

    30 July 2021, Volume 30 Issue 4 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    World geographic structure and U.S. global strategy and military force design
    Debin DU, Dezhong DUAN, Qifan XIA, Wanpeng CAO, Yahua MA, Chengliang LIU
    2021, 30(4): 667-684.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2021.04.2020998
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    This paper examines the effects of the world geographical structure on national security strategy and military force design of great powers, so as to help understand the geo-security risks and opportunities that China is facing on its global development path. As the most of world's land, population and economic activities are concentrated in the eastern hemisphere, especially in Eurasia, Eurasia has always been the central arena for world powers to compete. As the first non-Eurasian hegemonic power in the human history, the United States has always regarded the prevention of regional hegemony on the Eurasian continent as the supreme goal of its national security. From the perspective of the world geographical structure and its dynamic changes, this paper analyzes the geographical advantages of the eastern hemisphere, especially Eurasia, which gave birth to the world powers and human civilization. It also analyzes the influence of the geographical location of the United States on its early rise, the formation of its global strategy under this geographical condition, particularly, and the global military design of the United States based on preventing the emergence of regional hegemony in Eurasia. Finally, It points out that in the strategic game between China and the United States, China, which is located in the eastern edge of Eurasia, has natural geographical advantages.

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    International sister-region relations and the construction of knowledge pipelines for firm internationalization ——The case of the Zhejiang and Schleswig-Holstein Partnership
    Xiaohui HU, Chencen LIANG
    2021, 30(4): 685-695.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2021.04.2020223
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    The local buzz-global pipeline model in economic geography addresses how local firms - through a long-run and multi-scalar buzz and learning process- form key knowledge pipelines benefiting for internationalization and upgrading. However, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) who lack global experiences and capabilities face more risks to build up such pipelines. They get access to key knowledge for "going global" via alternative ways beyond the traditional buzz-global model. This paper focuses on the Zhejiang (China) and Schleswig-Holstein (Germany) partnership and explores the knowledge capture mechanism of Zhejiang's firms when "going out". Our results show: ①partnership institutions act as knowledge gatekeepers, providing firms both from Zhejiang and Schleswig-Holstein accurate, up-to-date and firm-specific tailor-made knowledge; ②international sister-region relations foster the formation of state-guaranteed "global buzz" spaces, enabling SMEs to capture key knowledge with the least input for constructing "social, organizational, cognitive proximity"; ③international sister-region relations build long-term global pipelines between the two regions, which lead to the generation of dynamic "buzz communities" geared to "tailor-made internationalization". This study highlights that international sister-region relations are important public platforms which play a key role in the construction of global pipelines among distant SMEs. The "global buzz-global pipeline" model of firm knowledge capture indeed provides a complementary conceptual account to the traditional local buzz-global pipeline model.

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    The research progress on the geography of Fintech industry
    Fenghua PAN, Yufan LIU
    2021, 30(4): 696-707.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2021.04.2020725
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    As a technology-driven financial innovation, Fintech(Financial technology) is profoundly changing the operation mode of financial services through deep integration of finance and information and communication technology. At present, Fintech has become a frontier and key field that various countries and regions attach great importance to. In the meantime, the rapid development of Fintech is also reshaping the global and local financial landscape. Therefore, the development of Fintech industry and its spatial distribution have attracted wide attention in academic and policy fields. This paper systematically summarizes the spatial distribution characteristics of Fintech industry at different scales, and sorts out the key driving factors that affect the development of Fintech industry. Generally speaking, on a global scale, Asia and North America are leading the development of Fintech, and the rise of Asian economies represented by China in Fintech field has a profound impact on the global financial landscape. In addition, the traditional international financial center is an important source for the development of Fintech, at the same time, the city of science and technology center is also a new cradle of Fintech, both of which jointy determine the geographical landscape of Fintech industry. What's more, Fintech industry shows a trend of cluster development within the city, which is usually clustered around existing large financial and technology enterprises or developed by relying on professional accelerators and incubators. The promotion of governments at various levels has further accelerated the formation of Fintech industry clusters. The level of economic and financial development, information and communication infrastructure, regulatory environment of Fintech and industrial policies supporting Fintech are key factors to affect the development of Fintech industry. Finally, from the perspective of regional development, this paper puts forward policy suggestions to promote the agglomeration of Fintech industry, and points out the future research direction.

