World Regional Studies ›› 2023, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (6): 39-50.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2023.06.20220078
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Kaichen CAO1(), Wei HU2(
), Yuejing GE3, Ningning FU3, Zhiding HU4, Cansong LI5, Shuai YE6, Yuan HU7
Wei HU
曹开臣1(), 胡伟2(
), 葛岳静3, 富宁宁3, 胡志丁4, 李灿松5, 叶帅6, 胡渊7
Kaichen CAO, Wei HU, Yuejing GE, Ningning FU, Zhiding HU, Cansong LI, Shuai YE, Yuan HU. Geo-setting along the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road and its impact on China[J]. World Regional Studies, 2023, 32(6): 39-50.
曹开臣, 胡伟, 葛岳静, 富宁宁, 胡志丁, 李灿松, 叶帅, 胡渊. “21世纪海上丝绸之路”沿线地缘环境及其对中国的影响[J]. 世界地理研究, 2023, 32(6): 39-50.
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