edition), 2020, 22(5): 14-25. | |
47 | 唐红涛, 郭凯歌, 张俊英. 电子商务与农村扶贫效率:基于财政投入、人力资本的中介效应研究. 经济地理, 2018, 38(11): 50-58. |
TANG H, GUO K, ZHANG J. E-commerce and efficiency of poverty alleviation: The mediation effect of financial input and human capital. Economic Geography, 2018, 38(11): 50-58. | |
48 | 林海英, 赵元凤, 葛颖, 等. 贫困地区农牧户参与电子商务意愿的实证分析—来自594份农牧户的微观调研数据. 干旱区资源与环境, 2019, 33(6): 70-77. |
LIN H, ZHAO Y, GE Y, et al. An empirical analysis on the rural farmer's willingness to participate in ecommerce in poor areas. Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment, 2019, 33(6): 70-77. | |
49 | 金春枝, 李伦. 我国互联网数字鸿沟空间分异格局研究. 经济地理, 2016, 36(8): 106-112. |
JIN C, LI L. Research on spatial heterogeneity patterns of digital divide of Chinese Internet. Economic Geography, 2016, 36(8): 106-112. | |
50 | 汪明峰. 互联网使用与中国城市化——"数字鸿沟"的空间层面. 社会学研究, 2005(6): 112-135. |
WANG M. Internet use and urbanization in China: A spatial perspective of digital divide. Sociological Studies, 2005(6): 112-135. | |
51 | 陈潭, 王鹏. 信息鸿沟与数字乡村建设的实践症候_陈潭. 电子政务, 2020, 216(12): 2-12. |
CHEN T, WANG P. Information gap and practice symptoms of digital village construction. E-Government, 2020, 216(12): 2-12. |
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