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    Evolution and its mechanism of global trade network for electronic information manufacturing industry based on SNA
    Lei ZHAO, Suqiong WEI, Xiaojun YOU
    2021, 30(4): 708-720.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2021.04.2020218
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    Based on the trade data released by ITC in 2001, 2007, 2013 and 2018, the global trade network for electronic information manufacturing industry network was constructed, and evolution characteristics and influencing factors of the global trade network for electronic information manufacturing were studied by using social network analysis method.The main conclusions are as follows: (1) The trade volume of electronic information manufacturing industry increased significantly but the gross rate slowed down, and its trade area was highly concentrated and shifted to developing economies.There is no obvious trend of "multi-polarization".The trade relationship among network members is getting closer, the members in the front rank were basically stable but their overall status decline. The members of subgroups have changed, but no obvious factionalism phenomenon. There is an obvious "core + semi-periphery + periphery" structure in the network. Among them, the status of developed economies in the core and semi-periphery regions declined, while some economies in east and southeast Asia rose.Chinese mainland has occupied an important position in the network, but its central position still has much room for improvement, and a stable "circle of friends" has yet to be formed. (2) Gaps in Economic scale, technology, cultural, labor force, and land bordering have a significant positive impact on the global trade network for electronic information manufacturing industry, while geographical distance and the gap in LPI show a significant negative impact. The preference had only a small positive impact in 2018. And the institutional difference had no obvious effect. The results suggest that H-O Theory and the Technology Gap Theory have strong explanatory power to the characteristics of the global trade network for electronic information manufacturing industry, while the Demand Similarity Theory has limited explanatory power to the research results.

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    An analysis of the relationship between Myanmar's civil war and drug economy from the perspective of geopolitics
    Xiaoyan YAN, Youde WU, Honghua CAO
    2021, 30(4): 721-731.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2021.04.2020574
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    Myanmar is one of China's neighboring countries. Southwest China has faced with the bad geopolitical environment created by the Civil War and the transnational impact of the drug economy in Myanmar. Using text analysis, this article focuses on the civil war and the drug economy in Myanmar. Based on the analysis of the history and main causes of the long-term civil war, as well as the origin and development of the drug economy in Myanmar, the paper analyzes the relations between civil war and drug economy through the perspective of geopolitics. The research questions in the article are as follows: Why have drug economy spread in Myanmar under state of civil war? How does the drug economy influence the long-term civil war and hinder the end of the civil war in Myanmar? The study argues that civil war and drug economy in Myanmar are interacted. In other words, civil war results in and is attributed to opium poppy cultivation and drug economy in Myanmar, which reshapes the interests of the parties involved federal government and minority armies, making it difficult to resolve the civil war in Myanmar.

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    A study on the discernment of Central Asia and ASEAN region on China's geopolitical relations based on media events
    Zhongyin WEI, Shan SHEN, Guangyu JIA, Yue MA
    2021, 30(4): 732-743.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2021.04.2020841
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    Based on GDELT data, this paper used quantitative analysis through constructing the index system consists of tone index, conflict tone equilibrium degree, conflict event concentration degree, event time-dimension memory, to analyze the tone attitudes of Central Asian and ASEAN countries about Chinese event in 2013-2020. From the perspective of media events to identify anomalous time periods, tracking events and judge regional risks and revealing geo-relation.Conclusion includes: The tone of attitudes towards Chinese event in Central Asian and ASEAN countries is mainly cooperative, but frequently fluctuate in the tone of conflict in both regions over the same time period. The tone of the conflict in Central Asia is more uneven and the number of periods of high concentration of conflict events is shorter than in ASEAN, and the periods of anomalies measured by the balance of conflict relations between Central Asia and ASEAN are consistent with the results of the tone index. On a semi-monthly basis, conflict events that have already occurred in both regions have a positive impact on subsequent conflict events, and on a quarterly basis, Central Asia is more likely to have a positive impact, while ASEAN tends to have a negative impact. The main risks of Central Asia are public health, terrorist attacks and ethnic and religious issues, while the main risks of ASEAN are public health and wellness, territorial sovereignty infringement, offshore crime, border risks, air accidents, obstruction of cooperation projects, terrorist attacks, etc. It is recommended that China should strengthen the influence of media opinion guidance in Central Asia and ASEAN. China should attach importance to the phased preventive policy and adopt the strategy of active calm and prudent treatment in dealing with the risks, and optimize ethnic and religious policies in Central Asia. China should pay attention to the layout of long-term cooperation with ASEAN to prevent geopolitical risks and optimize geopolitical relations in the areas of legal supplementation, preventing violence and terrorism, fighting crime, and enhancing civilized behavior of citizens.

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    The rise of the Chinese navy and its impact on the East Asia security order
    Siqi DING, Xueyu WANG
    2021, 30(4): 744-756.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2021.04.2020600
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    As for the impact of China's rise on the security order of East Asia, most of the existing discussions focus on the impact of China's economic power on the security order of East Asia, and relatively ignore the impact of China's military power on the security order of East Asia. As an important part of the rise of China's military power, the rise of China's navy will have a profound impact on the security order in East Asia. The rise of the Chinese navy is mainly reflected in three aspects: the expansion of weapons and equipment scale, the improvement of weapons and equipment performance and the improvement of weapons and equipment system. The rise of the Chinese navy is the result of the combination of demand side and supply side. The demand side refers to the need to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity, protect overseas interests and maritime lines of communication, respond to U.S. hegemonic pressures, and learn lessons from history has shaped China's perceived need to develop a strong navy; the supply side refers to the improvement of China's comprehensive national strength and the Communist Party of China The strong political leadership of the Communist Party of China and the friendly and stable relations between China and Russia after the cold war provide a good internal and external environment for China to develop a strong navy. The impact of the rise of the Chinese navy on East Asian security has been concentrated in six areas.The rise of the Chinese navy will bring about the unity of land and sea in the geographical pattern of East Asia, may lead to the loosening or even disintegration of the United States East Asia alliance system, may intensify the development of regional armaments, may increase the risk of regional conflicts, and will enhance China's ability to provide regional security public goods. From the perspective of China, there are both opportunities and challenges,and the opportunities outweigh the challenges..

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    The power of culture: Does cultural diversity of trading partners affect the growth of China's export trade?
    Yonggui WEI
    2021, 30(4): 757-768.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2021.04.2020872
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    Cultural diversity is a common and important attribute of a country, which may have an impact on the supply and demand market of the country and further affect the import and export trade. Using the data of goods export trade and cultural diversity of 156 trading partners in 1998-2017,the study explored impact of cultural diversity of trading partners on China's export trade.Results show: cultural diversity of trade partners has an obvious inhibitory effect on China's export trade. After a series of robustness tests, this conclusion still exists. In addition, in the mechanism test, it is found that influence of cultural diversity of trading partners on China's export trade is responded by the mediating role of political system efficiency of trading partners. Specifically, the mediating effects of religious belief diversity, ethnic diversity and language diversity of trading partners on China's export trade through political system efficiency account for 32.14%,11.03% and19.11% of the total effect. Therefore, China should attach importance to the power of culture, and speed up civilization exchanges and mutual learning with other countries. In addition, China should strengthen bilateral institutional cooperation in trade, and strengthen the risk awareness of international economic cooperation.

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    Route characteristics, cargo types and source organization of international freight trains in western China
    Yanjie MU, Yongchun YANG
    2021, 30(4): 769-780.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2021.04.2020429
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    The opening of China Railway Express provides a new channel choice for commodity trade in inland areas, and the source of goods is the basis for the operation of the railway. The article builds the visual map and directed network graph based on the route of the starting cities of China Railway Express in western China and the information of cargo type to explore the line characteristics, cargo types and source organization characteristics of the train operation. The research shows the opening of international freight trains in the western China has expanded rapidly in recent years and the types of goods transported have become more abundant. Moreover, there is a certain connection and regularity among the China Railway Express, the types of transport products, the passing capacity of the customs clearance ports, and overseas terminal. Traditional heavy industry/resource-based industrial bases and industrial transfers, the organization of central cities and transportation hubs in the west, the similarity of ethnic cultures and trade complementarities in foreign cities, and the support of local governments have provided guarantees for the source organization of China Railway Express. Finally, the article proposes that we should rational plan the train routes and ports, organize new sources of goods, and strengthen the policy support for the characteristic and advantageous industries in the western region. This will further enhance the operational development and efficiency of China Railway Express in western China.

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    The formation mechanism of investment paradox countries along the Belt and Road
    Shufang WANG, Yuxin YAN, Na YU
    2021, 30(4): 781-791.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2021.04.2020110
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    Investment and trade cooperation are the focus of the Belt and Road construction. Investors generally choose countries or regions with low risk and high return potential for high investment. However, China's investment in the countries along the Belt and Road has the paradox of high risk and high investment. This paper selects countries along the Belt and Road from 2013 to 2018 with high OFDI and high investment risks, analyzes the spatio-temporal characteristics of these countries, and explores the formation mechanism of investment paradox. The research finds that: (1) From the spatial perspective, most of the investment paradox countries are China's neighbors. From the spatial trend of the Belt and Road, there are more countries along the Maritime Silk Road. Southeast Asia is the region with the most concentrated distribution of investment paradox countries from the perspective of distribution density. (2) From the perspective of time, high-risk and high-investment phenomena persist, and 13 countries have more than two investment paradoxes in six years. According to the frequency of paradoxes, this paper classifies the countries along the Belt and Road into high-frequency countries, intermediate-frequency countries, and low-frequency countries. (3) In term of formation mechanism, five factors such as geographical location, energy resources, geopolitics, geopolitics and human society play important role on investment paradox.

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    Study on the green trade cooperation and competition pattern of the "Belt and Road"
    Yuyan YAO, Yifei ZHANG, Ziyang JIN, Ye JIANG
    2021, 30(4): 792-801.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2021.04.2020179
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    The green trade is a important task for the construction of the "Green Belt and Road".This article studies 54 kinds of emvironment products trade data during 2005-2017 of China and the 64 countries along the B&R in APEC List of Environmental Goods,aiming to study the competition and cooperation relationship of environmental products trade through quantitatively analysing environment products trade status by using the intra-industry trade index and marginal intra-industry trade index.In the end,giving some suggestions about how to raise the overall level of intra-region green trade by analyzing the previous pattern and improving the future layout based on the existing pattern.The study found that the B&R green trade generally maintained a growing trend,while the development level,spatial distribution and import and export is disparate;The imports are concentrated in southeast Asia,while the exports are mainly from Southeast Asia,followed by Central and Eastern Europe,South Asia and West Asia;The import product structure is relatively concentrated,while the export product structure is relatively equal;The integral characteristic of green trade between China and these countries along the "Belt and Road" is the coexistence of inter-industry trade and intra-industry trade,which is dominated by inter-industry trade and supplemented by intra-industry trade;Currently,China has the highest degree of intra-industry trade with Cambodia and Estonia,but still has a high level of inter-industry trade with most other countries,so the number of cooperative countries and the number of cooperative industrial projects are very a lot;In addition,since the"Belt and Road" Initiative was put forward in 2013,the growth of green trade mainly relies on intra-industry trade.It is suggested to carry out dislocation cooperation in southeast Asia and overall cooperation in other regions.In a word,building a green industry network within the area of the B&R and improve intra-industry trade level of green products.At the same time,strengthening the formulation of rules and standards, which is aimed at promoting the release of a list of environmental products within the scope of "the Belt and Road" as soon as possible and the construction of long-term and sticky market cooperation mechanism.

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    From Rust Belt to world-class competitive cluster: Transformation and high-quality development of resource-based economy
    Lu ZHAO, Lina LV
    2021, 30(4): 802-812.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2021.04.2020534
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    The transformation of resource-based economy is an important constraint and key breakthrough for high-quality economic development and coordinated regional development. And advanced manufacturing clusters have become the regional foundation to enhance global competitiveness and innovation ability. Regional development is also the process of developing path creation and evolution. This paper mainly reviewed the process of Rust Belt renaissance and competitiveness cluster development of Dresden region in Germany and Akron region in the United States, and summarized the experience and enlightenment of resource-based economy transformation. It is found that both of Dresden and Akron region have been continuously focusing on one or two well-defined technological innovations to establish the magnetic poles of regional transformation and development. Local buzzer and global network as well as the interactions between them are the leading forces of transformation and development. The network organization is the mode of innovation organization in the two regions which is with the main characteristics of diversification of subjects, transboundary of fields, flattening of structure and opening of organization. With the improvement of the development level of regional cluster, the spatial organization form of collaborative innovation gradually gives consideration both to the regional spatial agglomeration and multi-dimensional spatial collaboration. Networked collaborative organizations play an important role as "networkers" in promoting the building and developing of local technology innovation networks, cross-regional collaboration networks and global-local interaction networks. It is suggested that China's resource-based region design the full path of the regional economic transformation and cluster development oriented to national innovation driven development strategy and the current advanced manufacturing clusters strategy, and the path should be based on local embeddedness and regard fostering competitiveness cluster as the guidance. The region should focus on one or two scientific and technological innovation to promote regional innovation network, and accelerate the establishment of networked collaborative organization to promote local technological innovation network, global collaborative innovation networks and global-local interaction network.

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    Land use/land cover change along low-middle latitude coastal areas of Eurasia and their driving forces from 2000 to 2010
    Wan HOU, Xiyong HOU, Min SUN, Baiyuan SONG
    2021, 30(4): 813-825.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2021.04.2019549
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    Land use/land cover change is an important issue in the study of global change, and the coastal area is a hot spot region in this field. In this paper, three land use/land cover datasets (MCD12Q1, CCI-LC and GlobeLand30) were used as the research object and a fusion method based on agreement analysis and fuzzy-set theory was adopted to obtain the classification information of land use/land cover along low-middle latitude coastal areas of Eurasia in 2000 and 2010. Then, the variation characteristics and driving factors of land use/land cover were analyzed. Main findings are as follows: land use/land cover change along low-middle latitude coastal areas of Eurasia from 2000 to 2010 was shown that, cropland shrinkage and forest expansion ranked top one, followed by wetland expansion, next were grassland and bare land shrinkage, and lastly shrubland and artificial surfaces expansion. The area of interconversion between land use/land cover types was small, accounting for only 4.22% of the total area of the study area; thereinto, the dominant variation types were the interconversion of cropland, forest and grassland, the interconversion of shrubland and bare land, forest that turned into wetland and forest that turned into shrubland. The regional characteristics of land use/land cover change in various subregions along low-middle latitude coastal areas of Eurasia were different from each other, and the reasons were mainly related to the vegetation types, soil properties, topography, climatic conditions, social conditions and economic levels of each subregion. Although natural driving forces such as terrain, climate, and so on profoundly affected the macro pattern of land use/land cover change, humanistic driving forces such as population growth, economy development, and policy implementation were the direct causes of land use/land cover change along low-middle latitude coastal areas of Eurasia from 2000 to 2010. Overall, this paper fills the gap in the study of land use/land cover change along low-middle latitude coastal areas of Eurasia, and provides information and suggestions for scientific research on man-earth relationship, land resource management, ecological environmental protection and coordinated economic development along low-middle latitude coastal areas of Eurasia.

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    Response of ecosystem services to landscape pattern changes in the New York Bay Area from 1996 to 2015
    Jun CAO, Zhengdong ZHANG, fengyan CUI, Sonja CHEN, Yang YANG, Tengfei KUANG, Yuchan CHEN
    2021, 30(4): 826-838.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2021.04.2020124
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    The response of ecosystem service values to the evolution of landscape pattern has become a hot topic in the fields of geography and ecology. Based on the digital elevation data and land cover data in the New York Bay Area from 1996 to 2015, this paper analyzed the temporal and spatial evolution law of the bay area landscape pattern from 1996 to 2015, quantitatively evaluated the ecosystem service value of the bay area, and discussed the response of ecosystem service values to landscape pattern change by using the methods of ecosystem service value equivalent estimation, landscape pattern index and spatial autocorrelation analysis.The results show that: ① The landscape of the New York Bay area is dominated by forest and construction, and its overall change is relatively weak. The wetland area decreased by approximately 10.94% in 20 years, and the construction land increased by approximately 25.91%.② From 1996 to 2015, the ESV in the New York Bay area decreased gradually, with a total decrease of 5.783 billion yuan in 20 years, and a rapid decrease of about 1.69% between 2000 and 2005.③ The spatial heterogeneity of ESV in the Bay Area is strong, and the land-use transfer corresponding to the increase and decrease of ESV in different regions varies. The hotspots in the southern part of the Bay Area tend to increase in wetlands, while the northern part is dominated by waters and grasslands. The cold spot areas in the west of the Bay Area are mostly wetland to forest, while the central cold spot areas are dominated by increased construction.④ Except for the construction land, the less human intervention, the higher landscape integration and aggregation, the more conducive to enhance the overall ecosystem service value of the bay area.⑤ The spatial correlation between ESV intensity and land use (LA) is weak, and the eco-environmental quality of New York Bay area is declining year by year. The results of the study are expected to be of reference to the study of improving the utilization of environmental resources in the world-class Greater Bay Area.

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    Landscape pattern changes and ecological risk in the Padam River Basin under the background of the "Belt and Road" Initiative
    Qifa YUE, Xiaoqing ZHAO, Sinan LI, Kun TAN, Junwei PU, Qian WANG
    2021, 30(4): 839-850.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2021.04.2020082
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    This paper took the Padam River Basin in Bangladesh as the research object, constructing the landscape ecological risk assessment model based on landscape pattern index. Autocorrelation analysis, geo-statistical analysis and center of gravity transfer model were used to study the landscape change and the temporal and spatial characteristics of the basin based on 5 remote sensing images from 1980 to 2017.The results show that: (1)From 1980 to 2017,forest land and cultivated land are Main landscape types in the basin. There were clear changes in the landscape types, in which the areas of cultivated land and wet land decline substantially, and the forest land, building land, unused land increase; (2) During the period of 1980-2017, the overall ecological risk declines continuously and various types of risks transform significantly. Except for the reduction in the area of low-risk areas, the remaining risk areas increased to varying degrees. The ecological risk gravity center in each period of the basin in located in Sirajganj District, mainly transfers along the north-south direction; (3) The global Moran's index of each period indicates the ecological risk in the study area showing positive spatial correlation characteristics. The HH accumulation is basically stable, which mainly distributes on the Padam River and its coasts. The low value aggregation region changes significantly, and it finallygathers in the west and south of the basin. The result of study could provide a scientific theoretical basis and reliable technical support for constructing regional ecological security patterns and establishing the early warning mechanism.

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    Temporal-spatial pattern of regional population expansion in Africa in 1990-2015
    Daliang JIANG, Hang REN, Binglin LIU, Shengnan JIANG, Zhenke ZHANG
    2021, 30(4): 851-863.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2021.04.2020116
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    Basing on the spatial population data during 1996-2015, we applied both the single indicators, including total population and labor, and the integrated indicator including not only total population and labor but also natality, mortality, youth and aging, to analyze the changes of population expansion units in number and spatial distribution, and compared the differences in the measurement indicators. The research showed that:1)The total population expansion areas have a large proportion, however, the degree of expansion is dropping off; The distribution of total population expansion areas in Africa shows that the North and the South are weaker than the middle part; There are the significant reduction in East Africa.2)In comparison with The total population expansion areas, the labor expansion areas are more obvious, which are totally different in North Africa and South Africa;3)The areas ,in which labor growth rate higher than total population growth rate, have a large proportion than that is not. The former have a sharp distinctness in North-West Africa and Guinea Bay Coast; The latter are distributed in Central, East and West Africa;4)The integrated indicator was more effective in evaluating the comprehensive status of population development. Severe expansion areas have higher proportion, and Moderate expansion areas expand rapidly. Mild expansion areas shrink volatility during 1996-2015.5) The results based the integrated indicator are similar partly to that of the single indicators. The integrated indicator has some advantages in comprehensiveness and foresight.

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    The spatio-temporal analysis on the evolution of urban space in Iran based on remote sensing images from ESA
    Chen LU, Junhua CHEN, Mengru REN
    2021, 30(4): 864-872.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2021.04.2020048
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    Iran is an important node country in Belt and Road Initiative, city is the carrier of a country's economic development.Therefore, the spatiotemporal analysis on the distribution of urban built-up areas in Iran can provide information for the future cooperation between China and Iran. Based on the image data of Iran from 2000 to 2015, this paper analyzes the evolution of urban space using mathematical statistical analysis, including standard deviation ellipse and kernel density estimation. The results show that: 1) Iran's urban space expansion has increased year by year, and the predicament of economic development doesn't make great effect on the speed of urban expansion. 2) 49.35% of Western Iran is distributed with 81.62% of the urban space. The urban density of Iran shows a cluster-irregular axis distribution like "crab claw", which presents the spatial distribution pattern of "one area, upper line, middle line and lower line". 3) The focus of urban space distribution in Iran moves to the Northwest in the overall direction, but the urban change in the northeast direction has a greater impact on its specific shape. 4) There is a regional imbalance in the urban space distribution in Iran, but it gradually alleviates with time.

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    The teaching model of world geography ideological and political course serving the "Belt and Road"
    Chengliang LIU, Debin DU, Yuan LI
    2021, 30(4): 873-881.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2021.04.2021093
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    Carrying out the ideological and political reform of the curriculum is an important way to realize the fundamental task of moral education and people cultivation. With the deepening of ideological and political reform of curriculum, Teachers integrate ideological and political elements into professional courses. During this process, The traditional teaching model has a mismatch phenomenon in some teaching links, can not adapt well to reform requirements. There is an urgent need for a new teaching model to meet the requirements of curriculum ideological and political reform. World Geography is a core course of geography, The multiple backgrounds of the great change unseen in a century, the "Belt and Road" initiative, and ideological and political curriculum reforms provide new opportunities for the teaching of world geography, at the same time gave a new mission. For this purpose, a variety of advanced teaching models at China and abroad are integrated, and then, Constructed a new model of ideological and political course of world geography that serves the "Belt and Road" initiative. First of all, the teaching purpose is to serve the construction of the "Belt and Road". Secondly, put forward the teaching concept of combining teaching with scientific research and combining theory with practice. Thirdly, the teaching goal is to improve knowledge, ability and values. Finaly, establish a theoretical curriculum system, integrate multiple teaching resources, innovate teaching content with time, and integrate multiple teaching methods. With a view to cultivate outstanding talents with "global vision, national feeling and professional quality", and provide intellectual guarantee for serving the " Belt and Road" initiative.

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    Research on the design of political geography course: Comparison of Chinese and foreign mainstream textbooks and syllabuses
    Fenglong WANG, Yungang LIU
    2021, 30(4): 882-892.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2021.04.2021299
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    There are growing demands on the theories and approaches of political geography facing the reconstruction of world order and optimization of domestic governance in current era. However, the development of Chinese political geography is lagged behind as the progress in political geographical theories has not been incorporated in the mainstream Chinese textbooks and limited consensus has been reached on the contents of political geography courses. This article attempts to propose a syllabus of political geography based on summary and comparison of Chinese and foreign mainstream textbooks and syllabuses. Our syllabus is centered on the interactions between politics or power and geography or space and organized according different scales. Specifically, we suggest 17 lectures in 5 sections: the overview of political geography as a sub-discipline of human geography; the key concept such as power, state, territory and scale; political geographical theories at inter-national scale; political geographical theories at sub-national scale; application of political geographical theories and approaches. Our syllabus includes some frontier academic achievement on thoughts and methodology of political geography and emerging topics such as political ecology, international migration, gentrification and the "Belt & Road" Initiative. This article may be helpful for the compilation of political geography textbooks and course design for Chinese undergraduate and graduate students.

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